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Constructor University
School of Science
Profesur für Computational Materials Science
Campus Ring 1
28759 Bremen
This institution in GERiT
28759 Bremen
Priority Programmes
Completed projects
Atomic Structure, electronic, optical and electrical properties of freestanding, passivated, and functionalized semiconductor nanowires
Frauenheim, Thomas
Atomistische Untersuchungen zu Stabilität und Eigenschaften von Defekten in Galliumnitrid sowie zur Optimierung von kubischen Gruppe III-Nitrid-Übergittern für optoelektronische Bauelemente
Frauenheim, Thomas
BITT - Bremen Initiative on Time-dependent Transport: Atomistic approaches towards photo-induced quantum transport dynamics across single molecules
Frauenheim, Thomas
Niehaus, Thomas
Coordination action in the Priority Program 1243
Frauenheim, Thomas
Entwicklung von Multiskalenmethoden für die Simulation von Polymer/Flüssig-Feststoff-Hybridgrenzflächen
Frauenheim, Thomas
Molekulares Design von Nanohybridmembranen für Brennstoffzell-Anwendungen
Frauenheim, Thomas
Wark, Michael
SPP 1243: Quantum Transport at the Molecular Scale
Frauenheim, Thomas
Struktur und Eigenschaften von Siliziumclustern, Si-basierten Nanostrukturen und funktionalisierten SiO-Systemen
Frauenheim, Thomas
Theorie der Strukturbildung und Struktur-Eigenschafts-Korrelationen von amorphen Si-B-C-N-Precursor-Keramiken
Frauenheim, Thomas
Research Grants
Current projects
Intermolecular conical intersections: Steering coherent energy transport in functional organic nanostructures
De Sio, Antonietta
Frauenheim, Thomas
Lienau, Ph.D., Christoph
Mena-Osteritz, Elena
Toward Computational Design of Photocatalysts for deNOx Reaction through High-dimensional Reaction Potential Surface
Sentef, Michael
Towards temperature dependent exciton properties in titania using properly screened density functional approximations
Sentef, Michael
Completed projects
Atomistic Design of Thermal and Electrical Transport in Materials with Dislocations: From High Power Electronics to Thermoelectrics
Frauenheim, Thomas
Charge transport modelling in silicon ultra-scaled devices with native oxide (SINOXI)
Frauenheim, Thomas
Defect calculations in Ga-based semiconductors using optimal hybrid functionals
Frauenheim, Thomas
Dichtefunktionaluntersuchungen zur Defektbildung und Oxidation in/von Siliziumkarbid
Frauenheim, Thomas
Molekulare Grundlagen der Wechselwirkungen von Retinoiden mit ihrer biologisch-physiologischen Umgebung
Frauenheim, Thomas
Multi-scale approach for prediction of electrical properties of carbon nanotube reinforced polymers
Frauenheim, Thomas
Ploshikhin, Vasily
Simulation of organic semi-conductors with density-functional theory and tight-binding methods
Schreiber, Michael
Synthese, Struktur und Eigenschaften von fluorhaltigem tetraedrisch gebundenen amorphen Kohlenstoff
Hofsäss, Hans Christian
Time-dependent description of charge transport in molecular wires: bottom-up-approach
Elstner, Marcus
Frauenheim, Thomas
Kleinekathöfer, Ulrich
Research Units
Completed projects
DFTB QM/MM calculations of retinal protein excited states
Elstner, Marcus
Excited state dynamics in the early stages of the bR and Rh photocycle
Frauenheim, Thomas
Excited state dynamics in the early stages of the bR and Rh photocycle
Frauenheim, Thomas
FOR 490: Molecular Mechanisms of Retinal Protein Action: A Combination of Theoretical Approaches
Frauenheim, Thomas
Molecular Mechanisms of Retinal Protein Action: Coordination Project
Frauenheim, Thomas
QM/MM calculations of retinal protein excited states: Investigating the mechanisms of color tuning
Elstner, Marcus
Theoretical investigations of surface modifications and doping of semiconductor nanowire structures
Frauenheim, Thomas
Major Research Instrumentation
Completed projects
Rechencluster für wissenschaftliche Berechnungen
Collaborative Research Centres
Completed projects
Adaptive parallele Algorithmen zur Geometrieoptimierung komplexer Cluster und Moleküle
(Project Heads
Dellnitz, Michael
Frauenheim, Thomas
Research Training Groups
Completed projects
GRK 693: Scientific Computation: Application-Oriented Development of Models and Algorithms
Dellnitz, Michael
GRK 2247: Quantum Mechanical Materials Modelling - QM³
Frauenheim, Thomas
Major Instrumentation Initiatives
Completed projects
In-situ studies of 3D microstructure evolution and spectroscopic imaging during processing and manufacturing of advanced materials
Colombi Ciacchi, Lucio
Additional Information
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