GRK 1598: INTERCOAST - Integrierte Küsten- und Schelfmeerforschung
Atmosphären-, Meeres- und Klimaforschung
Zusammenfassung der Projektergebnisse
Die Herausforderungen, die der Globale Wandel in Küsten- und Schelfmeerregionen an die Gesellschaft stellt, erfordern eine interdisziplinäre und internationale Zusammenarbeit in den betroffenen Wissenschaftsfeldern, um die Veränderungen in der natürlichen Umwelt und in der Gesellschaft zu analysieren, zu verstehen, vorherzusagen und - wenn nötig - abzumildern. Es müssen dazu neben Schwerpunkten aus den Naturwissenschaften auch assoziierte Fragestellungen aus dem Bereich der Sozial- und Rechtswissenschaften bearbeitet werden. Das internationale deutsch-neuseeländische Graduiertenkolleg INTERCOAST - ‚Integrierte Küsten- und Schelfmeerforschung’ trug über neun Jahre erfolgreich zu dieser Aufgabe bei, indem es junge, hoch motivierte Doktorand/innen zu fachlich hochqualifizierten, selbständig und interdisziplinär denkenden sowie in die internationale Forschung eingebundenen Wissenschaftler/innen ausbildete. Dies geschah in einer internationalen Kollaboration der Universität Bremen und der Waikato University in Neuseeland. Inzwischen haben 28 der insgesamt 50 Doktorand/innen ihre Promotion erfolgreich abgeschlossen. Drei weitere sind aktuell in der Begutachtung und werden Anfang kommenden Jahres ebenfalls eine Karriere im wissenschaftlichen und/oder nicht wissenschaftlichen Bereich fortsetzen. INTERCOAST Doktorand/innen verbrachten ca. ein Drittel ihrer dreijährigen Promotionszeit an der Partneruniversität, wobei sie (1) Erfahrungen in einem anderen Wissenschaftssystem sammelten und (2) dabei lernten, international zu arbeiten und (3) international zu publizieren. Die kontinuierliche Betreuung durch ein interdisziplinäres, internationales Forscherteam ermöglichte eine exzellente Ausbildung der Doktorand/innen im eigenen Fachgebiet und vermittelte gleichzeitig einen Einblick in die jeweiligen lokalen und fachlichen Unterschiede. Dies förderte die Fähigkeit zur interdisziplinären Kommunikation und der Wahrnehmung spezifischer Arbeitsweisen. Diese in INTERCOAST ausgebildeten drei Generationen international ausgerichteter Wissenschaftler/innen sind in der Lage, über die eigene Disziplin hinauszublicken und sind damit bestens auf die Herausforderungen der Zukunft und den sich ständig ändernden Arbeitsmarkt vorbereitet worden.
Projektbezogene Publikationen (Auswahl)
2010. Short wave breaking effects on low frequency waves, Proceedings of the Coastal Engineering Conference
Daly, C., Roelvink, D., Van Dongeren, A., Van Thiel De Vries, J., McCall, R.
2010. The Effects of Reduced Tidal Flushing on Mangrove Structure and Function Across a Disturbance Gradient. Estuaries and Coasts 33, 1176–1185
Harris, R.J., Milbrandt, E.C., Everham, E.M., Bovard, B.D.
2010. The Nagoya Protocol on Access to Genetic Resources and Benefit Sharing What is New and What are the Implications for Provider and User Countries and the Scientific Community. Law 6, 246–262
Evanson Chege Kamau, B.F. and G.W.
2011. Bedform evolution in a tidal inlet inferred from wavelet analysis. J. Coast. Research 751–755
Fraccascia, S., Hebbeln, D., Winter, C.
2011. Morphodynamics of Embayed Beaches: The Effect of Wave Conditions. J. Coast. Res. SI 64, 1003–1007
Daly, C., Bryan, K., Roelvink, J., Klein, A., Hebbeln, D., Winter, C.
