Projekt Druckansicht

The Evolution of larval and adult features in Diptera (Insecta).

Fachliche Zuordnung Paläontologie
Förderung Förderung von 2010 bis 2014
Projektkennung Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Projektnummer 164998788
Diptera are an extremely species rich group (ca. 150.000 spp.). The larvae are highly diverse. Many of them play an important role as scavengers of carrion and excrements, or are parasites of pest insects. As vectors of numerous diseases adults have unparalleled negative impacts on human health (e.g., Malaria [Anopheles]). Head structures play a major role in this context. They are comparatively well studied in Culicidae. However, the knowledge of adult and larval anatomy in general is very fragmentary. The understanding of cmcial evolutionary events is impeded by a severe lack ofdata. Therefore the first step will be a documentation of morphological data using innovative techniques (including amber fossils) (1). An extensive morphological character set will be compiled (adults and larvae) (2). The phylogenetic evaluation will also include molecular data (Flytree project [NSF]) (3). An evolutionary scenario will be developed, with emphasis on the adult head and feeding apparatus and larval features and habits (4). Groundplans (Diptera and Brachycera) will be reconstmcted. The position of Diptera will be re-assessed using data from Phylogeny and Evolution of Endopterygota \ A subproject is a documentation of the morphology of Drosophila with innovative techniques. The co-ordinated effort of teams will lead to an intensive exchange and a strong synergy effect. Shared expertise, data and material will guarantee maximum efficiency, and also lead to future cooperations.
DFG-Verfahren Sachbeihilfen
Internationaler Bezug USA
Beteiligte Person Professor Dr. Gregory Courtney


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