GRK 1286: Maßgeschneiderte Metall-Halbleiter-Hybridsysteme
Zusammenfassung der Projektergebnisse
Mikro- und nanostrukturierte Metall-Halbleiter-Hybridsysteme kombinieren die Vorteile von Metallen und Halbleitern und eröffnen der grundlagen- und anwendungsorientierten Forschung neue Perspektiven, die weit über die Möglichkeiten der Metalle oder Halbleiter allein hinausgehen. Ein wichtiges Profilelement des Graduiertenkollegs, in dem Physiker mit Informatikern und Mathematikern zusammengearbeitet haben, war die Verbindung von Experiment, Theorie und Simulation. Ein herausragendes Ergebnis dieser Zusammenarbeit sind die beiden Simulationsprogramme MicroMagnum und magnum.fe zur Lösung der Landau-Lifshitz-Gilbert-Gleichung mit allen Feldtermen und dem Spindrehmoment. Die Programme sind im Internet frei verfügbar. Die experimentellen Untersuchungen erfolgten mit vielfältigen Methoden wie Magnetotransportmessungen, Hall-Mikromagnetometrie, Magnetkraftmikroskopie, magneto-optischer Kerr-Mikroskopie, Röntgen-Transmisionsmikroskopie, Photolumineszenspektroskopie, optischer Nahfeldmikroskopie und spinpolarisierter Rastertunnelmikroskopie. Die enge Kooperation der Kollegiaten bewirkte einen wechselseitigen Austausch der einzelnen Methoden und führte damit zu einer Steigerung der wissenschaftlichen Ergebnisse. Die vom Graduiertenkolleg gewonnenen Erkenntnisse tragen zum besseren Verständnis der elektrischen, magnetischen und optischen Eigenschaften von Metall-Halbleitera Hybridsystemen bei. Dazu zählen Metall-Halbleiter-Röllchen, die als Metamaterialien zur Herstellung von Hyperlinsen verwendet werden können, und Metall-Halbleiter-Kontakte, die eine verbesserte Spininjektion von Metallen in Halbeiter ermöglichen. Mögliche Anwendungen, die sich aus der Forschung des Graduiertenkollegs ergeben könnten, wären innovative Speicherbauelemente, die auf der Chiralität und Polarisierung magnetischer Vortizes, der Änderung des Magnetisierungszustands einzelner Inseln aus Eisenatomen oder der Erzeugung und Vernichtung von Skyrmionen beruhen.
Projektbezogene Publikationen (Auswahl)
Computation of Spin-Wave Spectra of Magnetic Nanostructures for Information Storage Systems, In: W. Borutzky, A. Orsoni, and R. Zobel, editors, Proceedings of the 20th European Conference on Modelling and Simulation 2006 (ECMS 2006), pages SE–136–1–136–6. 2006
M. Bolte, G. Meier, M. Najafi, and D. P. F. Möller
Current-driven domain-wall dynamics in curved ferromagnetic nanowires, Phys. Rev. B 75, 054421–1–054421–9 (2007)
B. Krüger, D. Pfannkuche, M. Bolte, G. Meier, and U. Merkt
Current-induced domain-wall motion in permalloy semi rings, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 316, e966–e968 (2007)
G. Meier, M. Bolte, U. Merkt, B. Krüger, and D. Pfannkuche
Direct Imaging of Stochastic Domain-Wall Motion Driven by Nanosecond Current Pulses, Phys. Rev. Lett. 98, 187202–1–187202–4 (2007)
G. Meier, M. Bolte, R. Eiselt, B. Krüger, D. H. Kim, and P. Fischer
Harmonic oscillator model for current- and field-driven magnetic vortices, Phys. Rev. B 76, 224426–1–224426–5 (2007)
B. Krüger, A. Drews, M. Bolte, U. Merkt, D. Pfannkuche, and G. Meier
Micromagnetic simulation and X-ray microscopy of field- and current-induced magnetization dynamics in ferromagnetic nanostructures, Ph.D. Thesis, Universität Hamburg, 2007
Markus Bolte
Optical Microtube Ring Resonators, AIP Conference Proceedings 893, 1127–1128 (2007), 28th International Conference on the Physics of Semiconductors - ICPS 2006, 24-28 July 2006, Wien, Austria
T. Kipp, Ch. Strelow, H. Welsch, Ch. Heyn, and D. Heitmann
Shallow HEMTs for Lateral Magnetic Superlattices, AIP Conference Proceedings 893, 573–574 (2007), 28th International Conference on the Physics of Semiconductors - ICPS 2006, 24-28 July 2006, Wien, Austria
R. Dinter, H. Stillrich, Ch. Heyn, S. Pütter, H. P. Oepen, W. Hansen, A. Frömsdorf, S. Förster, W. Lee, and K. Nielsch
Simulating Magnetic Storage Elements: Implementation of the Micromagnetic Model into MATLAB - Case Study for Standardizing Simulation Environments, In: G. A. Wainer and H. Vakilzadian, editors, Proceedings of the 2007 Summer Computer Simulation Conference (SCSC’07), pages 525–532. 2007
M. Bolte, M. Najafi, G. Meier, and D. P. F. Möller
Symmetry dependence of Spin-Wave Eigenmodes in Landau-Domain Patterns, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 316, e526–e628 (2007)
M. Bolte, G. Meier, and C. Bayer
Three dimensionally confined optical modes in quantum-well microtube ring resonators, Phys. Rev. B 76, 045303–1–045303–5 (2007)
Ch. Strelow, C. M. Schultz, H. Rehberg, H. Welsch, Ch. Heyn, D. Heitmann, and T. Kipp
A case study for the parallelization of a complex MATLAB program with respect to maintainability, In: J. Gauthier, editor, Proceedings of the Huntsville Simulation Conference (HSC) 2008, pages 309–315. SCS Publishing House, San Diego, California, USA, 2008
M. Najafi, G. Selke, B. Krüger, B. Güde, B. Krause-Kyora, M. Bolte, G. Meier, and D. P. F. Möller
A case study for the parallelization of a complex MATLAB program with respect to maintainability, In: J. Gauthier, editor, Proceedings of the Huntsville Simulation Conference (HSC) 2008, pages 309–315. SCS Publishing House, San Diego, California, USA, 2008
M. Najafi, G. Selke, B. Krüger, B. Güde, B. Krause-Kyora, M. Bolte, G. Meier, and D. P. F. Möller
Cascade of Y-shaped spin filters in InGaAs/InAs/InGaAs quantum wells, J. Appl. Phys. 104, 066106–1–066106–3 (2008)
A. W. Cummings, R. Akis, D. K. Ferry, J. Jacob, T. Matsuyama, U. Merkt, and G. Meier
Current controlled random-access memory based on magnetic vortex handedness, Appl. Phys. Lett. 93, 142508–1–142508–3 (2008
S. Bohlens, B. Krüger, A. Drews, M. Bolte, G. Meier, and D. Pfannkuche
Current controlled random-access memory based on magnetic vortex handedness, Appl. Phys. Lett. 93, 142508–1–142508–3 (2008)
S. Bohlens, B. Krüger, A. Drews, M. Bolte, G. Meier, and D. Pfannkuche
Current- and field-driven magnetic antivortices, Phys. Rev. B 77, 094413–1–094413–5 (2008)
A. Drews, B. Krüger, M. Bolte, and G. Meier
Current- and field-driven magnetic antivortices, Phys. Rev. B 77, 094413–1–094413–5 (2008)
A. Drews, B. Krüger, M. Bolte, and G. Meier
GISAXS Studies of InAs Nano-Dots at BW4, HASYLAB Annual Report 2007 pages 307–308 (2008)
A. V. Zozulya, A. Zolotaryov, I. A. Vartaniants, A. Timman, and S. V. Roth
Investigation of the temperature dependent island growth in InAs/AlAs(001) systems, HASYLAB Annual Report 2007 pages 1181–1182 (2008)
