Project Details
Professorin Dr. Catharina Stroppel
Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn
Mathematisches Institut
Endenicher Allee 60
53115 Bonn
As Applicant
Completed projects
Darstellungstheorie von Liegruppen und Liealgebren (Emmy Noether International Fellowships)
Higher Schur-Weyl dualities and gradings (Priority Programmes)
Completed projects
As Participating Researcher
Current projects
EXC 2047: Hausdorff Center for Mathematics (HCM) (Clusters of Excellence (ExStra))
Completed projects
GRK 1150: Homotopy and Cohomology (Research Training Groups)
EXC 59: Mathematics: Foundations, Models, Applications (Clusters of Excellence)
Current projects
As Project Head
Completed projects
Shimura Varieties (CRC/Transregios)
Moduli Spaces, Symplectic and Calabi-Yau Manifolds (CRC/Transregios)
Periods and Motives (CRC/Transregios)
Completed projects