Univerzitaria Karlova
Filozofická fakulta
Ustav ceskeho jazyka a teorie komunikace
nám. Jana Palacha 2
11000 Praha
Tschechische Republik
11000 Praha
Research Grants
Current projects
Modelling the question-statement opposition in Slavic languages (QueSlav)
Meyer, Roland
w-connectors: theory and diachrony of subordinating w-elements in German
Coniglio, Marco
Fuß, Eric
Word-level stress processing in children with different language backgrounds
Friedrich, Claudia
Schild, Ulrike
Completed projects
Definiteness in articleless Slavic languages
Simik, Radek
WBP Fellowship
Current projects
Weighing words across languages: An empirical Usage-based Construction Grammar investigation of weight effects on constituent order in English and Slovak
Horsch, Jakob