Stanford University
School of Medicine
Department of Molecular and Cellular Physiology
279 Campus Drive
Stanford CA 94305
Stanford CA 94305
Research Fellowships
Completed projects
Genetically directed synapse formation and synapse analysis in brain
Maxeiner, Stephan
Investigating the stoichiometry and gating of DEG/ENaC channels with structural-functional studies
Fechner, Sylvia
Collaborative Research Centres
Completed projects
Funktion der Neurexine in der Morphogenese des Nervensystems
(Project Head
Südhof, Thomas Christian
Mechanismen des Synaptischen Targetings
(Project Head
Südhof, Thomas Christian
WBP Fellowship
Current projects
Elucidating the molecular mechanisms by which mammalian Latrophilin Adhesion GPCRs function in synapse formation in vivo
Matus, Daniel
Completed projects
Spatial analysis of antigen specificities of human TILs utilizing a novel antigen reporting platform
Chen, Xiaojing
Research Grants
Completed projects
Covalently-binding GPCR ligands: synthesis and biological investigation
Gmeiner, Peter
Structure-guided discovery of high affinity TAS2R14 ligands
Gmeiner, Peter