A. Zolotaryov, A. Schramm, W. Hansen, and R. L. Johnson
Magneto-optical study of the spin-polarized electronic states in multiferroic TbMnO3, Phys. Rev. B 77, 193105–1–193105–3 (2008)
M. Bastjan, S. G. Singer, G. Neuber, S. Eller, N. Aliouane, D. N. Argyriou, S. L. Cooper, and M. Rübhausen
MBE-growth of InAs/GaAs(001) quantum dots at low temperatures, Journal of Crystal Growth 310, 4122–4125 (2008)
A. Zolotaryov, Ch. Heyn, and W. Hansen
Metal to insulator transition in manganites: Changes in optical conductivity up to 22 eV, Phys. Rev. B 78, 125110–1–125110–5 (2008)
A. Rusydi, R. Rauer, G. Neuber, M. Bastjan, I. Mahns, S. Müller, P. Saichu, B. Schulz, S. G. Singer, A. I. Lichtenstein, D. Qi, X. Gao, X. Yu, A. T. S. Wee, G. Stryganyuk, K. Dörr, G. A. Sawatzky, S. L. Cooper, and M. Rübhausen
Optical conductivity study from 0.5 to 22 eV of doped spin ladder Sr14 Cu24 O41, HASYLAB Annual Report 2007 pages 1071–1072 (2008)
A. Rusydi, G. Neuber, M. Bastjan, S. Singer, I. Mahns, P. Saichu, A. Goos, B. Schulz, M. Rübhausen, G. Stryganyuk, and G. A. Sawatzky
Optical Microcavities Formed by Semiconductor Microtubes Using a Bottlelike Geometry, Phys. Rev. Lett. 101, 127403–1–127403–4 (2008)
Ch. Strelow, H. Rehberg, C. M. Schultz, H. Welsch, Ch. Heyn, D. Heitmann, and T. Kipp
Revealing Magnetic Interactions from Single-Atom Magnetization Curves, Science 320, 82–86 (2008)
F. Meier, L. Zhou, J. Wiebe, and R. Wiesendanger
Spatial emission characteristics of a semiconductor microtube ring resonator, Physica E 40, 1836–1839 (2008)
Ch. Strelow, H. Rehberg, C. M. Schultz, H. Welsch, Ch. Heyn, D. Heitmann, and T. Kipp
Spin Valves For Innovative Computing Devices and Architectures, In: D. Cook and K. Taylor, editors, Proceedings of the 2008 Summer Computer Simulation Conference (SCSC’08), pages 279–285. 2008
B. Güde, M.-A. B. W. Bolte, B. Krüger, M. Najafi, and D. P. F. Möller
Spin Valves For Innovative Computing Devices and Architectures, In: D. Cook and K. Taylor, editors, Proceedings of the 2008 Summer Computer Simulation Conference (SCSC’08), pages 279–285. 2008
B. Güde, M.-A. B. W. Bolte, B. Krüger, M. Najafi, and D. P. F. Möller
Stray field of a Landau magnetization pattern, J. Appl. Phys. 104, 083909–1–083909–6 (2008)
L. Breitenstein, P. Lendecke, S. Bohlens, G. Meier, and U. Merkt
Temperature dependence of domain-wall depinning fields in constricted permalloy nanowires, J. Appl. Phys. 103, 073909–1–073909–4 (2008)
P. Lendecke, R. Eiselt, G. Meier, and U. Merkt
The micromagnetic modeling and simulation kit M3S for the simulation of the dynamic response of ferromagnets to electric currents, In: H. Vakilzadian, R. Huntsinger, T. Ericson, and R. Crosbie, editors, Proceedings of the 2008 Grand Challenges in Modeling and Simulation Conference (GCSM’08), pages 427–434. 2008
M. Najafi, B. Krüger, S. Bohlens, G. Selke, B. Güde, M. Bolte, and D. P. F. Möller
The micromagnetic modeling and simulation kit M3S for the simulation of the dynamic response of ferromagnets to electric currents, In: H. Vakilzadian, R. Huntsinger, T. Ericson, and R. Crosbie, editors, Proceedings of the 2008 Grand Challenges in Modeling and Simulation Conference (GCSM’08), pages 427–434. 2008
M. Najafi, B. Krüger, S. Bohlens, G. Selke, B. Güde, M. Bolte, and D. P. F. Möller
Time-resolved imaging of current-induced domain-wall oscillations, Phys. Rev. B 78, 180405–1–180405–4 (2008)
L. Bocklage, B. Krüger, R. Eiselt, M. Bolte, P. Fischer, and G. Meier
Time-resolved imaging of current-induced domain-wall oscillations, Phys. Rev. B 78, 180405–1–180405–4 (2008)
L. Bocklage, B. Krüger, R. Eiselt, M. Bolte, P. Fischer, and G. Meier
Time-Resolved X-Ray Microscopy of Spin-Torque-Induced Magnetic Vortex Gyration, Phys. Rev. Lett. 100, 176601–1–176601–4 (2008)
M. Bolte, G. Meier, B. Krüger, A. Drews, R. Eiselt, L. Bocklage, S. Bohlens, T. Tyliszczak, A. Vansteenkiste, B. van Waeyenberge, K. W. Chou, A. Puzic, and H. Stoll
Time-Resolved X-Ray Microscopy of Spin-Torque-Induced Magnetic Vortex Gyration, Phys. Rev. Lett. 100, 176601–1–176601–4 (2008)
M. Bolte, G. Meier, B. Krüger, A. Drews, R. Eiselt, L. Bocklage, S. Bohlens, T. Tyliszczak, A. Vansteenkiste, B. van Waeyenberge, K. W. Chou, A. Puzic, and H. Stoll
Unidirectional photoluminescence emission of pierced microdisks, Ph.D. Thesis, Universität Hamburg, 2008, Verlag Dr. Hut, München, 2009
Fabian Wilde
Vortices and antivortices as harmonic oscillators, J. Appl. Phys. 103, 07A501–1–07A501–3 (2008)
B. Krüger, A. Drews, M. Bolte, U. Merkt, D. Pfannkuche, and G. Meier
Vortices and antivortices as harmonic oscillators, J. Appl. Phys. 103, 07A501–1–07A501–3 (2008)
B. Krüger, A. Drews, M. Bolte, U. Merkt, D. Pfannkuche, and G. Meier
All-electrical InAs spin filters, Ph.D. Thesis, Universität Hamburg, 2009, Verlag Dr. Hut, München, 2010
Jan Jacob
Anisotropic magnetoresistance of spin-orbit coupled carriers scattered from polarized magnetic impurities, Phys. Rev. B 80, 134405–1–134405–14 (2009)
M. Trushin, K. Vyborny, P. Moraczewski, A. A. Kovalev, J. Schliemann, and T. Jungwirth
Anlagensteuerung und Messdatenerfassung mit LabVIEW und einem PXI-System zur Untersuchung von halbleiterbasierten Spinfilter-Kaskaden, In: R. Jamal and H. Jaschinski, editors, Virtuelle Instrumente in der Praxis: Begleitband zum Kongress VIP 2009, pages 21–24. Hüthig-Verlag, München, 2009
J. Jacob, F.-U. Stein, G. Meier, and U. Merkt
Characterization of droplet-epitaxial GaAs/AlGaAs(001) quantum dot and quantum ring systems using grazing incidence X-ray diffraction, Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing 12, 75–81 (2009)
A. Zolotaryov, A. Schramm, Ch. Heyn, A. Zozulya, and W. Hansen
Current- and field-driven magnetic antivortices for nonvolatile data storage, Appl. Phys. Lett. 94, 062504–1–062504–3 (2009)
A. Drews, B. Krüger, G. Meier, S. Bohlens, L. Bocklage, T. Matsuyama, and M. Bolte
Current- and field-driven magnetic antivortices for nonvolatile data storage, Appl. Phys. Lett. 94, 062504–1–062504–3 (2009)
A. Drews, B. Krüger, G. Meier, S. Bohlens, L. Bocklage, T. Matsuyama, and M. Bolte
Current-induced domain-wall depinning in curved permalloy nanowires, J. Appl. Phys. 105, 07D511–1–07D511–3 (2009)
G. Nahrwold, L. Bocklage, J. M. Scholtyssek, T. Matsuyama, B. Krüger, u U. Merkt, and G. Meier
Dependence of magnetic domain-wall motion on a fast changing current, Phys. Rev. Lett. 103, 197204–1–197204–4 (2009)
