GRK 1326: Calcium-Signale und zelluläre Nanodomänen
Zusammenfassung der Projektergebnisse
Das Graduiertenkolleg 1326 hat sich mit seiner Einrichtung im April 2006 einer konsequenten Verbesserung und Weiterentwicklung der Doktorandenförderung an der Medizinischen Fakultät verpflichtet. Ziel ist es, hochqualifizierte Nachwuchswissenschaftler auf dem zukunftsträchtigen Forschungsfeld intrazellulärer Calcium-Signale auszubilden. Der Forschungsverbund wird von einer Gruppe ausgewiesener WissenschaftlerInnen getragen, die sich methodisch an der rasanten Entwicklung bildgebender Messverfahren, dem zunehmenden Einsatz fluoreszierender Sonden sowie der wachsenden Zahl Ca2+- transportierender Strukturen orientiert und, thematisch fokussiert, die Funktionsanalyse Ca2+- regulierter Signalprozesse vorantreibt. Im Zentrum der Doktorarbeiten stehen Registrierungen des Echtzeitverlaufs zellulärer Ca2+-Signale, ihre räumliche Ausbreitung und Wechselwirkung mit Domänen Ca2+-transportierender und Ca2+-bindender Proteine. Dieses hochaktuelle Forschungsprogramm wird durch ein leistungsorientiertes Studienprogramm ergänzt, das den Kollegiaten praxis-relevante und fächerübergreifende Kenntnisse vermittelt. Die Ausbildung strebt eine breite fachliche Kompetenz der Kollegteilnehmer in molekulargenetischen, biochemischen und zellbiologischen Techniken an. Somit ist es gelungen, die Dichte des Nachwuchses auf diesem Arbeitsgebiet zu steigern, seine Konkurrenzfähigkeit im nationalen und internationalen Vergleich zu stärken, und gleichzeitig die Attraktivität des Standorts mit seinen bestehenden und weiterzuentwickelnden, interdisziplinären Forschungsschwerpunkten zu erhöhen.
Projektbezogene Publikationen (Auswahl)
(2006). Trafficking and assembly of the cold-sensitive TRPM8 channel. J Biol Chem 281, 38396-404
Erler I, Al-Ansary D, Wissenbach U, Wagner TF, Flockerzi V and Niemeyer BA
(2008). Multiple RIBEYE–RIBEYE Interactions Create a Dynamic Scaffold for the Formation of Synaptic Ribbons. J Neurosci 28: 7954- 7967
Magupalli VG, Schwarz K., Alpadi K, Natarajan S, Seigel G.M, Schmitz F
(2009). Analysis of the membrane proteome of canine pancreatic rough microsomes identifies a novel Hsp40, termed ERj7. Proteomics, Proteomics 9, 3463-3473
Zahedi RP, Völzing C, Schmitt A, Frien M, Jung M, Dudek J, Wortelkamp S, Sickmann A und Zimmermann R
(2009). Isolation and Genetic Manipulation of Adult Cardiac Myocytes for Confocal Imaging. Journal of Visual Experiments
Kaestner L, Scholz A, Hammer K, Vecerdea A, Ruppenthal S, Lipp P
(2009). TRCP5 is a Ca 2+-Avtivated channel functionally coupled to Ca 2+ - Selective Ion Channels. J Biol Chem 284, 34423-32
Gross SA, Guzmán GA, Wissenbach U, Philipp SE, Zhu MX, Bruns D, Cavalié A
Charakterisierung von Interaktionen der Hsp-Proteine Sec63p und ERj7p. (2009), Medizinische Fakultät, Dissertation Universität des Saarlandes
Schmitt A
(2010). ATP modulates Ca2+ uptake by TRPV6 and is counteracted by isoform-specific phosphorylation. FASEB J 2: 425- 435
Al-Ansary D, Bogeski I, Disteldorf BM, Becherer U, Niemeyer BA
(2010). Differential Redox Regulation of ORAI Ion Channels: A Mechanism to Tune Cellular Calcium Signaling. Sci Signal 3: ra27
Bogeski I, Kummerow C, Al-Ansary D, Schwarz EC, Koehler R, Kozai D, Takahashi N, Peinelt C, Griesemer D, Bozem M, Mori Y, Hoth M, Niemeyer BA
(2010). Increased catecholamine secretion contributes to hypertension in TRPM4-deficient mice. Journal of Clinical Investigation, 120: 3267-79
Mathar I, Vennekens R, Meissner M, Kees F, Van der Mieren G, JE Camacho-Londono, Uhl S, Voets T, Hummel B, Herijgers P, Nilius B, Flockerzi V, Schweda F, Freichel M