2011. Optimization Scheme for a Coastal Morphodynamic Model. J. Coast. Research SI 64, 736–740
Chu, K., Winter, C., Hebbeln, D., Schulz, M.
2011. Vertical mobility of the continental margin between Latium and Tuscany, defined by means of eustatic minimum indicators, in: Alpine and Mediterranean Quaternary. pp. 26–28
Chiocci, F.L., Fraccascia, S., Scrocca, D., Falese, F.
2012. Application of Multivariate Geostatistics to Investigate the Surface Sediment Distribution of the High-Energy and Shallow Sandy Spiekeroog Shelf at the German Bight, Southern North Sea. Open J. Mar. Sci. 02, 103–118
Meilianda, E., Huhn, K., Alfian, D., Bartholomae, A.
2012. Formation of magnetite-enriched zones in and offshore of a mesotidal estuarine lagoon: An environmental magnetic study of Tauranga Harbour and Bay of Plenty, New Zealand. Geo-chemistry, Geophys. Geosystems 13, Q06012
Badesab, F., Von Dobeneck, T., Bryan, K.R., Mller, H., Briggs, R.M., Frederichs, T., Kwoll, E.
2012. Numerical Approach to Quantify Selective Sorting of Heavy Minerals, in: Sorial, G and Hong, J. (Ed.), Est 2012. American Science Press, Houston, pp. 378–384
Bartzke, G., Huhn, K.
2013. Improvement of morphodynamic modeling of tidal channel migration by nudging. Coast. Eng. 77, 1–13
Chu, K., Winter, C., Hebbeln, D., Schulz, M.
2013. Marine genetic resources, access and benefit sharing: Legal and biological perspectives, Marine Genetic Resources, Access and Benefit Sharing: Legal and Biological Perspectives
Fedder, B.
2013. Marine habitat mapping: stretching the blue marble on a map. In: Recent impulses to Marine Sciences and Engineering. From coast to deep sea: multiscale approaches to marine sciences, Einsporn, M., Wiedling, J., Schöttener, S. (Eds.), DGM and ICBM, 178-189
Capperucci, R.M.
2013. On the Stabilizing Influence of Silt On Sand Beds. J. Sediment. Res. 83, 691–703
Bartzke, G., Bryan, K.R., Pilditch, C.A., Huhn, K.
2013. Strength and compressibility characteristics of peat stabilized with sand columns. Geomech. Eng. 5, 575–594
Jorat, M.E., Kreiter, S., Mörz, T., Moon, V., de Lange, W.
2014. Effect of selection and sequencing of representative wave conditions on process-based predictions of equilibrium embayed beach morphology Topical Collection on the 7th International Conference on Coastal Dynamics in Arcachon, France 24-28 June 2013. Ocean Dyn. 64, 863–877
Daly, C.J., Bryan, K.R., Gonzalez, M.R., Klein, A.H.F., Winter, C.
2014. Electromagnetic imaging of surficial sediment distribution and stratification in continental shelf systems. pp. 1–3
Müller, H., Baasch, B., Kulgemeyer, T., Dobeneck, T. von
2014. Konferenz zum Maritimen Recht. Natur und R. 36, 337–338
Gehrmeyer, D.
2014. Looking Beyond The Dredges: the consideration of alternatives for the planning and approval of port development in Germany and New Zealand. Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG, Baden-Baden
Marquardt, L.
2014. On the role of fluid infiltration on bedform evolution, Coastal Engineering Proceedings, 1(34). 29
Bartzke, G, Podszun, L and Huhn, K
2014. Site specific differences in morphometry and photophysiology in intertidal Zostera muelleri meadows. Aquatic Botany, 116. 104-109
Kohlmeier, D, Pilditch, CA, Bornman, JF and Bischof, K
2014. Utilizing Cone Penetration Tests for Landslide Evaluation, in: Advances in Natural and Technological Hazards Research. pp. 55–71
Jorat, E., Kreiter, S., Mörz, T., Moon, V., de Lange, W.