L. Bocklage, B. Krüger, T. Matsuyama, M. Bolte, U. Merkt, D. Pfannkuche, and G. Meier
Dynamics of magnetic vortices and antivortices, Ph.D. Thesis, Universität Hamburg, 2009
André Drews
Electron-lattice interactions in the perovskite LaFe0.5Cr0.5 O3 characterized by optical spectroscopy and LDA+U calculations, Phys. Rev. B 80, 075103–1–075103–5 (2009)
J. Andreasson, J. Holmlund, S. G. Singer, Ch. S. Knee, R. Rauer, B. Schulz, M. Käll, M. Rübhausen, S.-G. Eriksson, L. B¨rjesson, and A. Lichtenstein
Electronic and magnetic properties of manganese-doped quantum dots, Ph.D. Thesis, Universität Hamburg, 2009
Peter Moraczewski
Electronic structure and optical spectroscopy of strongly correlated manganites and Heusler alloys, Ph.D. Thesis, Universität Hamburg, 2009, Verlag Dr. Hut, München, 2009
Stefan Singer
Generation of highly spin-polarized currents in cascaded InAs spin filters, J. Appl. Phys. 105, 093714–1–093714–4 (2009)
J. Jacob, G. Meier, S. Peters, T. Matsuyama, U. Merkt, A. W. Cummings, R. Akis, and D. K. Ferry
Highly uniform and strain-free GaAs quantum dots fabricated by filling of self-assembled nanoholes, Appl. Phys. Lett. 94, 183113–1–183113–3 (2009)
Ch. Heyn, A. Stemmann, T. Köppen, Ch. Strelow, T. Kipp, M. Grave, S. Mendach, and W. Hansen
Influence of growth temperature on phase and intermixing in Heusler Ni2 MnIn films on InAs(001), Journal of Crystal Growth 311, 2397–2404 (2009)
A. Zolotaryov, A. Volland, Ch. Heyn, D. Novikov, G. Stryganyuk, A. Kornowski, T. Vossmeyer, O. Albrecht, E. Coric, and W. Hansen
Local etching of nanoholes and quantum rings with Inx Ga1−x droplets, J. Appl. Phys. 106, 064315–1–064315–4 (2009)
A. Stemmann, T. Köppen, M. Grave, S. Wildfang, S. Mendach, W. Hansen, and Ch. Heyn
Magnetization reversal of nanoscale islands: How size and shape affect the Arrhenius prefactor, Phys. Rev. Lett. 103, 127202–1–127202–4 (2009)
S. Krause, G. Herzog, T. Stapelfeldt, L. Berbil-Bautista, M. Bode, E. Y. Vedmedenko, and R. Wiesendanger
Proposal for a standard problem for micromagnetic simulations including spin-transfer torque, J. Appl. Phys. 105, 113914–1–113914–8 (2009)
M. Najafi, B. Krüger, S. Bohlens, M. Franchin, H. Fangohr, A. Vanhaverbeke, R. Allenspach, M. Bolte, U. Merkt, D. Pfannkuche, D. P. F. Möller, and G. Meier
Proposal for a standard problem for micromagnetic simulations including spin-transfer torque, J. Appl. Phys. 105, 113914–1–113914–8 (2009)
M. Najafi, B. Krüger, S. Bohlens, M. Franchin, H. Fangohr, A. Vanhaverbeke, u R. Allenspach, M. Bolte, U. Merkt, D. Pfannkuche, D. P. F. Möller, and G. Meier
Rolled-up three-dimensional metamaterials with tunable plasma frequency in the visible regime, Phys. Rev. Lett. 102, 163903–1–163903–4 (2009)
S. Schwaiger, M. Bröll, A. Krohn, A. Stemmann, Ch. Heyn, Y. Stark, D. Stickler, D. Heitmann, and S. Mendach
Time-resolved studies of a rolled-up semiconductor microtube resonator, Appl. Phys. Lett. 95, 221115–1–221115–3 (2009)
Ch. Strelow, M. Sauer, S. Fehringer, T. Korn, C. Schüller, A. Stemmann, Ch. Heyn, D. Heitmann, and T. Kipp
Two-Component Dynamics of the Order Parameter of High Temperature Bi2 Sr2 CaCu2 O8+δ Superconductors Revealed by Time-Resolved Raman Scattering, Phys. Rev. Lett. 102, 177004–1–177004–4 (2009)
R. P. Saichu, I. Mahns, A. Goos, S. Binder, P. May, S. G. Singer, B. Schulz, A. Rusydi, J. Unterhinninghofen, D. Manske, P. Guptasarma, M. S. Williamsen, and M. Rübhausen
Analytical modeling and X-ray imaging of oscillations of a single magnetic domain wall, Phys. Rev. B 81, 054404–1–054404–7 (2010)
L. Bocklage, B. Krüger, P. Fischer, and G. Meier
Automatisierte Erkennung eines magnetischen Vortex und seiner Trajektorie in Röntgen-Mikroskopaufnahmen, In: R. Jamal and R. Heinze, editors, Virtuelle Instrumente in der Praxis: Begleitband zum Kongress VIP 2010, pages 9–12. VDE-Verlag, Berlin, 2010
J. Jacob, L. Wenzel, Q. Ruan, T. Kamionka, M. Martens, and G. Meier
Bulk Cr tips with full spatial magnetic sensitivity for spin-polarized scanning tunneling microscopy, Appl. Phys. Lett. 97, 083104–1–083104–3 (2010)
A. Schlenhoff, S. Krause, G. Herzog, and R. Wiesendanger
Domain-wall pinning and depinning at soft spots in magnetic nanowires, IEEE Transactions on Magnetics 46, 1708–1710 (2010)
A. Vogel, S. Wintz, J. Kimling, M. Bolte, T. Strache, M. Fritzsche, M.-Y. Im, P. Fischer, G. Meier, and J. Fassbender
Hall micromagnetometry of domain-wall depinning in permalloy nanowires, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 322, 1399–1401 (2010)
P. Lendecke, U. Merkt, and G. Meier
Hall micromagnetometry of ferromagnetic nanostructures, Ph.D. Thesis, Universität Hamburg, 2009, Verlag Dr. Hut, München, 2010
Peter Lendecke
Heat assisted spin torque switching of quasistable nanomagnets across a vacuum gap, Appl. Phys. Lett. 96, 102505–1–102505–3 (2010)
G. Herzog, S. Krause, and R. Wiesendanger
InAs spin filters based on the spin-Hall effect, In: D. Heitmann, editor, Quantum Materials - Lateral Semiconductor Nanostructures, Hybrid Systems and Nanocrystals (Nanoscience and Technology), pages 303–326. Springer, 2010
J. Jacob, T. Matsuyama, G. Meier, and U. Merkt
Inversion of spin polarization above individual magnetic adatoms, Phys. Rev. B 82, 012409–1–012409–4 (2010)
L. Zhou, F. Meier, J. Wiebe, and R. Wiesendanger
Magnetic domain-wall depinning with reduced current density by short pulse rise time, Appl. Phys. Lett. 97, 242503–1–242503–3 (2010)
H. H. Langner, L. Bocklage, B. Krüger, T. Matsuyama, and G. Meier
Magnetic domain-wall depinning with reduced current density by short pulse rise time, Appl. Phys. Lett. 97, 242503–1–242503–3 (2010)
] H. H. Langner, L. Bocklage, B. Krüger, T. Matsuyama, and G. Meier
Magnetoresistive Effects in Co/Pd Multilayers on Self-assembled Nanoparticles, J. Appl. Phys. 107, 09C506–1–09C506–6 (2010)
J. Kimling née Moser, V. Kunej, H.-F. Pernau, E. Scheer, and M. Albrecht
Metamaterials based on metal/semiconductor microrolls, Ph.D. Thesis, Universität Hamburg, 2010, Cuvillier Verlag, Göttingen, 2010
Markus Bröll
Multi-physics simulations of current-induced domain wall motion using graphics processing units, In: R. Crosbie, T. Erickson, R. C. Huntsinger, K. Cooper, M. Itmi, and H. Vakilzadian, editors, Proceedings of the 2010 Summer Simulation Multiconference, Book 3: Grand Challenges in Modeling and Simulation (GCMS2010), pages 152–157. (ISBN: 978-1-61738-704-3), 2010
A. Drews, G. Selke, and D. Möller