(2010). NAD(H)-dependent binding of the neuronal Ca2+-sensor protein GCAP2 to photoreceptor synaptic ribbons. J. Neurosci., 30(19):6559-76
Venkatesan JK, Natarajan S, Schwarz K, Mayer SI, Alpadi K, Magupalli VG, Sung C-H, Schmitz F
(2010). Novel insights into the mechanisms mediating the local antihypertrophic effects of cardiac atrial natriuretic peptide: role of cGMP-dependent protein kinase and RGS2. Basic Res Cardiol. 105: 583-95
Klaiber M, Kruse M, Völker K, Schröter J, Feil R, Freichel M, Gerling A, Feil S, Dietrich A, Londoño JE, Baba HA, Abramowitz J, Birnbaumer L, Penninger JM, Pongs O, Kuhn M
(2010). Pharmacology of ORAI channels as a tool to understand their physiological functions. Expert Review of Clinical Pharmacology, 3, 291-303
Bogeski I, Al-Ansary D, Qu B, Niemeyer BA, Hoth M, Peinelt C
(2010). Pharmacology of ORAI channels as a tool to understand their physiological functions. Expert Reviews of Clinical Pharmacology 3: 291-303
Bogeski I, Al-Ansary D, Qu B, Niemeyer BA, Hoth M, Peinelt C
(2010). Properties of the intracellular transient receptor potential (TRP) channel in yeast, Yvc1. FEBS Lett. 584, 2028-2032
Chang Y, Schlenstedt G, Flockerzi V and Beck A
(2010). Remodelling of Ca2+ handling organelles in adult rat ventricular myocytes during longterm culture. JMCC 49: 427-437
Hammer K, Ruppenthal S, Viero C, Scholz A, Edelmann L, Kaestner L, Lipp P
(2010). TRPM channels mediate zinc homeostasis and cellular growth during Drosophila larval development. Cell Metab. 12(4):386-97
Georgiev P, Okkenhaug H, Drews A, Wright D, Lambert S, Flick M, Carta V, Martel C, Oberwinkler J, Raghu P
(2010). TRPM3 channels provide a regulated influx pathway for zinc in pancreatic beta cells. Pflugers Arch. 460 (4): 755-765
Wagner TF, Drews A, Loch S, Mohr F, Philipp SE, Lambert S, Oberwinkler J
(2010). TRPM3 channels provide a regulated influx pathway for zinc in pancreatic beta cells. Pflugers Arch. 460(4):755-65
Wagner TF, Drews A, Loch S, Mohr F, Philipp SE, Lambert S, Oberwinkler J
Characterization of the Vacuolar Ion Channel Yvc1 in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. (2010) Medizinische Fakultät, Dissertation Universität des Saarlandes
Chang Y
High Resolution 3D-Imaging of the Physiology and Morphology of Isolated Adult Cardiac Myocytes from Rat and Mice. (2010) Medizinische Fakultät, Dissertation Universität des Saarlandes
Hammer K
Increased catecholamine secretion contributes to hypertension in TRPM4-deficient mice. Journal of Clinical Investigation, 120: 3267-79
Mathar I, Vennekens R, Meissner M, Kees F, Van der Mieren G, JE Camacho-Londono, Uh, S, Voets T, Hummel B, Herijgers P, Nilius B, Flockerzi V, Schweda F, Freichel M
Regulatory mechanisms of the calcium selective ion channels TRPV6 and ORAI1. (2010) Medizinische Fakultät, Dissertation Universität des Saarlandes
Al-Ansary A
Syntaxin7 is required for lytic granule release from cytotoxic T- lymphocytes. (2010) Medizinische Fakultät, Dissertation Universität des Saarlandes
Pattu V
Vti1b-dependent interaction between lytic granules and recycling TCR compartments is required for efficient function of cytotoxic T lymphocytes. (2010) Medizinische Fakultät, Dissertation Universität des Saarlandes
Qu B
(2011). Calcium microdomains at the immunological synapse: how ORAI channels, mitochondria and calcium pumps generate localcalcium signals for T-cell activation. EMBO J 2011; 30(19):3895-912
Quintana A, Pasche M, Junker C, Al-Ansary D, Nuñez L, Villalobos C, Niemeyer BA, Becherer U, Rettig J & Hoth M
(2011). Docking of Lytic Granules at the Immunological Synapse in Human CTL Requires Vti1b-Dependent Pairing with CD3 Endosomes. J Immunol 186 (12): 6894-6904
