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GEOMAR Helmholtz-Zentrum für Ozeanforschung Kiel
Forschungsbereich 2: Marine Biogeochemie
Forschungseinheit Biogeochemische Modellierung
Wischhofstraße 1 - 3
24148 Kiel
This institution in GERiT
24148 Kiel
Research Grants
Current projects
Feedbacks between N2 fixation and denitrification in a non-Redfield Earth system model and impacts on the oceanic fixed-N inventory in a changing climate
Chien, Chia-Te
Isotopic constraints on declining oceanic nutrient inventories weakening the marine soft-tissue biological carbon pump during the last deglaciation
Somes, Ph.D., Christopher
Isotopic constraints on global marine iron cycling, ocean productivity and deoxygenation
Somes, Ph.D., Christopher
Ocean heat and carbon storage under ambitious emission mitigation: Uncertainties due to the representation of ocean mesoscale eddies in a non-eddying Earth system model
Frenger, Ph.D., Ivy
Completed projects
Datenorientierte Modellierung der biologischen Produktion im Atlantik: Assimilation in ein gekoppeltes physikalisch-biologisches Modell
Willebrand, Jürgen
Impact of eddy parameterisations on the simulated response of Southern Ocean air-sea CO2 fluxes to wind stress changes in IPCC-type ocean models
Oschlies, Andreas
Modellgestützte Untersuchungen der Bedeutung von Eisen für das Phytoplanktonwachstum
Oschlies, Andreas
Modellgestützte Untersuchungen zum Einfluß mariner Vermischungsprozesse auf glazial-interglaziale Änderungen des atmosphärischen CO2 Gehalts.
Oschlies, Andreas
Modellgestützte Untersuchungen zur Bedeutung von gelöstem organischem Material (DOM) für Abschätzungen von neuer Produktion und Exportproduktion im oligotrophen subtropischen Nordatlantik
Oschlies, Andreas
Modelling the impact of global warming on the trophic state of the upper ocean
Oschlies, Andreas
N2 fixation in global marine biogeochemical models: Can trade-offs in modelled phosphorus acquisition strategies resolve the marine N2 fixation paradox?
Landolfi, Angela
Net Social Benefits of Carbon Dioxide Removal: Carbon Cycle Feedbacks and Strategic Advantages (CDRecon)
Rickels, Wilfried
Optimality-based model of marine zooplankton communities
Pahlow, Markus
Priority Programmes
Completed projects
Carbon Dioxide Removal Model Intercomparison Assessment (CDR-MIA)
Bauer, Ph.D., Nico
Keller, Ph.D., David
Comparative assessment of potential impacts, side-effects and uncertainties of CE measures and emission-reduction efforts (ComparCE-2)
Ilyina, Tatiana
Oschlies, Andreas
Pongratz, Julia
Coordination of SPP 1689
Oschlies, Andreas
Diversity effects of trait-based zooplankton feeding interactions in a global ecosystem model
Prowe, Friederike
SPP 1689: Climate Engineering: Risks, Challenges, Opportunities?
Oschlies, Andreas
Independent Junior Research Groups
Current projects
FOOTPRINTS – From carbOn remOval To achieving the PaRIs agreemeNts actual goal: Temperature Stabilisation
Mengis, Nadine
Research Units
Current projects
FOR 5267: Biogeochemical processes and Air-sea exchange in the Sea-Surface microlayer (BASS)
Wurl, Ph.D., Oliver
SP1.1 Dynamic enrichment processes of organic matter in the SML
Engel, Anja
Schartau, Markus
Collaborative Research Centres
Completed projects
A global model of redox-dependent biogeochemical cycles
(Project Heads
Dale, Andrew
Oschlies, Andreas
Central Activities of the Collaborative Research Projekt
(Project Head
Oschlies, Andreas
High-resolution modelling of physical-biogeochemical interactions in the tropical ocean: determination of potential future trends
(Project Heads
Böning, Claus
Oschlies, Andreas
SFB 754: Climate - Biogeochemistry Interactions in the Tropical Ocean
Oschlies, Andreas
Zwischenjährliche bis dekadische Schwankungen der CO2-Aufnahme im Nordatlantik
(Project Heads
Oschlies, Andreas
Willebrand, Jürgen
Additional Information
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