University of Edinburgh
School of Chemistry
David Brewster Road
Edinburgh EH9 3FJ
Edinburgh EH9 3FJ
Research Fellowships
Completed projects
Anwendung der ß-1,4-Mannosyltransferase aus Hefe für die Synthese neuer Oligosaccharide und Glycokonjugate
Sprung, Ines
Festphasensynthese von Dendrimeren - Synthese einer Dendrimerbibliothek und Funktionalisierung von Dendrimeren für therapeutische Anwendungen
Buchholz, Monika
Synthesis and characterization of new pacman-type transition metal complexes and their application as nitrogenase mimics in the catalytic dinitrogen activation
Betz, Daniel
WBP Fellowship
Current projects
Developing a Selective Cross Rauhut-Currier Reaction Through Mechanistic Investigations
Wartmann, Christina
Collaborative Research Centres
Completed projects
Fragmentationsdynamik massenselektierter Clusterionen nach Stossanregung
(Project Head
Campbell, Eleanor E.B.
Korrelierte Elektronen-Schwerteilchen-Dynamik bei Stoessen von polarisierten, angeregten Atomen mit molekularen Ionen
(Project Head
Campbell, Eleanor E.B.
Emmy Noether Independent Junior Research Groups
Completed projects
Schmelzen und Fluide in Geomaterialien: Von First-Principles zu geologischen Prozessen
Jahn, Sandro
Research Grants
Completed projects
ERA NanoSci - Interfacing Carbon Nanotubes with Nanoantennas for Simulataneous Multifunctional Spectroscopy and Electrical Nanocharacterization
Reich, Stephanie
Exploitation and total synthesis of new microbial sphingolipid-type signaling molecules (EXSPHINGO)
Beemelmanns, Christine