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The Oeuvre of Sacred Lyrics by the Baroque Poet Johann Rist (1607-1667), and his Cooperation with Composers Christian Flor (1626-1697), Andreas Hammerschmidt (1611-1675), and Michael Jacobi (1618-1663): A Critical and Annotated Hybrid-Edition of Two Collections of Sacred Hymns.

Subject Area German Literary and Cultural Studies (Modern German Literature)
Term from 2016 to 2019
Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 283645781
The exceptionally productive writer and pastor Johann Rist (1607-1667) of Wedel is, with Martin Opitz, Andreas Gryphius, Simon Dach, and others, one of the most significant sacred poets of the Baroque age. His significance is due to his lively communication between various circles of baroque poets' societies and his exchanges with the most prominent writers and scholars of his day. Moreover, no other baroque poet of the German language has ever published the kind of comprehensive and multifaceted Oeuvre of sacred lyrics as has Rist. Thanks to a generous three-year financial commitment from the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Northern Germany and a nine month extension of funding through the Federal Republic of Germany's Ministry of Culture, three larger collections of Rist's sacred hymns with their musical accompaniment (from Johann Schop, Heinrich Scheidemann, Martin Coler, and many other musicians composing in northern Germany) have been critically edited since 2010. Three volumes are complete (Himmlische Lieder, 2012, and Neue Himmlische Lieder, 2013 Passions-Andachten, 2015), and another (Musikalisches Seelenparadis [...] Alten Testaments) is ready to be printed. Furthermore, a bibliography of the complete works of Rist's sacred lyrics has been published.The scope of this future project is to offer, in two new volumes, a critical and thoroughly annotated hybrid-edition of the highly influential texts and music by Rist and his composers. The interdisciplinary approach used fruitfully on the previous edition will, with this new edition, provide a wealth of knowledge for those studying early modern literature, music, and piety. Furthermore, it will give insights into the development of networks within the baroque societas literaria. The new edition plans to include the 'Neue Musikalische Katechismus Andachten' (1656), the 'Neues Musikalisches Seelenparadies (...) Neuen Testaments' (1662). The edition will be made available in a printed version and then be published in an electronic version for open access. The latter will provide the user with additional resources (for example, electronic links to original sources and reference works within the project, and include imbedded artwork and facsimiles) and search capabilities (see below, Section 2.2). The editorial work, in the narrow sense, will be carried out in Hamburg, while the Herzog August Bibliothek, Wolfenbüttel - in close cooperation with the editors in Hamburg - will develop the digital edition. The library in Wolfenbüttel will also see to the electronic publication and the long-term digital storage.
DFG Programme Research Grants
Ehemaliger Antragsteller Professor Dr. Helwig Schmidt-Glintzer, until 8/2016

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Textvergrößerung und Kontrastanpassung