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Reduktion der Arrhythmogenität nach Transplantation von Myoblasten durch Gentransfer mit Connexinen in vitro (Ko-Kultivierung von Myoblasten und neonatalen Rattenkardiomyozyten in einem monolayer Zellkulturmodell) und in vivo (Herzinfarktmodell am Schwein).

Applicant Dr. Andreas Barth
Subject Area Cardiology, Angiology
Term from 2005 to 2009
Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 12528996
Final Report Year 2008

Final Report Abstract

No abstract available


  • Gene transfer of a synthetic pacemaker channel into the heart: a novel strategy for biological pacing. Circulation. 2006 Oct 17;114(16):1682-6
    Kashiwakura Y, Cho HC, Barth AS, Azene E, Marbán E
  • Identification of a Common Gene Expression Signature in Dilated Cardiomyopathy Across Independent Microarray Studies. Journal of the American College of Cardiology. J Am Coll Cardiol. 2006 Oct 17;48(8):1610-7
    Barth AS, Kuner R, Buneß A, Ruschhaupt M, Merk S, Zwermann L, Kääb S, Kreuzer E, Steinbeck G, Mansmann U, Poustka A, Näbauer M, Sültmann H
  • MAPK= mitogen-activated protein KChlP2? Unraveling signaling pathways controlling cardiac Ito expression. Circulation Research. 2006;98(3):301-2
    Barth AS, Kääb S
  • The potential for the transcriptome to serve as a clinical biomarker for cardiovascular diseases. Circulation Research. 2006;98(12):1459-61
    Barth AS, Hare JM
  • Lentiviral vector-mediated expression of GFP or Kir2.1 alters the electrophysiology of neonatal rat ventricular myocytes without inducing cytotoxicity. Am J Physiol Heart Circ Physiol. 2007; 293(5):H2757-70
    Sekar RB, Kizana E, Smith RR, Barth AS, Zhang Y, Marbán E, Tung L
  • CAPON modulates cardiac repolarization via neuronal nitric oxide synthase signaling in the heart. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA. 2008;105(11):4477-82
    Chang KC, Barth AS, Sasano T, Kizana E, Kashiwakura Y, Zhang Y, Foster DB, Marbán E
  • Lentiviral vectors bearing the cardiac promoter of the Na+-Ca2+ exchanger report cardiogenic differentiation in stem cells. Molecular Therapy. 2008 Mar 18; [Epub ahead of print]
    Barth AS, Kizana E, Smith RR, Terrovitis J, Dong P, Leppo MK, Zhang Y, Miake J, Olson EN, Schneider JW, Abraham MR, Marbán E

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