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Universität Bayreuth
Fakultät für Ingenieurwissenschaften
Lehrstuhl für Chemische Verfahrenstechnik
95440 Bayreuth
This institution in GERiT
95440 Bayreuth
Research Grants
Current projects
Operando monitoring of Supported Ionic Liquid Phase (SILP) catalysts by microwave-based methods exemplarily investigated for the water gas shift reaction
Jess, Andreas
Moos, Ralf
Surface-Active Ionic Liquids as Epoxidation Catalysts: Reaction Control via Stimuli-Responsive Phase Change
Cokoja, Mirza
Jess, Andreas
Completed projects
Accumulation of liquid hydrocarbons during Fischer-Tropsch fixed-bed synthesis and process optimization based on periodical pore filling and pore draining
Jess, Andreas
Adsorptive gas dehydration with supported ionic liquids
Jess, Andreas
A novel method to determine the adsorption of water vapor on porous solids and supported ionic liquids by electrical sensors
Jess, Andreas
Moos, Ralf
Combined use of NMR and methods of chemical engineering for analyser of reactive gas-solid systems
Blümich, Bernhard
Determination of kinetic data and improvement of heterogeneous catalyzed gas/liquid-reactions - investigations with model reactions from refinery and petrochemical processes
Jess, Andreas
Direkte Bestimmung von Koks- und Schwefeldepositen auf festen Katalysatoren durch elektrische Sensoren
Jess, Andreas
Moos, Ralf
Influence of N- and O-containing heteroatoms on the continuous desulfurization of heavy oils and liquid fuels using catalytic oxidation of organic compounds with aqueous polyoxometalate solutions
Albert, Jakob
Jess, Andreas
Oszillatorische Bewegung der Flüssigkeit in Katalysatorporen in mehrphasigen Reaktionen: Untersuchungen mit NMR-Methoden und Methoden der chemischen Reaktionstechnik
Jess, Andreas
Stapf, Siegfried
Reaktionskinetische und reaktionstechnische Untersuchungen zur Alkylierung von C4-Kohlenwasserstoffen unter Verwendung ionischer Flüssigkeiten als Katalysatoren
Jess, Andreas
Structure and kinetics of iron-catalysts in the initial phase of the Fischer-Tropsch synthesis: Combination of Operando-XRD and studies in a fixed-bed reactor
Jess, Andreas
Untersuchungen zur Reaktionskinetik und Reaktionstechnik der Erzeugung von Olefinen durch oxidative katalytische Dehydrierung von Paraffinen
Jess, Andreas
Major Research Instrumentation
Completed projects
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