Projekt Druckansicht

Material World Network: Theoretical, Computational and Experimental Studies of 3D Microstructural Evolution in Ultra-high Volume Fraction Coarsening System

Fachliche Zuordnung Herstellung und Eigenschaften von Funktionsmaterialien
Förderung Förderung von 2007 bis 2011
Projektkennung Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Projektnummer 43495629
A three-year research project is proposed to conduct theoretical, computational and experimental studies of three-dimensional phase coarsening in ultra-high-volume-fraction (V V 0.9 ) solid-liquid mixtures. The primary goals of this project are (1) to measure the three-dimensional microstructural evolution of two-phase systems in situ using timeresolved x-ray microtomography, thus revealing simultaneously the globally averaged kinetics of coarsening and the local migration of internal interfaces; (2) to conduct largescale phase-field simulations of 3-D phase coarsening at ultra-high V V , obtaining predictions regarding the global and local characteristics of the transformation; (3) to develop a new theory for phase-coarsening at ultra-high V V , thus filling the gap between the Lifshitz/ Slyozov/Wagner theory, which is valid at low V V , and theories for grain growth (V V 1.0 ); and (4) to test and improve the theory by comparing its predictions quantitatively to the results of simulation and experiment. The project is a collaborative effort between scientists in the USA, who will pursue the theoretical and computational aspects, and Germany, where the sample preparation and characterization via tomography will be carried out.
DFG-Verfahren Sachbeihilfen
Internationaler Bezug USA


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