Projekt Druckansicht

Control of the molecular orientation and of electronic interface properties of polar phthalocyanines in thin films by interface engineering and external fields

Fachliche Zuordnung Physikalische Chemie von Festkörpern und Oberflächen, Materialcharakterisierung
Förderung Förderung von 2011 bis 2014
Projektkennung Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Projektnummer 199974937
The central goal of the project is the control of electronic interface properties as well of the orientation and ordering of polar phthalocyanines in thin films. A further, more general aim of this project is to achieve an improved understanding of the nature of self-organization phenomena in films of polar phthalocyanines. For this purpose, two approaches are mainly tracked. First, at interfaces the chemical reactivity is varied with the aim to attach phthalocyanine molecules by specific local bonding. Second, the orientation and ordering is affected during the growth and post-growth by external electrical and magnetic fields. Polar phthalocyanines are of particular importance due to their chemical reactivity and due to the excellent opportunity to alter growth conditions by external factors, such as electric fields.We choose specially synthesized molecules of the class of phthalocyanines to study correlations between molecular properties such as dipole moments or reactivity and their growth and electronic properties. Our studies will be carried out using complementary spectroscopic techniques (electron and x-ray spectroscopy, optical spectroscopy as well as microscopy) that shall yield wide and detailed experimental information on these physical properties.
DFG-Verfahren Sachbeihilfen
Internationaler Bezug Russische Föderation


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