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Scientific coordination, synthesis, site and data management

Subject Area Forestry
Ecology of Land Use
Term since 2022
Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 459717468
Experience from large integrated projects shows that they can only be successful if central tasks and responsibilities are taken over by a dedicated subproject that coordinates the whole RU, specifically in terms of field campaigns, protocols, data curation, analyses frameworks, syntheses, as well as dissemination of results. These activities are indispensable for the provision of infrastructure for everyone working in long-term experiments, enable the sustainable use of experimental plots and are the prerequisite for synthesis papers. Therefore, the subproject SPZ has six main coordinating objectives: First, the organization of coordinated sampling campaigns across locations, including the temporal coordination of joint collection of data at the patches across different SPs. This includes the arrangements with the landowners and the organization of local contractors to support the measurements on the widely distributed districts across Germany. Second, the collection and provisioning of central data on tree cover, including dead and alive trees for all patches. Third, the provisioning of important abiotic background soil and climate data to all other subprojects. Fourth, the organization of data storage and curation for the whole RU, including the provision of a central database, training of RU members in the use of data protocols and making the data publicly available. Fifth, the development and application of a new statistical framework for β-diversity and β- and γ-multifunctionality together with our PIs and collaborators. The framework will be first tested with simulated data and then be applied to the data from the whole RU to test the seven main hypotheses described in the Coordination project. Sixth, the results relevant for forest management will be compiled and disseminated to forest and biodiversity management.
DFG Programme Research Units

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