Qu B, Pattu V, Junker C, Schwarz EC, Bhat SS, Kummerow C, Marshall M, Matti U, Neumann F, Pfreundschuh M, Becherer U, Rieger H, Rettig J, Hoth M
(2011). Docking of lytic granules at the immunological synapse in human CTL requires Vti1b-dependent pairing with TCR endosomes. J Immunol 186, 6894-6904
Qu B, Pattu V, Junker C, Schwarz EC, Marshall M, Matti U, Becherer U, Bhat SS, Kummerow C, Neumann F, Pfreundschuh M, Rieger H, Rettig J, Hoth M
(2011). Docking of lytic granules at the immunological synapse in human CTL requires Vti1b-dependent pairing with TCR endosomes. J Immunol 186, 6894-6904
Qu B, Pattu V, Junker C, Schwarz EC, Marshall M, Matti U, Becherer U, Bhat S, Kummerow K, Neumann F, Pfreundschuh M, Rieger H, Rettig J, Hoth M
(2011). Loss-of-function mutations in sodium channel Nav1.7 cause anosmia.Nature 472, 186 – 190
Weiss J, Pyrski M, Jacobi E, Bufe B, Willnecker V, Schick B, Zizzari P, Gossage SJ, Greer CA, Leinders-Zufall T, Woods G, Wood JN, Zufall F
(2011). Moderate Calcium Channel Dysfunction in Adult Mice with Inducible Cardiomyocyte-specific Excision of the cacnb2 Gene. J Biol Chem. 286: 15875-82
Meissner M, Weissgerber P, Londoño JE, Prenen J, Link S, Ruppenthal S, Molkentin JD, Lipp P, Nilius B, Freichel M, Flockerzi V
(2011). ORAI-mediated calcium influx in T cell proliferation, apoptosis and tolerance. Cell Calcium
Qu B, Al-Ansary D, Kummerow C, Hoth M, Schwarz EC
(2011). ORAI-mediated calcium influx in T cell proliferation, apoptosis and tolerance. Cell Calcium 50: 261-269
Qu B, Al-Ansary D, Kummerow C, Hoth M, Schwarz EC
(2011). Syntaxin7 is required for lytic granule release from cytotoxic T lymphocytes. Traffic 12 (7): 890-901
Pattu V, Qu B, Marshall M, Becherer U, Junker C, Matti U, Schwarz EC, Krause E, Hoth M, Rettig J
(2011). Syntaxin7 is required for lytic granule release from cytotoxic T lymphocytes. Traffic 12, 890-912
Pattu V, Qu B, Marshall M, Becherer U, Junker C, Schwarz EC, Matti U, Schwarz EC, Krause E, Hoth M, Rettig J
(2011). The Synaptic Ribbon Is a Site of Phosphatidic Acid Generation in Ribbon Synapses, J. Neurosci.; 31(44): 15996-16011
Schwarz K, Natarajan S, Kassas N, Vitale N, Schmitz F
(2011). Transient receptor potential melastatin 1 (TRPM1) is an ionconducting plasma membrane channel inhibited by zinc ions. J Biol Chem. 286(14):12221-33
Lambert S, Drews A, Rizun O, Wagner TF, Lis A, Mannebach S, Plant S, Portz M, Meissner M, Philipp SE, Oberwinkler J
A Biopolar Cell Culture of the Mouse Retina to Study Ribbon Synapses. (2011) Medizinische Fakultät, Dissertation Universität des Saarlandes
Natarajan S
Elektrophysiologische Charakterisierung der murinen Ionenkanäle TRPM1 und TRPM3 und des TRPM Kanals von Drosophila melanogaster“, (2011) Medizinische Fakultät, Dissertation Universität des Saarlandes
Drews A
Role of TRPC-channels in cardiac hypertrophy and platelet aggregation: Analysis of TRPC-deficient mice. (2011) Medizinische Fakultät, Dissertation Universität des Saarlandes
Camacho-Londoňo JE
(2010). SNARE force synchronizes synaptic vesicle fusion and controls the kinetics of quantal synaptic transmission. J Neurosci 30, 10272- 81
Guzman RE, Schwarz YN, Rettig J and Bruns D
(2012). Alternative Splicing of a Protein Domain Indispensable for Function of Transient Receptor Potential Melastatin 3 (TRPM3) Ion Channels. J Biol Chem 287, 36663-36672
Fruhwald J, Camacho Londono J, Dembla S, Mannebach S, Lis A, Drews A, Wissenbach U, Oberwinkler J and Philipp SE
(2012). Alternative splicing of a protein domain indispensable for function of transient receptor potential melastatin 3 (TRPM3) ion channels. J Biol Chem.
