University of Texas at Austin
Department of Integrative Biology
2415 Speedway
Austin TX 78712
Austin TX 78712
Research Fellowships
Completed projects
Effect of the social environment on the expression of mating preferences in livebearing fishes (Poeciliidae)
Plath, Martin
Genetische Populationsstruktur beim Tùngarafrosch Physalaemus pustulosus: verhaltensökologische Ursachen der genetischen Musterbildung
Lampert, Kathrin
Genetische und Verhaltens-Variationen bei Túngara-Fröschen
Pröhl, Heike
Research Grants
Completed projects
Plastid phylogenomics of water lilies, with a focus on partitioning strategies and the development of bioinformatic tools
Gruenstaeudl, Ph.D., Michael
Priority Programmes
Completed projects
Resolving intricate taxonomies by using type material, Hyb-Seq and geometric morphometrics. – A proof-of-concept from the nasty Xanthium L.
Tomasello, Salvatore