Project Details
Professorin Barbara Ercolano, Ph.D.
Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München (LMU)
Lehrstuhl für Theoretische und Numerische Astrophysik
Scheinerstraße 1
81679 München
As Applicant
Current projects
Mountains and Deserts in the demographics of Giants (Priority Programmes)
The radiation-hydrodynamics of photoevaporative winds with chemistry (Research Units)
Thermochemistry of disc winds and atmospheres (Research Units)
Coordination Funds (Research Units)
Completed projects
The journey of ionising photons through the porous ISM of galaxies (Priority Programmes)
Gone with the wind: dust entrainment in photoevaporative winds (Research Units)
Current projects
- As Spokesperson
As Participating Researcher
Current projects
EXC 2094: ORIGINS: From the Origin of the Universe to the First Building Blocks of Life (Clusters of Excellence (ExStra))
Completed projects
EXC 153: Origin and Structure of the Universe - The Cluster of Excellence for Fundamental Physics (Clusters of Excellence)
Current projects
- As Project Head
As Co-Investigator
Current projects
Solids and gas evolution in disks: observational constraints (Research Units)
Completed projects
Transition disks and planetary systems (Research Units)
Current projects