Frühwald J1, Camacho Londoño J1, Dembla S, Mannebach S, Lis A, Drews A, Wissenbach U, Oberwinkler J, Philipp SE
(2012). Alternative splicing of a protein domain indispensable for function of transient receptor potential melastatin 3 (TRPM3) ion channels. J Biol Chem. 287(44):36663-72
Frühwald J, Camacho Londoño J, Dembla S, Mannebach S, Lis A, Drews A, Wissenbach U, Oberwinkler J, Philipp SE
(2012). BiP-mediated closing of the Sec61 channel limits Ca2+ leakage from the ER. EMBO J 31 3282-3296
Schäuble N, Lang S, Jung M, Cappel S, Schorr S, Ulucan O, Linxweiler J, Dudek J, Blum R, Helms V, Paton AW, Paton JC, Cavalie A, Zimmermann R
(2012). Citrus fruit and fabacea secondary metabolites potently and selectively block TRPM3. Br. J. Pharmacol. 168 (8): 1835-1850
Straub I, Mohr F, Stab J, Konrad M, Philipp SE, Oberwinkler J, Schaefer M
(2012). Different effects of Sec61alpha, Sec62 and Sec63 depletion on transport of polypeptides into the endoplasmic reticulum of mammalian cells. J Cell Sci 125 1958-1969
Lang S, Benedix J, Fedeles SV, Schorr S, Schirra C, Schäuble N, Jalal C, Greiner M, Hassdenteufel S, Tatzelt J. Kreutzer B, Edelmann L, Krause E, Rettig J, Somlo S, Zimmermann R, Dudek J
(2012). EF handmediated Ca and cGMP signaling in photoreceptor synaptic terminals, Front Mol Neurosci. 2012;5:26. Epub
Schmitz F, Natarajan S, Venkatesan JK, Wahl S, Schwarz K, Grabner CP
(2012). Functional and morphological preservation of adult ventricular myocytes in culture by sub-micromolar cytochalasin D supplement. J Mol Cell Cardiol. 52(1):113-24
Tian Q, Pahlavan S, Oleinikow K, Jung J, Ruppenthal S, Scholz A, Schumann C, Kraegeloh A, Oberhofer M, Lipp P, Kaestner L
(2012). Gαq and Gα11 contribute to the maintenance of cellular electrophysiology and Ca2+ handling in ventricular cardiomyocytes. Cardiovasc Res. 95(1):48-58
Pahlavan S, Oberhofer M, Sauer B, Ruppenthal S, Tian Q, Scholz A, Kaestner L, Lipp, P
(2012). Membrane-proximal tryptophans of synaptobrevinII stabilize priming of secretory vesicles. J. Neurosci. 32(45),15983-97
Borisovska M, Schwarz Y, Dhara M, Yarzagaray A, Hugo S, Narzi D, Siu S, Kesavan J, Mohrmann R, Böckmann R, Bruns D
(2012). Membrane-proximal tryptophans of synaptobrevinII stabilize priming of secretory vesicles. J. Neurosci. 32(45),15983-97
Borisovska M, Schwarz Y, Dhara M, Yarzagaray A, Hugo S, Narzi D, Siu S, Kesavan J, Mohrmann R, Böckmann R, Bruns D
(2012). Mutation of the CaV1.2 IQ Motif to CaV1.2 EQ induces dilated Cardiomyopathy and Death. J Biol Chem. 287(27):22616-25
Blaich A, Pahlavan S, Tian Q, Oberhofer M, Poomvanicha M, Lenhardt P, Domes K, Wegener JW, Moosmang S, Ruppenthal S, Scholz A, Lipp P, Hofmann F
(2012). SNARE protein expression and localization in human cytotoxic lymphocytes. Eur J Immunol, Volume 42, Issue 2, February 2012, Pages 470-475
Pattu V, Qu B, Schwarz EC, Strauss B, Weins L, Bhat SS, Halimani M, Marshall M, Rettig J, Hoth M
(2012). SNARE protein expression and localization in human cytotoxic T lymphocytes. Eur J Immunol 42, 470-475
Pattu V, Qu B, Schwarz EC, Strauss B, Weins L, Bhat SS, Halimani M, Marshall M, Rettig J, Hoth M
(2012). SNARE protein expression and localization in human cytotoxic T lymphocytes. Eur J Immunol 42, 470-475
