Zuse-Institut Berlin (ZIB)
Mathematische Methoden für Lebens- u Materialwissenschaft
Department Visual and Data-centric Computing
Takusstraße 7
14195 Berlin
This institution in GERiT
14195 Berlin
Research Grants
Current projects
CTcoral – CyberTaxonomic Classification and Morphological Characterisation of Cold-Water Corals
Baum, Daniel
Titschack, Jürgen
Virtual Unfolding and Visualization of Papyrus Packages
Baum, Daniel
Lepper, Verena
Completed projects
Bedingungen suffosiver Erosionsphänomene in Böden Projektphase II: Simulation und Analyse von Bodenstrukturen, Strukturveränderungen und Partikeltransport in suffosionsgefährdeten Böden
Prohaska, Steffen
Simon, Franz-Georg
Slowik, Volker
Witt, Karl-Josef
Complexity of septal surfaces and suture lines in ammonoids - implications for the hydrostatic apparatus and palaeoecology using modern CT-techniques
Hoffmann, René
Zachow, Stefan
Development and experimental validation of methods for quantitative photoacoustic tomography of blood oxygen saturation in vivo
Laufer, Ph.D., Jan
Prohaska, Steffen
Development of MR-based procedures and technologies for non-invasive in-vivo assessment of mechanical loading of tissues: Movement and straining of soft tissue structures using the knee joint as example system
Duda, Georg
Reichenbach, Jürgen R.
Zachow, Stefan
Digital neuroanatomy, data visualisation, and modelling
Hege, Hans-Christian
Patientenspezifische Analyse zerebraler Aneurysmen: Hämodynamik und Morphometrie
Hege, Hans-Christian
Kertzscher, Ulrich
Collaborative Research Centres
Current projects
From prediction to validation: Mechanical factors of impaired fracture healing in humans
(Project Heads
Trepczynski, Adam
Zachow, Stefan
Multiscale structure of atmospheric vortices
(Project Heads
Baum, Daniel
Hege, Hans-Christian
Klein, Rupert
Pfahl, Stephan
Completed projects
Algorithmen zur Planung und Kontrolle von Hyperthermiebehandlungen
(Project Heads
Deuflhard, Peter J.
Hege, Hans-Christian
Feature-Based Analysis and Comparison of Coherent Sructures in Parameter-Dependent Flows
(Project Heads
Hege, Hans-Christian
Noack, Bernd Rainer
Functional assessment and musculoskeletal loading conditions in regeneration
(Project Heads
Hege, Hans-Christian
Heller, Markus
Priority Programmes
Current projects
Predicting the Impact of Connectomes on Cortical Function using Statistical Inference
Baum, Daniel
Macke, Jakob
Oberlaender, Marcel
The cognitive control of social resonance
Schultz, Tanja
Zachow, Stefan
Completed projects
EMOTIC – Enfacement manipulation in transmitted inter-facial communication
Hildebrandt, Andrea
Zachow, Stefan
Research Units
Current projects
Articulated, statistical 3D shape and bone density model of the human spine for research in clinical biomechanics as well as for individualized diagnosis and therapy planning in orthopaedics
Zachow, Stefan
Comparative Quantitative Image Acquisition, Analysis and Modeling
Baum, Daniel
Hiesinger, Peter Robin
Von Kleist, Ph.D., Max
Computational 3D analysis of the root-filling sealer interzone – relationship between irregularities and root canal morphology
Bitter, Kerstin
Zachow, Stefan
Zaslansky, Paul
FOR 2804: The Materials Science of Teeth in Function: Principles of Durable, Dynamic Dental Interphases
Zaslansky, Paul
FOR 5177: The Dynamics of the Spine: Mechanics, Morphology and Motion towards a comprehensive Diagnosis of Low Back Pain
Schmidt, Hendrik
FOR 5289: From Imprecision to Robustness in Neural Circuit Assembly
Hiesinger, Peter Robin
Musculoskeletal simulations towards a subject-specific spino-pelvic load transfer prediction
Schmidt, Hendrik
Clusters of Excellence (ExStra)
Current projects
EXC 2046: MATH+: Berlin Mathematics Research Center
Hintermüller, Michael
Pokutta, Sebastian
Schillings, Claudia
Schütte, Christof
Skutella, Martin
Walther, Andrea