Project Details
Professor Marcus Brüggen, Ph.D.
Universität Hamburg
Fachbereich Physik
Hamburger Sternwarte (StwB)
Gojenbergsweg 112
21029 Hamburg
- As Applicant
- Current projects
- Jet Feedback on Groups and Galaxy Clusters (Research Units)
- Completed projects
- Ursprung und Schicksal von nicht-thermischen Plasma in Galaxienhaufen (Research Grants)
- Interactions between Active Galactic Nuclei and the Intracluster Medium (Priority Programmes)
- Multi-physics simulations of ram-pressure stripping of disc galaxies (Research Grants)
- The fate of merging white dwarfs (Research Grants)
- The effect of the environment on the Interstellar Medium of disk galaxies (Priority Programmes)
- Diffuse radio sources in galaxy clusters: multi-wavelength observations (Research Grants)
- The Fate of Cold Clouds in Galaxy Outflows (Research Grants)
- A multi-messenger investigation of magnetic fields in the Local Universe (Research Grants)
- AGN-environment interplay observed at ultra-low radio frequencies (Research Grants)
- PRODIGIES: Polarised Radio Observations of DIGItal Extragalactic Shocks (Research Grants)
- Current projects
- As Participating Researcher
- Current projects
- EXC 2121: Quantum Universe (Clusters of Excellence (ExStra))
- Current projects
- As Project Head
- Completed projects
- Dark Matter searches (Collaborative Research Centres)
- Completed projects
- As Participating Person
- Completed projects
- Nucleosynthesis in tidally disrupted white dwarfs (Research Grants)
- Faraday Synthesis and Magnetic Field Statistics (Research Units)
- Completed projects
- As Co-Investigator