Projekt Druckansicht

Programme coordination and instruments to achieve the structural goals of the priority programme

Fachliche Zuordnung Dermatologie
Förderung Förderung von 2009 bis 2017
Projektkennung Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Projektnummer 125501409
This DFG priority programme was set up to: 􀂾 establish a network and coordinate the efforts of leading mast cell laboratories and centers in Germany 􀂾 successfully lead mast cell research in Germany through the transition from findings in mouse models to better treatment options for patients. It will also internationally strengthen the position of German scientists in this field of research 􀂾 guide and streamline the interactions between labs that can identify relevant pathways of mast cell activation and effects in models of disease and clinical scientists of various specialties who can transfer these findings to conditions in which targeting these pathways can be tested for their safety and efficacy in preventing or controlling diseases such as bacterial and other infections, allergic and autoimmune diseases, conditions caused by venoms and other toxins, and tumors 􀂾 provide for the recruitment and training of excellent junior scientists to secure a strong position of German science in this emerging field of research. A special focus of this programme is also to promote and facilitate the return of leading German scientists in this field who are presently working abroad (brain gain) 􀂾 launch and promote active and continued collaborative efforts and productive interactions with international mast cell networks (such as EMBRN, the European Mast Cell and Basophil Network) and consortia for mast cell-driven diseases (e.g. the EU COST ACTION BM1007 “Mast Cells and Basophils”) 􀂾 start and build up a platform for the exchange and interaction with biotechs and big pharma partners This application describes ongoing and anticipated structural efforts and actions within the priority programme and asks for further funding of their coordination and implementation.
DFG-Verfahren Schwerpunktprogramme


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