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Transformative processes in the RefugeCity. Deeper explorations of urban living conditions, place-making and appropriation practices of refugees

Subject Area Urbanism, Spatial Planning, Transportation and Infrastructure Planning, Landscape Planning
Education Systems and Educational Institutions
Term from 2016 to 2020
Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 315268774
The followup project aims at theorizing the heuristic constuct of RefugeCity. Based on a spatial theoretical perspective arrival spaces of refugees will be investigated under a threefold research question: What kind offunctional and governance transformations can be observed in cities due to the arrival of refugees? How do life conditions of refugees develop in existing or newly created structures and processes in the urban society? How can refugees adapt and cope with their urban arrival spaces? RefugeCity focusses as research program on effects of multilateral interdependencies of processes related to flight on the social, economic, cultural and politcal urban arrival context.
DFG Programme Research Grants

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