2014. Wave energy distribution and morphological development in and around the shadow zone of an embayed beach. Coast. Eng. 93, 40–54
Daly, C.J., Bryan, K.R., Winter, C.
2015. A conceptual model of pore-space blockage in mixed sediments using a new numerical approach, with implications for sediment bed stabilization. Geo-Marine Letters, 35(3). 189-202
Bartzke, G and Huhn, K
2015. Algebraic equilibrium solution of tissue nitrogen quota in algae and the discrepancy between calibrated parameters and physiological properties. Ecol. Modell. 312, 281–291
Port, A., Bryan, K.R., Pilditch, C.A., Hamilton, D.P., Bischof, K.
2015. Benthic biodiversity changes in response to dredging activities during the construction of a deep-water port. Mar. Biodivers. 45, 819–839
Gutperlet, R., Capperucci, R.M., Bartholomä, A., Kröncke, I.
2015. Biotic interactions influence sediment erodibility on wave-exposed sandflats. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 523, 15–30
Harris, R.J., Pilditch, C.A., Hewitt, J.E., Lohrer, A.M., Van Colen, C., Townsend, M., Thrush, S.F.
2015. Bottom–up and top–down mechanisms indirectly mediate interactions between benthic biotic ecosystem components. J. Sea Res. 98, 42–48
Colen, C. Van, Thrush, S.F., Parkes, S., Harris, R., Woodin, S.A., Wethey, D.S., Pilditch, C.A., Hewitt, J.E., Lohrer, A.M., Vincx, M.
2015. Detecting subtle shifts in ecosystem functioning in a dynamic estuarine environment. PLoS One 10, 1–16
Pratt, D.R., Lohrer, A.M., Thrush, S.F., Hewitt, J.E., Townsend, M., Cartner, K., Pilditch, C.A., Harris, R.J., Van Colen, C., Rodil, I.F.
2015. Dispersal of dredging plumes in Tauranga Harbour, New Zealand: A field study, in: Australian Coasts and Ports 2015 Conference. pp. 222–228
Cussioli, M.C., Bryan, K.R., Pilditch, C.A., De Lange, W.P.
2015. Giant lacustrine pockmarks with subaqueous groundwater discharge and subsurface sediment mobilization. Geophys. Res. Lett. 42, 3465–3473
Reusch, A., Loher, M., Bouffard, D., Moernaut, J., Hellmich, F., Anselmetti, F.S., Bernasconi, S.M., Hilbe, M., Kopf, A., Lilley, M.D., Meinecke, G., Strasser, M.
2015. In-situ geotechnical investigation of sediment dynamics of embayed beach using a dynamic penetrometer. In: Wang, P, Rosati, JD and Chang, J (eds.) The Proceedings of the Coastal Sediments 2015. World Scientific, 195-207
Hellmich, F, Blossier, B, Bryan, KR, Stark, N and Kopf, AJ
2015. International Law on Tuna Fisheries Management, 1st ed, International Law on Tuna Fisheries Management. Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG, Baden-Baden
Unterweger, I.
2015. On the morphological development of embayed beaches. Geomorphology 248, 252–263
Daly, C.J., Winter, C., Bryan, K.R.
2015. Sediment properties and surface erodibility following a large-scale mangrove (Avicennia marina) removal. Cont. Shelf Res. 107, 1–10
Stokes, D.J., Harris, R.J.
2015. Sensitive pyroclastic-derived halloysitic soils in northern New Zealand: Interplay of microstructure, minerals, and geomechanics, in: Volcanic Rocks and Soils - Proceedings of the International Workshop on Volcanic Rocks and Soils, 2015. pp. 3–21
Moon, V.G., Lowe, D.J., Cunningham, M.J., Wyatt, J.B., De Lange, W.P., Churchman, G.J.J., Mörz, T., Kreiter, S., Kluger, M.O., Ehsan Jorat, M.
