University of Edinburgh
School of Biological Sciences
Mayfield Road
Edinburgh EH9 3JR
Edinburgh EH9 3JR
Research Grants
Completed projects
Application of genomics to dissect Polycomb-group protein mediated control of plant development (PcG-code)
Schoof, Heiko
Schubert, Daniel
Turck, Franziska
Nuclear organization of centromeres
Heun, Patrick
Research Fellowships
Completed projects
Charakterisierung von Zielgenen und Interaktionen zweier partiell reduntanter Arabidopsis thaliana Polycomb-Gruppen-Proteine
Schubert, Daniel
Genomic analysis of inbreeding depression in the wild.
Stoffel, Martin
Terminal deficiency associated PEV (TDA-PEV) modifier genes and their implication in chromosome and nuclear organization in D. melanogaster
Heun, Patrick
Infrastructure Priority Programmes
Current projects
SOPHY – Improved model parameterizations for Southern Ocean phytoplankton using laboratory data
Seifert, Miriam