Pattu V, Qu B, Schwarz EC, Strauss B, Weins L, Bhat SS, Halimani M, Marshall M, Rettig J, Hoth M
(2012). SNARE protein expression and localization in human cytotoxic T lymphocytes. Eur J Immunol 42: 470-475
Pattu V, Qu B, Schwarz EC, Strauss B, Weins L, Bhat SS, Halimani M, Marshall M, Rettig J and Hoth M
(2012). Sumoylation regulates Kap114-mediated nuclear transport. EMBO J. 31, 2461-2472
Rothenbusch U, Sawatzki M, Chang Y, Caesar S and Schlenstedt G
Electrical fusion pore measurements: a high resolution technique to study the molecular mechanism of exocytosis. (2012) Medizinische Fakultät, Dissertation Universität des Saarlandes
Kamalimoghadam P
Ion currents, action potentials and their modulation by Gαq/11- signalling pathways in the mouse heart. (2012) Medizinische Fakutät, Dissertation Universität des Saarlandes
Pahlavan S
v-snare-dependent secretion and phospholipid interaction. (2012) Medizinische Fakultät, Dissertation Universität des Saarlandes
Schwarz Y
(2013). A local, periactive zone endocytotic machinery at photoreceptor synapses in close vicinity to synaptic ribbons. The Journal of Neuroscience; 33(25)10278-10300
Wahl S, Katiyar R, Schmitz F
(2013). Analysis of protein translocation into the endoplasmic reticulum of human cells. Methods Mol Biol 1033 285-299
Dudek J, Lang S, Schorr S, Linxweiler J, Greiner M, Zimmermann R
(2013). Calcium dysregulation in ventricular myocytes from mice expressing constitutively active Rac1. Cell Calcium 54, 26-36
Oberhofer M, Tian Q, Ruppenthal S, Wegener S, Reil JC, Körbel C, Hammer K, Menger M, Neuberger HR, Kaestner L, Lipp P
(2013). Calcium, cancer and killing: The role of calcium in killing cancer cells by cytotoxic T lymphocytes and natural killer cells. Biochim Biophys Acta. 1833: 1603-1611
Schwarz EC, Qu B and Hoth M
(2013). Deciphering dead-end docking of large dense core vesicles in bovine chromaffin cells. J Neurosci 33, 17123-17137
Hugo S, Dembla E, Halimani M, Matti U, Rettig J, Becherer U
(2013). Different Munc13 isoforms function as priming factors in lytic granule release from murine cytotoxic T lymphocytes. Traffic
Dudenhöffer-Pfeifer M, Schirra C, Pattu V, Halimani M, Maier-Peuschel M, Marshall MR, Matti U, Becherer U, Dirks J, Jung M, Lipp P, Hoth M, Sester M, Krause E, Rettig J
(2013). Different Munc13 isoforms function as priming factors in lytic granule release from murine cytotoxic T lymphocytes. Traffic 14, 798-809
Dudenhöffer-Pfeifer M, Schirra C, Pattu V, Halimani M, Maier-Peuschel M, Marshall MR, Matti U, Becherer U, Dirks J, Jung M, Lipp P, Hoth M, Sester M, Krause E, Rettig J
(2013). Flavanones that selectively inhibit TRPM3 attenuate thermal nociception in vivo. Mol Pharmacol. 84 (5):736-750
Straub I, Krügel U, Mohr F, Teichert J, Rizun O, Konrad M, Oberwinkler J, Schaefer M
(2013). In the crosshairs: investigating lytic granules by high-resolution microscopy and electrophysiology. Front Immunol. 4: 411
Pattu V, Halimani M, Ming M, Schirra C, Hahn U, Bzeih H, Chang HF, Weins L, Krause E, Rettig J
(2013). In the crosshairs: Visualizing lytic granules by high resolution microscopy and electrophysiology. Front Immunol 4, 411
Pattu V, Halimani M, Ming M, Schirra C, Hahn U, Bzeih H, Chang HF, Weins L, Krause E, Rettig J