Observation of coupled vortex gyrations by 70-ps-time- and 20-nm-spaceresolved full-field magnetic transmission soft X-ray microscopy, Appl. Phys. Lett. 97, 222502–1–222502–3 (2010)
H. Jung, Y.-S. Yu, K.-S. Lee, M.-Y. Im, P. Fischer, L. Bocklage, A. Vogel, M. Bolte, G. Meier, and S.-K. Kim
Optical Modes Excited by Evanescent-Wave-Coupled PbS Nanocrystals in Semiconductor Microtube Bottle Resonators, Nano Letters 10, 627–631 (2010)
K. Dietrich, Ch. Strelow, C. Schliehe, Ch. Heyn, A. Stemmann, S. Schwaiger, S. Mendach, A. Mews, H. Weller, D. Heitmann, and T. Kipp
Optical Properties of GaAs Quantum Dots Fabricated by Filling of Self-Assembled Nanoholes, Nanoscale Research Letters 5, 576–580 (2010)
Ch. Heyn, A. Stemmann, T. Köppen, Ch. Strelow, T. Kipp, M. Grave, S. Mendach, and W. Hansen
Photoluminescence on quantum dots with stress-tunable energy levels, Ph.D. Thesis, Universität Hamburg, 2010, Verlag Dr. Hut, München, 2010
Sven Wildfang
Photoluminescence spectroscopy on microtube bottle resonators formed by rolled-up semiconductor bilayers, Ph.D. Thesis, Universität Hamburg, 2009, Verlag Dr. Hut, München, 2010
Christian Strelow
Proposal of a robust measurement scheme for the nonadiabatic spin torque using the displacement of magnetic vortices, Phys. Rev. Lett. 104, 077201–1–077201–4 (2010)
B. Krüger, M. Najafi, S. Bohlens, R. Frömter, D. Möller, and D. Pfannkuche
Single-dot Spectroscopy of GaAs Quantum Dots Fabricated by Filling of Self-assembled Nanoholes, Nanoscale Research Letters 5, 1633–1636 (2010)
Ch. Heyn, M. Klingbeil, Ch. Strelow, A. Stemmann, S. Mendach, and W. Hansen
Strength and directionality of surface Ruderman-Kittel-Kasuya-Yosida interaction mapped on the atomic scale, Nature Physics 6, 187–191 (2010)
L. Zhou, J. Wiebe, S. Lounis, E. Vedmedenko, F. Meier, S. Blügel, P. H. Dederichs, and R. Wiesendanger
Structural, magnetic, and transport properties of permalloy for spintronic experiments, J. Appl. Phys. 108, 013907–1–013907–6 (2010)
G. Nahrwold, J. M. Scholtyssek, S. Motl-Ziegler, O. Albrecht, U. Merkt, and G. Meier
Three dimensional fishnet structures by rolled-up metal/semiconductor microrolls, In: Proceedings of the Fourth International Congress on Advanced Electromagnetic Materials in Microwaves and Optics (Metamaterials 2010), pages 905–907. Metamorphose-VI (ISBN 978-952-92-7734-6), 2010
M. Bröll, S. Schwaiger, D. Stickler, J. Ehlermann, F. Valmorra, J. Kerbst, D. Heitmann, and S. Mendach
Whispering gallery plasmon modes on silver rings, In: Proceedings of the Fourth International Congress on Advanced Electromagnetic Materials in Microwaves and Optics (Metamaterials 2010), pages 262–264. Metamorphose-VI (ISBN 978-952-92-7734-6), 2010
A. Rottler, M. Bröll, S. Schwaiger, D. Heitmann, and S. Mendach
Width dependence of the nonadiabatic spin-transfer torque in narrow domain walls, Phys. Rev. Lett. 105, 177201–1–177201–4 (2010)
S. Bohlens and D. Pfannkuche
Active three-dimensional metal/semiconductor metamaterials including Ag gratings, In: Proceedings of the Fifth International Congress on Advanced Electromagnetic Materials in Microwaves and Optics (Metamaterials 2011), pages 417–419. Metamorphose-VI (ISBN 978-952-67611-0-7), 2011
S. Schwaiger, A. Rottler, M. Klingbeil, J. Kerbst, R. Costa, A. Koitmäe, M. Bröll, Y. Stark, Ch. Heyn, D. Heitmann, and S. Mendach
Air-gap heterostructures, Appl. Phys. Lett. 98, 033105–1–033105–3 (2011)
Ch. Heyn, M. Schmidt, S. Schwaiger, A. Stemmann, S. Mendach, and W. Hansen
Atomic magnetism revealed by spin-resolved scanning tunnelling spectroscopy, Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 44, 464009–1–464009–21 (2011)
J. Wiebe, L. Zhou, and R. Wiesendanger
Current-driven magnetization dynamics: Analytical modeling and numerical simulation, Ph.D. Thesis, Universität Hamburg, 2011
Benjamin Krüger
Enhanced transmission in rolled-up hyperlenses utilizing Fabry-P´rot resonances, Appl. Phys. Lett. 99, 191905–1–191905–3 (2011)
J. Kerbst, S. Schwaiger, A. Rottler, A. Koitmäe, M. Bröll, J. Ehlermann, A. Stemmann, Ch. Heyn, D. Heitmann, and S. Mendach
Field- and current-induced domain-wall motion in permalloy nanowires with magnetic soft spots, Appl. Phys. Lett. 98, 202501–1–202501–3 (2011)
A. Vogel, S. Wintz, T. Gerhardt, L. Bocklage, T. Strache, M.-Y. Im, P. Fischer, J. Fassbender, J. McCord, and G. Meier
Field- and current-induced domain-wall motion in permalloy nanowires with magnetic soft spots, Appl. Phys. Lett. 98, 202501–1–202501–3 (2011)
A. Vogel, S. Wintz, T. Gerhardt, L. Bocklage, T. Strache, M.-Y. Im, P. Fischer, J. Fassbender, J. McCord, and G. Meier
Gain in three-dimensional metamaterials utilizing semiconductor quantum structures, Phys. Rev. B 84, 155325–1–155325–5 (2011)
S. Schwaiger, M. Klingbeil, J. Kerbst, A. Rottler, R. Costa, A. Koitmäe, M. Bröll, Ch. Heyn, Y. Stark, D. Heitmann, and S. Mendach
Heat assisted spin-transfer torque manipulation on the nanoscale using a spin-polarized scanning tunneling microscope, Ph.D. Thesis, Universität Hamburg, 2011. Verlag Dr. Hut, München, 2011
Gabriela Herzog
Interplay of inhomogeneous currents and magnetization textures, Ph.D. Thesis, Universität Hamburg, 2010, Verlag Dr. Hut, München, 2011
Stellan Bohlens
Influence of temperature on the gyrotropic eigenmode of magnetic vortices, Phys. Rev. B 83, 224424–1–224424–6 (2011)
T. Kamionka, M. Martens, A. Drews, B. Krüger, O. Albrecht, and G. Meier
Itinerant nature of atom-magnetization excitation by tunneling electrons, Phys. Rev. Lett. 106, 037205–1–037205–4 (2011)
A. A. Khajetoorians, S. Lounis, B. Chilian, A. T. Costa, L. Zhou, D. L. Mills, J. Wiebe, and R. Wiesendanger
Joule heating and spin-transfer torque investigated on the atomic scale using a spin-polarized scanning tunneling microscope, Phys. Rev. Lett. 107, 186601–1–186601–4 (2011)
S. Krause, G. Herzog, A. Schlenhoff, A. Sonntag, and R. Wiesendanger
Magnetic reversal of cylindrical nickel nanowires with modulated diameters, J. Appl. Phys. 109, 033907–1–033907–6 (2011)
K. Pitzschel, J. Bachmann, S. Martens, J. M. Montero-Moreno, J. Kimling, G. Meier, J. Escrig, K. Nielsch, and D. Görlitz
Micromagnetic modeling by computational science integrated development environments (CSIDE), Ph.D. Thesis, Universität Hamburg, 2011
Massoud Najafi
Photoemission electron microscopy of three-dimensional magnetization configurations in core-shell nanostructures, Phys. Rev. B 84, 174406–1–174406–5 (2011)
J. Kimling, F. Kronast, S. Martens, T. Böhnert, M. Martens, J. Hererro-Albillos, L. Tati-Bismaths, U. Merkt, K. Nielsch, and G. Meier