2015. Submarine groundwater discharge and associated fluxes of alkalinity and dissolved carbon into Moreton Bay (Australia) estimated via radium isotopes. Mar. Chem. 174, 1–12
Stewart, B.T., Santos, I.R., Tait, D.R., Macklin, P.A., Maher, D.T.
2015. Utilizing piezovibrocone in marine soils at Tauranga Harbor, New Zealand. Geomech. Eng. 9, 1–14
Jorat, M.E., Mörz, T., Moon, V., Kreiter, S., Lange, W. De
2015. Variability of surface sediment re-distribution in the high-energy coastal shelf environment at German bight, North Sea. AACL Bioflux 8, 667–678
Meilianda, E., Huhn, K., Alfian, D., Bartholomä, A., Kubicki, A.
2016. In situ cyclic softening of marine silts by vibratory CPTU at Orkdalsfjord test site, mid Norway, in: Advances in Natural and Technological Hazards Research. pp. 201–209
Kluger, M.O., Kreiter, S., L’Heureux, J.S., Stegmann, S., Moon, V., Mörz, T.
2016. A numerical micro-scale model of the flow inside a sediment matrix, in: Proceedings of the 7th International Short Course and Conference on Applied Coastal Research - SCACR2015. pp. 168–179
Staudt, F., Bartzke, G., Huhn, K.
2016. Adjustment of photoprotection to tidal conditions in intertidal seagrasses. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom. 97(3), 571-579
Kohlmeier, D., Pilditch, C.A., Bornman, J.F., Bischof, K.
2016. Density of key-species determines efficiency of macroalgae detritus uptake by intertidal benthic communities. PLoS One 11, e0158785
Karlson, A.M.L., Niemand, C., Savage, C., Pilditch, C.A.
2016. Flow above and within granular media composed of spherical and non-spherical particles - using a 3D numerical model. Cont. Shelf Res. 117, 67–80
Bartzke, G., Kuhlmann, J., Huhn, K
2016. Lithofacies distribution and sediment dynamics on a storm-dominated shelf from combined photographic, Acoustic and sedimentological profiling methods (Bay of Plenty, New Zealand). Mar. Geol. 376, 158–174
Kulgemeyer, T., von Dobeneck, T., Müller, H., Bryan, K.R., de Lange, W.P., Battershill, C.N.
2016. On the role of fluid infiltration into gravel dunes - Using a 3D numerical model. Mar. Geol. 380, 231–244
Bartzke, G., Podszun, L., Huhn, K.
2016. Promoting consistency in the deep seabed: Addressing regulatory dimensions in designing the international seabed authority’s exploitation code. Rev. Eur. Comp. Int. Environ. Law 25, 347–362
Markus, T., Singh, P.
2016. Residual currents and bedform migration in a natural tidal inlet (Knudedyb, Danish Wadden Sea). Geomorphology 271, 74–83
Fraccascia, S., Winter, C., Ernstsen, V.B., Hebbeln, D.
2016. Salinity and temperature tolerance of the invasive alga Undaria pinnatifida and native New Zealand kelps: Implications for competition. Mar. Biol. 163, 194
Bollen, M., Pilditch, C., N. Battershill, C., Bischof, K.
2016. Sea surface wind streaks in spaceborne synthetic aperture radar imagery. J. Geophys. Res. Ocean. 121, 3372–3380. Received
Blossier, B., Bryan, K.R., Winter, C., Daly, C.J.
2016. Small-scale benthos distribution modelling in a North Sea tidal basin in response to climatic and environmental changes (1970s-2009). Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 551, 13–30
Singer, A., Schückel, U., Beck, M., Bleich, O., Brumsack, H.J., Freund, H., Geimecke, C., Lettmann, K.A., Millat, G., Staneva, J., Vanselow, A., Westphal, H., Wolff, J.O., Wurpts, A., Kröncke, I.
2016. Subseafloor Investigation of Sediments at Southern Tauranga Harbour, New Zealand, before Capital Dredging. J. Coast. Res. 227–242
Jorat, M.E., Moon, V.G., Hepp, D.A., Kreiter, S., de Lange, W.P., Feldmann, S., Mörz, T.
