Univerza v Ljubljani
Kongresni trg 12
SI 1000 Ljubljana
SI 1000 Ljubljana
Research Grants
Current projects
Green Transition Attitudes: Social Risks and Deservingness in the context of Climate Change
Gengnagel, Vincent
Zimmermann, Katharina
Welfare state responses to social risks in times of climate change
Gengnagel, Vincent
Zimmermann, Katharina
Completed projects
Welfare State Futures: Our Children's Europe
Mau, Ph.D., Steffen
What are the Impacts of Religious Diversity? Regions in three European Countries Compared
Krech, Volkhard
Priority Programmes
Completed projects
From Localized to Distributed Faulting – Present-day Kinematics of the Southern and Eastern Alps
Metzger, Sabrina
Agronomy Department
Chair for Metal Structures
Faculty of Arts
Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering
Faculty of Mathematics and Physics
Fakulteta za farmacijo
Fakulteta za strojništvo
Laboratory for Machine Intelligence (LMI)