Point contact Andreev spectroscopy of epitaxial Co2 FeSi Heusler alloys on GaAs (001), J. Appl. Phys. 110, 063908–1–063908–5 (2011)
H. Lehmann, J. M. Scholtyssek, C. Herrmann, J. Herfort, U. Merkt, and G. Meier
Self-assembly of semiconductor quantum rings by local droplet etching, Journal of Nanoelectronics and Optoelectronics 6, 62–67 (2011)
Ch. Heyn, A. Stemmann, Ch. Strelow, T. Köppen, D. Sonnenberg, A. Graf, S. Mendach, and W. Hansen
Single-atom magnetism mapped by spin-polarized scanning tunneling microscopy, Ph.D. Thesis, Universität Hamburg, 2011
Lihui Zhou
Spin polarization of platinum (111) induced by the proximity to cobalt nanostripes, Phys. Rev. B 83, 075407–1–075407–8 (2011)
F. Meier, S. Lounis, J. Wiebe, L. Zhou, S. Heers, P. Mavropoulos, P. H. Dederichs, S. Blügel, and R. Wiesendanger
Spin valves for reconfigurable logic devices, Ph.D. Thesis, Universität Hamburg, 2011
Bernd Güde
Strong coupling between surface plasmon polariton and laser dye rhodamine 800, Appl. Phys. Lett. 99, 051110–1–051110–3 (2011)
F. Valmorra, M. Bröll, S. Schwaiger, N. Welzel, D. Heitmann, and S. Mendach
Subtractively prepared permalloy nanowires for spin-torque experiments, Journal of Physics: Conference Series 303, 012092–1–012092–7 (2011)
G. Nahrwold, S. Dogan, L. Bocklage, T. Matsuyama, U. Merkt, G. Meier, K. Kondou, G. Yamada, and T. Ono
Subtractively prepared permalloy nanowires for spin-torque experiments, Journal of Physics: Conference Series 303, 012092–1–012092–7 (2011)
G. Nahrwold, S. Dogan, L. Bocklage, T. Matsuyama, U. Merkt, G. Meier, K. Kondou, G. Yamada, and T. Ono
Tailoring of high-Q-factor surface plasmon modes on silver microtubes, Optics Letters 36, 1240–1242 (2011)
A. Rottler, M. Bröll, S. Schwaiger, D. Heitmann, and S. Mendach
Terahertz metamaterials based on arrays of rolled-up gold/(In)GaAs tubes, Optics Letters 36, 4797–4799 (2011)
A. Rottler, M. Bröll, N. Gerken, D. Heitmann, and S. Mendach
Transmission enhancement in three-dimensional rolled-up plasmonic metamaterials containing optically active quantum wells, Journal of the Optical Society of America B 28, 2402–2407 (2011)
] A. Rottler, S. Schwaiger, A. Koitmäe, D. Heitmann, and S. Mendach
Tunable negligible-loss energy transfer between dipolar-coupled magnetic disks by stimulated vortex gyration, Scientific Reports 1, 59–1–59–6 (2011)
H. Jung, K.-S. Lee, D.-E. Jeong, Y.-S. Choi, Y.-S. Yu, D.-S. Han, A. Vogel, L. Bocklage, G. Meier, M.-Y. Im, P. Fischer, and S.-K. Kim
A fast finite-difference method for micromagnetics using the magnetic scalar potential, IEEE Transactions on Magnetics 48, 1105–1109 (2012)
C. Abert, G. Selke, B. Krüger, and A. Drews
Ballistic thermal point contacts made of GaAs nanopillars, AIP Conference Proceedings 1566, 243–244 (2013), 31st International Conference on the Physics of Semiconductors - ICPS 2012, 29 July - 3 August 2012, Zürich, Switzerland
Th. Bartsch, A. Wetzel, D. Sonnenberg, M. Schmidt, Ch. Heyn, and W. Hansen
Broadband operation of rolled-up hyperlenses, Phys. Rev. B 85, 235309–1–235309–9 (2012)
S. Schwaiger, A. Rottler, M. Bröll, J. Ehlermann, A. Stemmann, D. Stickler, Ch. Heyn, D. Heitmann, and S. Mendach
Broadband operation of rolled-up hyperlenses, Phys. Rev. B 85, 235309–1–235309–9 (2012)
S. Schwaiger, A. Rottler, M. Bröll, J. Ehlermann, A. Stemmann, D. Stickler, Ch. Heyn, D. Heitmann, and S. Mendach
Controlled pinning and depinning of domain walls in nanowires with perpendicular magnetic anisotropy, Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 24, 024208–1–024208–9 (2012)
T. Gerhardt, A. Drews, and G. Meier
Direct current-biased InAs spin-filter cascades, J. Appl. Phys. 112, 013706–1–013706–8 (2012)
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Direct current-biased InAs spin-filter cascades, J. Appl. Phys. 112, 013706–1–013706–8 (2012)
J. Jacob, H. Lehmann, U. Merkt, S. Mehl, and E. Hankiewicz
Efficient algorithm for the non-equlibriums Greens function method for numerical transport-simulations in nanostructures on CPUs and GPUs, UACEE International Journal of Computer Science and its Applications 2, 84–92 (2012)
J. Jacob, L. Wenzel, D. Schmidt, Q. Ruan, V. Amin, and J. Sinova
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T. Rieger, S. Heiderich, S. Link, M. I. Lepsa, and D. Grützmacher
Generation and annihilation of domain walls in nanowires by localized fields, Appl. Phys. Lett. 100, 192403–1–192403–3 (2012)
F.-U. Stein, L. Bocklage, T. Matsuyama, and G. Meier
Generation and annihilation of domain walls in nanowires by localized fields, Appl. Phys. Lett. 100, 192403–1–192403–3 (2012)
F.-U. Stein, L. Bocklage, T. Matsuyama, and G. Meier
High excitation power photoluminescence studies of ultra-low density GaAs quantum dots, AIP Conference Proceedings 1566, 431–432 (2013), 31st International Conference on the Physics of Semiconductors - ICPS 2012, 29 July - 3 August 2012, Zürich, Switzerland
D. Sonnenberg, A. Graf, V. Paulava, Ch. Heyn, and W. Hansen
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D. Sonnenberg, A. Graf, V. Paulava, W. Hansen, and Ch. Heyn
Individual atomic-scale magnets interacting with spin-polarized field-emitted electrons, Phys. Rev. Lett. 109, 097602–1–097602–5 (2012)
A. Schlenhoff, A. Sonntag, J. Hermenau, J. Friedlein, S. Krause, and R. Wiesendanger
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I. Makhfudz, B. Krüger, and O. Tschernyshyov
Influence of the winding number on field- and current driven dynamics of magnetic vortices and antivortices, J. Appl. Phys. 112, 013917–1–013917–5 (2012)
M. Martens, T. Kamionka, A. Drews, B. Krüger, and G. Meier
Magnetic soft x-ray microscopy of the domain wall depinning process in permalloy magnetic nanowires, Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 24, 024203–1–024203–4 (2012)
M.-Y. Im, L. Bocklage, G. Meier, and P. Fischer
Magnetization reversal in cylindrical nanowires and in nanowires with perpendicular magnetic anisotropy, Ph.D. Thesis, Universität Hamburg, 2012. Cuvillier Verlag, Göttingen, 2013
Judith Kimling
Manipulation of the emission from natural and Stranski Krastanow InGaAs quantum dots by strain, Ph.D. Thesis, Universität Hamburg, 2012. Verlag Dr. Hut, München, 2013
Matthias Klingbeil
Metal-dielectric metamaterials for transformation-optics and gradient-index devices at visible wavelengths, In: Proceedings of the Sixth International Congress on Advanced Electromagnetic Materials in Microwaves and Optics (Metamaterials 2012), pages 227–229. Metamorphose-VI (ISBN 978-952-67611-2-1), 2012