2016. The Influence of Benthic Macrofauna on the Erodibility of Intertidal Sediments with Varying mud Content in Three New Zealand Estuaries. Estuaries and Coasts 39, 815–828
Harris, R.J., Pilditch, C.A., Greenfield, B.L., Moon, V., Kröncke, I.
2016. The politics of environmental migration and climate justice in the Pacific region. J. Hum. Rights Environ. 7, 54–73
Klepp, S., Herbeck, J.
2016. Working with Nature in Aotearoa New Zealand: An Ethnography of Coastal Protection. transcript. ISBN 978-3-8376-3446-4
Gesing, F.
2017. A computational investigation of the interstitial flow induced by a variably thick blanket of very fine sand covering a coarse sand bed. Geo-Marine Lett. 37, 457–474
Bartzke, G., Huhn, K., Bryan, K.R.
2017. A multivariate analytical method to characterize sediment attributes from high-frequency acoustic backscatter and groundtruthing data (Jade Bay, German North Sea coast). Continental Shelf Research
Biondo, M., Bartholomä, A.
2017. A new attraction-detachment model for explaining flow sliding in clay-rich tephras. Geology 45, 131–134
Kluger, M.O., Moon, V.G., Kreiter, S., Lowe, D.J., Churchman, G.J., Hepp, D.A., Seibel, D., Jorat, M.E., Mörz, T.
2017. Adjustment of photoprotection to tidal conditions in intertidal seagrasses. J. Mar. Biol. Assoc. United Kingdom 97, 571–579
Kohlmeier, D., Pilditch, C.A., Bornman, J.F., Bischof, K.
2017. Der Sicherheitsdiskurs im deutschen Küstenschutz – Hemmnis für eine notwendige Transformation in Zeiten des Klimawandels. artec-paper Nr. 215, artec Forschungszentrum Nachhaltigkeit, Universität Bremen
Scheve, J.
2017. Desiccation tolerance of different life stages of the invasive marine kelp Undaria pinnatifida : Potential for overland transport as invasion vector. J. Exp. Mar. Bio. Ecol. 496, 1–8
Bollen, M., N. Battershill, C., Pilditch, C., Bischof, K.
2017. Drivers of channel-shoal morphodynamics at the Outer Weser estuary, in: Coastal Dynamics Conference, Helsingoer, Denmark
Herrling, G., Benninghoff, M., Zorndt, A., Winter, C.
2017. Investigating the effects of a summer storm on the North Sea stratification using a regional coupled ocean-atmosphere model. Ocean Dynamics, 67(2). 211-235
Gronholz, A, Gräwe, U, Paul, A and Schulz, M
2017. Magnetic mineral and sediment porosity distribution on a storm-dominated shelf investigated by benthic electromagnetic profiling (Bay of Plenty, New Zealand). Mar. Geol. 383, 78–98
Kulgemeyer, T., Müller, H., Dobeneck, T. von, Bryan, K.R., de Lange, W.P., Battershill, C.N.
2017. Modelling benthic macrofauna and seagrass distribution patterns in a North Sea tidal basin in response to 2050 climatic and environmental scenarios. Estuar. Coast. Shelf Sci. 188, 99–108
Singer, A., Millat, G., Staneva, J., Kröncke, I.
2017. Observations of morphological change at an ebb-tidal delta. Mar. Geol. 385, 131–145
Harrison, S.R., Bryan, K.R., Mullarney, J.C.
2017. Relationships between spatial patterns of macrofauna communities, sediments and hydroacoustic backscatter data in a highly heterogeneous and anthropogenic altered environment. J. Sea Res. 121, 33–46
Gutperlet, R., Capperucci, R.M., Bartholomä, A., Kröncke, I.
2017. Sediment dy-namics of an artificially deepened mesotidal coastal lagoon: An environmental magnetic investigation of Tauranga Harbour, New Zealand. Estuar. Coast. Shelf Sci. 194
Badesab, F., von Dobeneck, T., M. Briggs, R., Bryan, K., Just, J., Müller, H.
