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FOR 1650:  Dislocation Based Plasticity

Subject Area Materials Science and Engineering
Term from 2011 to 2021
Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 189971049
The aim of our Research Unit is to develop physically-based simulation methods for the prediction of deformation processes in metallic materials on the micro- and sub-microscale. The modelling is based on well-defined averaging processes, which are able to preserve many important information from the scale of line-like crystal defects (discrete dislocations) and to transport them to the scale of a continuous field theory: our "Continuum Dislocation Dynamics" (CDD) theory. CDD is able to represent the flux, the orientation and change of orientation of curved dislocations by means of an extended dislocation density tensor.
The advantage of this approach if compared to discrete methods, as e.g. atomistic simulations or discrete dislocation dynamic simulations, is the computational efficiency (the number of degrees of freedom of a dislocation density based continuum model do not depend on the number of dislocations); the advantage if compared to classical continuum models is the large amount of additionally available physical information. Since many details of real dislocation microstructure are readily available in CDD, we can verify our model and identify statistical parameter by comparing to discrete dislocation dynamic simulations and experiments.
Our approach becomes possible through interdisciplinary cooperation of scientific research units from continuum mechanics, theoretical and experimental materials science, numerical maths as well as from statistical physics.
DFG Programme Research Units



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