A. Rottler, D. Diedrich, D. Heitmann, and S. Mendach
Metal-dielectric metamaterials for transformation-optics devices in the visible regime, New Journal of Physics 14, 053042–1–053042–17 (2012)
D. Diedrich, A. Rottler, D. Heitmann, and S. Mendach
Modular analog current and voltage preamplifier system with state variable filters and computer control interface, In: S. I. Ao, O. Castillo, C. Douglas, D. D. Feng, and J.-A. Lee, editors, Lecture Notes in Engineering and Computer Science: Proceedings of The International MultiConference of Engineers and Computer Scientists 2012, volume Volume II, pages 1006–1011. Newswood Limited, 2012
J. Jacob and B. Fiedler
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A. Drews, B. Krüger, G. Selke, T. Kamionka, A. Vogel, M. Martens, U. Merkt, D. Möller, and G. Meier
Numerical transport simulations in semiconductor nanostructures on CPUs and GPUs, In: S. I. Ao, O. Castillo, C. Douglas, D. D. Feng, and J.-A. Lee, editors, Lecture Notes in Engineering and Computer Science: Proceedings of The International MultiConference of Engineers and Computer Scientists 2012, volume Volume II, pages 1629–1634. Newswood Limited, 2012
J. Jacob, L. Wenzel, D. Schmidt, Q. Ruan, V. Amin, and J. Sinova
Optimization of electrodeposited p-doped Sb2Te3 thermoelectric films by millisecond potentiostatic pulses, Advanced Energy Materials 2, 345–352 (2012)
Ch. Schumacher, K. G. Reinsberg, L. Akinsinde, S. Zastrow, S. Heiderich, W. Toellner, G. Rampelberg, Ch. Detavernier, J. A. C. Broekaert, K. Nielsch, and J. Bachmann
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Rolled-up metamaterials containing active semiconductor quantum structures, Ph.D. Thesis, Universität Hamburg, 2012, Verlag Dr. Hut, München, 2012
Stephan Schwaiger
Rolled-up metamaterials, Advances in OptoElectronics 2012, 782864–1–782864–10 (2012)
S. Schwaiger, A. Rottler, and S. Mendach
Rolled-up metamaterials, In: Proceedings of the Sixth International Congress on Advanced Electromagnetic Materials in Microwaves and Optics (Metamaterials 2012), pages 770–772. Metamorphose-VI (ISBN 978-952-67611-2-1), 2012
S. Schwaiger, A. Rottler, W. Hansen, D. Heitmann, and S. Mendach
Rolled-up metamaterials, In: Proceedings of the Sixth International Congress on Advanced Electromagnetic Materials in Microwaves and Optics (Metamaterials 2012), pages 770–772. Metamorphose-VI (ISBN 978-952-67611-2-1), 2012
S. Schwaiger, A. Rottler, W. Hansen, D. Heitmann, and S. Mendach
Rolled-up nanotechnology for the fabrication of three-dimensional fishnet-type GaAs-metal metamaterials with negative refractive index at near-infrared frequencies, Appl. Phys. Lett. 100, 151104–1–151104–4 (2012)
A. Rottler, M. Harland, M. Bröll, S. Schwaiger, D. Stickler, A. Stemmann, Ch. Heyn, D. Heitmann, and S. Mendach
Rolled-up nanotechnology for the fabrication of three-dimensional fishnet-type GaAs-metal metamaterials with negative refractive index at near-infrared frequencies, Appl. Phys. Lett. 100, 151104–1–151104–4 (2012)
A. Rottler, M. Harland, M. Bröll, S. Schwaiger, D. Stickler, A. Stemmann, Ch. Heyn, D. Heitmann, and S. Mendach
Route towards cylindrical cloaking at visible frequencies using an optimization algorithm, Phys. Rev. B 86, 245120–1–245120–6 (2012)
A. Rottler, B. Krüger, D. Heitmann, D. Pfannkuche, and S. Mendach
Strain relaxation in metamorphic InAlAs buffers, Materials Science and Engineering: B 177, 762–767 (2012)
B. Landgraf, T. Slobodskyy, Ch. Heyn, and W. Hansen
Structural and magnetic properties of Ni2 MnIn Heusler thin films grown on modulation-doped InAs heterostructures with metamorphic buffer, Journal of Crystal Growth 338, 91–95 (2012)
S. Bohse, A. Zolotaryov, A. Volland, B. Landgraf, O. Albrecht, M. Bastjan, T. Vossmeyer, D. Görlitz, Ch. Heyn, and W. Hansen
Temperature-dependent dynamics of stochastic domain-wall depinning in nanowires, Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 24, 024207–1–024207–11 (2012)
C. Wuth, P. Lendecke, and G. Meier
The interaction of transverse domain walls, Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 24, 024209–1–024209–9 (2012)
B. Krüger
Thermal conductance of ballistic point contacts, Phys. Rev. Lett. 108, 075901–1–075901–4 (2012)
Th. Bartsch, M. Schmidt, Ch. Heyn, and W. Hansen
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Th. Bartsch, A. Wetzel, D. Sonnenberg, M. Schmidt, Ch. Heyn, and W. Hansen
Transmission enhancement in active rolled-up metamaterials utilizing Fabry-Prot resonances, In: Proceedings of the Sixth International Congress on Advanced Electromagnetic Materials in Microwaves and Optics (Metamaterials 2012), pages 715–717. Metamorphose-VI (ISBN 978-952-67611-2-1), 2012
S. Schwaiger, J. Kerbst, A. Stemmann, W. Hansen, D. Heitmann, and S. Mendach
Vortex dynamics in nonparabolic potentials, Phys. Rev. B 85, 174436–1–174436–7 (2012)
H. H. Langner, T. Kamionka, M. Martens, M. Weigand, Ch. F. Adolff, U. Merkt, and G. Meier
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B. Hamdou, J. Gooth, A. Dorn, E. Pippel, and K. Nielsch
All-metal lateral spin valve operated by spin pumping, Phys. Rev. B 87, 104409–1–104409–5 (2013)
N. Kuhlmann, C. Swoboda, A. Vogel, T. Matsuyama, and G. Meier
All-metal lateral spin valve operated by spin pumping, Phys. Rev. B 87, 104409–1–104409–5 (2013)
N. Kuhlmann, C. Swoboda, A. Vogel, T. Matsuyama, and G. Meier
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J. Kimling, J. Gooth, and K. Nielsch
Current-driven dynamics of artificially constructed quantum magnets, Science 339, 55–59 (2013)
A. A. Khajetoorians, B. Baxevanis, C. H¨bner, T. Schlenk, S. Krause, T. O. Wehling, S. Lounis, A. Lichtenstein, D. Pfannkuche, J. Wiebe, and R. Wiesendanger
Design and development of a GPU-accelerated micromagnetic simulator, Ph.D. Thesis, Universität Hamburg, 2013
Gunnar Selke
Direct transfer of GaAs microtube arrays onto transparent substrates for imaging neuron out-growth, Soft Nanoscience Letters 3, 79–82 (2013)
A. Koitmäe, C. S. Bausch, E. Stava, D. Sonnenberg, and R. H. Blick
Discrete mathematical concepts in micromagnetic computations, Ph.D. Thesis, Universität Hamburg, 2013
Claas Willem Abert
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C. Swoboda, N. Kuhlmann, M. Martens, A. Vogel, and G. Meier