2017. Shore and bar cross-shore migration, rotation, and breathing processes at an embayed beach. J. Geophys. Res. Earth Surf. 122, 1745–1770
Blossier, B., Bryan, K.R., Daly, C.J., Winter, C.
2017. Spatial and temporal scales of shoreline morphodynamics derived from video camera observations for the island of Sylt, German Wadden Sea. Geo-Marine Letters, 37(2). 111-123
Blossier, B, Bryan, KR, Daly, CJ and Winter, C
2017. The influence of entrance constriction on hydrodynamics and intertidal morphology within estuarine basins, in: Australasian Coasts and Ports 2017 Conference. pp. 378–384
de Ruiter, P.J., Mullarney, J.C., Bryan, K.R., Winter, C.
2017. The role of grain-size ratio in the mobility of mixed granular beds. Geomorphology 278, 314–328
Staudt, F., C. Mullarney, J., Pilditch, C., Huhn, K.
2017. Tools to evaluate seafloor integrity: comparison of multi-device acoustic seafloor classifications for benthic macrofauna-driven patterns in the German Bight, southern North Sea. Geo-Marine Lett. 37, 93–109
Holler, P., Markert, E., Bartholomä, A., Capperucci, R., Hass, H.C., Kröncke, I., Mielck, F., Reimers, H.C.
2017. Whose beach, which nature? Coproducing coastal naturecultures and erosion control in aotearoa New Zealand, in: Environmental Transformations and Cultural Responses: Ontologies, Discourses, and Practices in Oceania. pp.125–156
Gesing, F.
2018. A New Perspective at the Ship-Air-Sea-Interface: The Environmental Impacts of Exhaust Gas Scrubber Discharge. Front. Mar. Sci. 5
Endres, S., Maes, F., Hopkins, F., Houghton, K., Mårtensson, E., Oeffner, J., Quack, B., Singh, P., Turner, D.
2018. Broadening Common Heritage: Addressing Gaps in the Deep Sea Mining Regulatory Regime. Harvard Environ. Law Rev. HELR 1–12
Hunter, J., Singh, P., Aguon, J.
2018. Decadal evolution of tidal flats and channels in the Outer Weser estuary, Germany. Ocean Dyn. 68
Benninghoff, M., Winter, C.
2018. Deep-sea mining: Interdisciplinary research on potential environmental, legal, economic, and societal implications. Integr. Environ. Assess. Manag. 14, 672–691
Koschinsky, A., Heinrich, L., Boehnke, K., Cohrs, J.C., Markus, T., Shani, M., Singh, P., Smith Stegen, K., Werner, W.
2018. Development and application of a method for ivory dating by analyzing radioisotopes to distinguish legal from illegal ivory. Forensic Sci. Int. 289, 363–367
Schmidberger, A., Durner, B., Gehrmeyer, D., Schupfner, R.
2018. Double trouble in the South Pacific subtropical gyre: Increased plastic ingestion by fish in the oceanic accumulation zone. Mar. Pollut. Bull. 136, 547–564
Markic, A., Niemand, C., Bridson, J.H., Mazouni-Gaertner, N., Gaertner, J.C., Eriksen, M., Bowen, M.
2018. Formation of coast-parallel heavy mineral enrichments investigated by exploratory numerical modelling. GSA Bull. 130
Kulgemeyer, T., Bryan, K., von Dobeneck, T.
2018. Future Prospects of Marine Environmental Governance, in: Handbook on Marine Environment Protection. pp. 621–633
Singh, P., Jaeckel, A.
2018. Heading northward to Scandinavia - Undaria pinnatifida in the northern Wadden Sea. Botanica Marina 61: 365-371
Schiller J., Lackschewitz D., Buschbaum C., Reise K., Pang S., Bischof K.
2018. Institutional Framework for Marine Environmental Governance, in: Handbook on Marine Environment Protection. pp. 563–584
Singh, P.
