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Discrete-Valued Sparse Signals: Theory, Algorithms, and Applications

Subject Area Electronic Semiconductors, Components and Circuits, Integrated Systems, Sensor Technology, Theoretical Electrical Engineering
Term from 2014 to 2018
Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 257184199
Over the last decade, compressed sensing (CS) has gained enormous attention, both from a theoretical point of view and from its various applications. The key point in compressed sensing is to solve underdetermined systems of linear equations under the assumption that the unknown vector is sparse, i.e., a signal where only a few non-zero components are present. It is very attractive to use ideas and tools developed in compressed sensing in digital communications. Exemplary scenarios are transmitter-side signal optimization (e.g., peak-to-average power ratio reduction), multiple-access schemes with small duty cycles, source coding schemes, and radar applications. However, in these scenarios the vector/the signal to be recovered (from noisy measurements) may not only be sparse, but it is beneficial that its elements are taken from a discrete set. Hence, discrete sparse signals are extremely relevant in digital communication systems and signal processing. Unfortunately, such signals and the respective recovery algorithms are not yet studied adequately---if at all---in the literature. Consequently, this proposal addresses the application of compressed sensing methodology to the analysis of discrete-valued sparse signals. Effort has to be spent to fundamentally understand the problem from the mathematical side. To this end, we aim to develop a comprehensive theory for the recovery of discrete sparse signals, both from a geometric viewpoint and by adopting analytical results and tools. Moreover, we devise tailored recovery algorithms, thereby interpreting discrete compressed sensing as a link between classical compressed sensing and a multiple-input/multiple-output decoding task. Finally, the application of discrete sparse signals in communications, sensor networks, and for the identification of channel operators will be addressed.
DFG Programme Research Grants

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