Dynamic coupling of magnetic resonance modes in pairs of mesoscopic rectangles, J. Appl. Phys. 114, 043905–1–043905–8 (2013)
C. Swoboda, N. Kuhlmann, M. Martens, A. Vogel, and G. Meier
Fast and accurate calculation of the demagnetization tensor for systems with periodic boundary conditions, IEEE Transactions on Magnetics 49, 4749–4755 (2013)
B. Krüger, G. Selke, A. Drews, and D. Pfannkuche
GaAs nanopillars by self-assembled droplet etching, Journal of Crystal Growth 378, 446–449 (2013)
Ch. Heyn, D. Sonnenberg, Th. Bartsch, A. Wetzel, J. Kerbst, and W. Hansen
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J. Gooth, R. Zierold, J. G. Gluschke, T. Böhnert, S. Edinger, S. Barth, and K. Nielsch
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C. S. Bausch, A. Koitmäe, E. Stava, A. Price, P. J. Resto, Y. Huang, D. Sonnenberg, Y. Stark, Ch. Heyn, J. C. Williams, E. W. Dent, and R. H. Blick
High-frequency detection of magnetic vortices, Ph.D. Thesis, Universität Hamburg, 2013, Verlag Dr. Hut, München, 2013
Hauke Langner
High-Q hybrid plasmon-photon modes in a bottle resonator realized with a silver-coated glass fiber with a varying diameter, Phys. Rev. Lett. 111, 253901–1–253901–5 (2013)
A. Rottler, M. Harland, M. Bröll, M. Klingbeil, J. Ehlermann, and S. Mendach
High-Q hybrid plasmon-photon modes in a bottle resonator realized with a silver-coated glass fiber with a varying diameter, Phys. Rev. Lett. 111, 253901–1–253901–5 (2013)
A. Rottler, M. Harland, M. Bröll, M. Klingbeil, J. Ehlermann, and S. Mendach
Inductive detection of magnetic vortex gyration, Phys. Rev. B 87, 064420–1–064420–6 (2013)
H. H. Langner, L. Bocklage, T. Matsuyama, and G. Meier
Investigation of radial metamaterials, Ph.D. Thesis, Universität Hamburg, 2013, Verlag Dr. Hut, München, 2013
Andreas Rottler
Investigation on electrodeposited bismuth and bismuth antimony thin films and nanowires, Ph.D. Thesis, Universität Hamburg, 2013
Sonja Heiderich
Large thermoelectric power factor enhancement observed in InAs nanowires, Nano Letters 13, 40804086 (2013)
P. M. Wu, J. Gooth, X. Zianni, S. F. Svensson, J. G. Gluschke, K. A. Dick, C. Thelander, K. Nielsch, and H. Linke
Local droplet etching: Self-assembled nanoholes for quantum dots and nanopillars, In: Zh. Wang, editor, Nanodroplets. Lecture Notes on Nanoscale Science and Technology, volume 18, pages 363–384. Springer, 2013
Ch. Heyn, D. Sonnenberg, and W. Hansen
Magnetische Knoten auf der Festplatte, Spektrum der Wissenschaft pages 22–24 (Oktober 2013)
C. Hanneken and N. Romming
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S. Heiderich, W. Toellner, T. Böhnert, J. G. Gluschke, S. Zastrow, Ch. Schumacher, E. Pippel, and K. Nielsch
Magnum.fe: A micromagnetic finite-element simulation code based on FEniCS, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 345, 29–35 (2013)
C. Abert, L. Exl, F. Bruckner, A. Drews, and D. Suess
Nanostructures grown on metal-droplet etched holes, Ph.D. Thesis, Universität Hamburg, 2013, Verlag Dr. Hut, München, 2013
David Sonnenberg
Numerical methods for the stray-field calculation: A comparison of recently developed algorithms, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 326, 176–185 (2013)
C. Abert, L. Exl, G. Selke, A. Drews, and T. Schrefl
Quantized conductance and evidence for zitterbewegung in InAs spin filters, Appl. Phys. Lett. 102, 212405–1–212405–4 (2013)
T. Benter, H. Lehmann, T. Matsuyama, W. Hansen, Ch. Heyn, U. Merkt, and J. Jacob
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T. Benter, H. Lehmann, T. Matsuyama, W. Hansen, Ch. Heyn, U. Merkt, and J. Jacob
Self-organized state formation in magnonic vortex crystals, Phys. Rev. B 88, 224425–1–224425–5 (2013)
C. F. Adolff, M. Hänze, A. Vogel, M. Weigand, M. Martens, and G. Meier
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C. F. Adolff, M. Hänze, A. Vogel, M. Weigand, M. Martens, and G. Meier
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A. A. Khajetoorians, T. Schlenk, B. Schweflinghaus, M. dos Santos Dias, M. Steinbrecher, M. Bouhassoune, S. Lounis, J. Wiebe, and R. Wiesendanger
Spin-resolved conductance quantization in InAs nanodevices, Ph.D. Thesis, Universität Hamburg, 2013, Verlag Dr. Hut, München, 2013
Hauke Lehmann
Structural properties of ultra-low density nanoholes for the generation of well-separated GaAs quantum dots, Journal of Crystal Growth 378, 442–445 (2013)
D. Sonnenberg, A. Graf, V. Paulava, W. Hansen, and Ch. Heyn
Surface state dominated transport in topological insulator Bi2 Te3 nanowires, Appl. Phys. Lett. 103, 193107–1–193107–5 (2013)
B. Hamdou, J. Gooth, A. Dorn, E. Pippel, and K. Nielsch
Thermally activated stochastic domain-wall depinning in ferromagnetic nanowires, J. Appl. Phys. 114, 103901–1–103901–8 (2013)
C. Wuth, L. Kolbe, and G. Meier
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S. Bäßler, T. Böhnert, J. Gooth, C. Schumacher, E. Pippel, and K. Nielsch
Thermoelectric transport and Hall measurements of low defect Sb2 Te3 thin films grown by atomic layer deposition, Semiconductor Science and Technology 28, 035010–1–035010–6 (2013)
S. Zastrow, J. Gooth, T. Boehnert, S. Heiderich, W. Toellner, S. Heimann, S. Schulz, and K. Nielsch
Tuning of the nucleation field in nanowires with perpendicular magnetic anisotropy, J. Appl. Phys. 113, 163902–1–163920–6 (2013)
J. Kimling, T. Gerhardt, A. Kobs, A. Vogel, S. Wintz, M.-Y. Im, P. Fischer, H. P. Oepen, U. Merkt, and G. Meier
Tuning of the nucleation field in nanowires with perpendicular magnetic anisotropy, J. Appl. Phys. 113, 163902–1–163920–6 (2013)
J. Kimling, T. Gerhardt, A. Kobs, A. Vogel, S. Wintz, M.-Y. Im, P. Fischer, H. P. Oepen, U. Merkt, and G. Meier
Wave modes of collective vortex gyration in dipolar-coupled-dot-array magnonic crystals, Scientific Reports 3, 2262–1–2262–7 (2013)
D.-S. Han, A. Vogel, H. Jung, K.-S. Lee, M. Weigand, H. Stoll, G. Schütz, P. Fischer, G. Meier, and S.-K. Kim
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N. Romming, C. Hanneken, M. Menzel, J. E. Bickel, B. Wolter, K. von Bergmann, A. Kubetzka, and R. Wiesendanger
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A. Vogel, M. Hänze, A. Drews, and G. Meier
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Peter Löptien
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Johannes Gooth
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T. Gerhardt, A. Drews, and G. Meier
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A. Sonntag, J. Hermenau, A. Schlenhoff, J. Friedlein, S. Krause, and R. Wiesendanger