2018. Near-and Offshore Macrofauna Communities and Their Physical Environment in a South-Eastern North Sea Sandy Beach System. Front. Mar. Sci. 5, 497
Kröncke, I., Becker, L.R., Badewien, T.H., Bartholomä, A., Schulz, A.-C., Zielinski, O.
2018. Numerical simulation of cone penetration test in a small-volume calibration chamber: The effect of boundary conditions, in: Cone Penetration Testing 2018 - Proceedings of the 4th International Symposium on Cone Penetration esting, CPT 2018. pp. 309–315
Goodarzi, M., Stähler, F.T., Kreiter, S., Rouainia, M., Kluger, M.O., Mörz, T.
2018. Sediment properties, biota, and local habitat structure explain variation in the erodibility of coastal sediments. Limnol. Oceanogr. 63, 173–186
Joensuu, M., Pilditch, C.A., Harris, R., Hietanen, S., Pettersson, H., Norkko, A.
2018. Submarine Groundwater Discharge Estimates Using Radium Isotopes and Related Nutrient Inputs into Tauranga Harbour (New Zealand). Estuaries and Coasts 41, 384–403
Stewart, B.T., Bryan, K.R., Pilditch, C.A., Santos, I.R.
2018. The International Seabed-the Common Heritage of Mankind Recommendations for future governance by the International Seabed Authority IASS Policy BrIef 2/2018. Proc. 11th Int. Coast. Symp. ICS2011 64, 736–740
Christiansen, Ginzky, Singh, Thiele
2018. Understanding heavy mineral enrichment using a hree-dimensional numerical model. Sedimentology 65, 561–581
Bartzke, G., Schmeeckle, M.W., Huhn, K.
2019. Effects of grain-size distribution and shape on sediment bed stability, near-bed flow and bed microstructure. Earth Surf. Process Landforms 44, 1100–1116
Staudt, F., Mullarney, J.C., Pilditch, C.A., Huhn, K.
2019. Light penetration in a temperate meso-tidal lagoon: Implications for seagrass growth and dredging in Tauranga Harbour, New Zealand. Ocean Coast. Manag. 174, 25–37
Cussioli, M.C., Bryan, K.R., Pilditch, C.A., de Lange, W.P., Bischof, K.
2019. Magnetic Mineralogical Approach for Exploration of Gas Hydrates in the Bay of Bengal. J. Geophys. Res. Solid Earth
Badesab, F., Dewangan, P., Gaikwad, V., Kars, M., Kocherla, M., K.s, K., Sangode, S.J., Deenadayalan, K., Kumar, P., Naikgaonkar, O., Ismaiel, M., Khan, A.
2019. Numerical modelling of hydraulics and sediment dynamics around mangrove seedlings: Implications for mangrove establishment and reforestation. Estuar. Coast. Shelf Sci. 217, 81–95
Le Minor, M., Bartzke, G., Zimmer, M., Gillis, L., Helfer, V., Huhn, K.
2019. Protection of the Marine Environment: The International and National Regulation of Deep Seabed Mining Activities, in: Environmental Issues of Deep-Sea Mining. pp. 471–503
Singh, P., Hunter, J.
2019. Recent morphologic evolution of the German Wadden Sea. Sci. Rep. 9
Benninghoff, M., Winter, C.
2019. The links between entrance geometry, hypsometry and hydrodynamics in shallow tidally dominated basins. Earth Surf. Process. Landforms 44, 1957–1972
de Ruiter, P.J., Mullarney, J.C., Bryan, K.R., Winter, C.
2019. Towards a more-than-human political ecology of coastal protection: Coast Care practices in Aotearoa New Zealand. Environ. Plan. E Nat. Sp. 251484861986075
Gesing, F.
2019. Undrained cyclic shear behaviour of weathered tephra. Geotechnique 69, 489–500
Kluger, M.O., Kreiter, S., Moon, V.G., Orense, R.P., Mills, P.R., Mörz, T.