Stanford University
Stanford Medical School
Department of Pathology
300 Pasteur Drive
Stanford CA 94305
Stanford CA 94305
Research Fellowships
Completed projects
A strategy for the selective imaging and inhibition of MT1-MMP to assess its functional roles in breast cancer invasion and metastasis
Tholen, Martina
Bedeutung der Interaktion von G-Protein gekoppelten Rezeptoren und dem Fcepsilon-Rezeptor I für die Feinregulation der Mastzellaktivierung und darüber hinaus für die Entstehung und das Fortschreiten entzündlicher Prozesse in der Haut untersucht werden.
Schäfer, Beatrix
Characterization of the hierarchical organisation of MLL leukemias and pharmacological targeting of key signalling pathways and epigenetic enzymes in human MLL leukemia stem cells.
Duque-Afonso, Jesús
Development of small molecule selenium-based inhibitors as anti-toxin agents for the treatment of Clostrodium difficile infection (CDI)
Loscher, Sebastian
Engineered Chromosomal Copy Number Variations in Human Stem Cells to Model Psychiatric Disorders
Haag, Daniel
Generation of bicyclic peptides as activity-based probes for Mycobacterium tuberculosis proteases by phage display and application in in vivo imaging
Lentz, Christian Stephan
Mechanisms of genomic imprinting in Prader-Willi/Angelman syndrome and Myoclonus-dystonia
Schüle, Birgitt
The impact of the transcription factor c-Jun on bone mass via the regulation of osteoprogenitor cells
Lerbs, Tristan
WBP Fellowship
Completed projects
Functional profiling of microbial proteases that modulate host-bacterial interactions in the gut
Lakemeyer, Markus
Who is to blame? Investigating Genes within the 22q11.2 Deletion Region as potential Risk Factors for Parkinson's Disease using Human iPS Cells and CRISPR Perturbation
Heinrich, Ph.D., Laurin