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A. V. Zozulya and T. Slobodskyy and Th. Bartsch and A. Wetzel and D. Sonnenberg and C. Heyn and M. Sprung and W. Hansen
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J. Gooth, T. Böhnert, J. G. Gluschke, B. Hamdou, S. Barth, D. Görlitz, R. Zierold, and K. Nielsch
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H. Langner, A. Vogel, B. Beyersdorff, M. Weigand, R. Frömter, H. P. Oepen, and G. Meier
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H. Langner, A. Vogel, B. Beyersdorff, M. Weigand, R. Frömter, H. P. Oepen, and G. Meier
Magnetoelectric coupling and thermally driven magnetization dynamics studied on the atomic scale, Ph.D. Thesis, Universität Hamburg, 2014, Verlag Dr. Hut, München, 2014
Andreas Sonntag
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T. Böhnert, A. C. Niemann, A.-K. Michel, S. Bäßler, J. Gooth, B. G. Tóth, K. Neuróhr, L. Péter, I. Bakonyi, V. Vega, V. M. Prida, and K. Nielsch
Micromagnetic simulations of ferromagnetic domain walls in nanowires, Ph.D. Thesis, Universität Hamburg, 2014
Theo Gerhardt
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J. Gooth, B. Hamdou, A. Dorn, R. Zierold, and K. Nielsch
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P. Löptien, L. Zhou, J. Wiebe, A. A. Khajetoorians, J. L. Mi, B. B. Iversen, Ph. Hofmann, and R. Wiesendanger
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H. Lehmann, T. Benter, I. von Ahnen, J. Jacob, T. Matsuyama, U. Merkt, U. Kunze, A. D. Wieck, D. Reuter, C. Heyn, and W. Hansen
Sputter deposition of permalloy nanostructures optimized for domain-wall depinning experiments, Ph.D. Thesis, Universität Hamburg, 2014, Verlag Dr. Hut, München, 2014
Gesche Nahrwold
Structural, magnetic and electrical investigation of iron-based III/V-semiconductor hybrid structures, Ph.D. Thesis, Universität Hamburg, 2014
Boris Landgraf
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P. Löptien, L. Zhou, A. A. Khajetoorians, and J. Wiebe
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C. Hübner, B. Baxevanis, A. A. Khajetoorians, and D. Pfannkuche
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Thorben Bartsch
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A. Sonntag, J. Hermenau, A. Schlenhoff, S. Krause, and R. Wiesendanger
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H. Osterhage, J. Gooth, B. Hamdou, P. Gwozdz, R. Zierold, and K. Nielsch
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C. Bae, T. Böhnert, J. Gooth, S. Lim, S. Lee, H. Kim, S. Heimann, S. Schulz, H. Shin, and K. Nielsch
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P. Wessels, J. Ewald, M. Wieland, T. Nisius, G. Abbati, S. Baumbach, J. Overbuschmann, A. Vogel, A. Neumann, J. Viefhaus, H. P. Oepen, G. Meier, T. Wilhein, and M. Drescher
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M. Hänze, C. F. Adolff, M. Weigand, and G. Meier
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D. Sonnenberg, A. Küster, A. Graf, Ch. Heyn, and W. Hansen
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C. Behncke, M. Hänze, C. Adolff, M. Weigand, and G. Meier
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M. Hänze, C. F. Adolff, M. Weigand, and G. Meier
Control of spin-wave excitations in deterministic fractals, Phys. Rev. B 91, 064416–1–064416–9 (2015)
C. Swoboda, M. Martens, and G. Meier
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Ch. Heyn, Th. Bartsch, S. Sanguinetti, D. Jesson, and W. Hansen
Electrical detection of magnetic skyrmions by tunneling non-collinear magnetoresistance, Nature Nanotechnology in press (2015)
C. Hanneken, F. Otte, A. Kubetzka, B. Dupé, N. Romming, K. von Bergmann, R. Wiesendanger, and S. Heinze
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N. Romming, A. Kubetzka, C. Hanneken, K. von Bergmann, and R. Wiesendanger
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C. Adolff, M. Hänze, M. Pues, M. Weigand, and G. Meier
Imaging spin a u dynamics on the nanoscale using X-Ray microscopy, Frontiers in Physics 3, 26–1–26–18 (2015)
H. Stoll, M. Noske, M. Weigand, K. Richter, B. Krüger, R. M. Reeve, M. Hänze, C. F. Adolff, F.-U. Stein, G. Meier, M. Kläui, and G. Schütz
Imaging spin dynamics on the nanoscale using X-Ray microscopy, Frontiers in Physics 3, 26–1–26–18 (2015)
H. Stoll, M. Noske, M. Weigand, K. Richter, B. Krüger, R. M. Reeve, M. Hänze, C. F. Adolff, F.-U. Stein, G. Meier, M. Kläui, and G. Schütz
Mapping and control of magnetic excitations in artificial lattices, Ph.D. Thesis, Universität Hamburg, 2015
Christian Swoboda
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J. Ehlermann, H. Vu, and S. Mendach
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J. Ehlermann, S. Fohrmann, J. Siebels, and S. Mendach
Observation of non-collinear magnetoresistance by scanning tunneling spectroscopy on skyrmions in PdFe/Ir(111), Ph.D. Thesis, Universität Hamburg, 2015
Christian Hanneken
Self-organized state formation in magnonic vortex crystals, Ph.D. Thesis, Universität Hamburg, 2015
Christian Adolff
Single spin switching in open quantum systems, Ph.D. Thesis, Universität Hamburg, 2015
Christoph Hübner
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L. Bocklage, C. Swoboda, K. Schlage, H.-C. Wille, L. Dzemiantsova, S. Bajt, G. Meier, and R. Röhlsberger
Stochastic and coherent dynamics of individual magnetic domains and domain walls, Ph.D. Thesis, Universität Hamburg, 2015, Verlag Dr. Hut, München, 2015
Clemens Wuth
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J. Ehlermann, J. Siebels, S. Fohrmann, and S. Mendach
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] J. Gooth, J. G. Gluschke, R. Zierold, M. Leijnse, H. Linke, and K. Nielsch
Transformational plasmon optics, Ph.D. Thesis, Universität Hamburg, 2015, Verlag Dr. Hut, München, 2015
Jens Ehlermann
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A. A. Khajetoorians, M. Valentyuk, M. Steinbrecher, T. Schlenk, A. Shick, J. Kolorenc, A. I. Lichtenstein, T. O. Wehling, R. Wiesendanger, and J. Wiebe
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T. Slobodskyy, A. V. Zozulya, R. Tholapi, L. Liefeith, M. Fester, M. Sprung, and W. Hansen
Tunneling into thin superconducting films: Interface-induced quasiparticle lifetime reduction, Surface Science, 643, January 2016, Pages 6-9
P. Löptien, L. Zhou, A. A. Khajetoorians, J. Wiebe, and R. Wiesendanger