(2013). In the crosshairs: Visualizing lytic granules by high resolution microscopy and electrophysiology. Front Immunol 4, 411
Pattu V, Halimani M, Ming M, Schirra C, Hahn U, Bzeih H, Chang HF, Weins L, Krause E, Rettig J
(2013). Molecular regulation of CRAC channels and their role in lymphocyte function. Cell Mol Life Sci 70, 2637-56
Shaw PJ, Qu B, Hoth M, Feske S
(2013). Morphologically homogeneous red blld cells present a heterogeneous response to hormonal stimulation. PloS One. 2013;8:e67697
Wang J, Wagner-Britz L, Bogdanova A, Ruppenthal S, Wiesen K, Kaiser E, Tian Q, Krause E, Bernhardt I, Lipp P, Philipp SE and Kaestner L
(2013). Mutations of the Ca2+-sensing stromal interaction molecule STIM1 regulate Ca2+ influx by altered oligomerization of STIM1 and by destabilization of the Ca2+ channel Orai1. J Biol Chem 18:1653-1664
Kilch T, Alansary D, Peglow M, Dörr K, Rychkov G, Rieger H, Peinelt C, Niemeyer BA
(2013). Profilin1 potentiates apoptosis induced by staurosporine in cancer cells. Curr Mol Med. 13, 417-428
Yao W, Cai X, Liu C, Qin Y, Cheng H, Ji S, Xu W, Wu C, Chen T, Xu J, Long J, Fang Z, Qu B, Hoth M, Ni Q, Zha X, Yu X
(2013). Super-resolution microscopy in studying neuroendocrine cell function. Frontiers in neuroscience 7:222
Bost A, Pasche M, Schirra C, Becherer U
(2013). Synaptobrevin2 is the v-SNARE required for cytotoxic T lymphocyte lytic granule fusion. Nat Commun 4, 1439
Matti U, Pattu V, Halimani M, Schirra C, Krause E, Liu Y, Weins L, Chang HF, Guzman R, Olausson J, Freichel M, Schmitz F, Pasche M, Becherer U, Bruns D, Rettig J
(2013). Synaptobrevin2 is the v-SNARE required for cytotoxic T lymphocyte lytic granule fusion. Nat. Comm. 4: 1439
Matti U, Pattu V, Halimani M, Schirra C, Krause E, Liu Y, Weins L, Chang HF, Guzman R, Olausson J, Freichel M, Schmitz F, Pasche M, Becherer U, Bruns D, Rettig J
(2013). Synaptobrevin2 is the v-SNARE required for cytotoxic T-lymphocyte lytic granule fusion. Nat Commun.
Matti U, Pattu V, Halimani M, Schirra C, Krause E, Liu Y, Weins L, Chang HF, Guzman R, Olausson J, Freichel M, Schmitz F, Pasche M, Becherer U, Bruns D, Rettig J
(2013). Target evaluation of the non-coding csRNAs reveals a link of the two-component regulatory system CiaRH to competence control in Streptococcus pneumoniae R6. Mol Microbiol 89(2):334-49
Schnorpfeil A, Kranz M, Kovács M, Kirsch C, Gartmann J, Brunner I, Bittmann S, Brückner R
(2013). Targeting cell migration and the endoplasmic reticulum stress response with calmodulin antagonists: a clinically tested small molecule phenocopy of SEC62 gene silencing in human tumor cells. BMC Cancer 13 574
Linxweiler M, Schorr S, Schäuble N, Jung M, Linxweiler J, Langer F, Schafers HJ, Cavalie A, Zimmermann R, Greiner M
(2013). The cardiac sodium-calcium exchanger NCX1 is a key player in the initiation and maintenance of a stable heart rhythm. Cardiocasc Res.; 99:780-8
Hermann S, Lipp P, Wiesen K, Stieber J, Nguyen H, Kaiser E and Ludwig A
(2013). Transient receptor potential channels function as a coincidence signal detector mediating phosphatidylserine exposure. Sci Signal.
Harper MT, Londoño JE, Quick K, Londoño JC, Flockerzi V, Philipp SE, Birnbaumer L, Freichel M, Poole AW
(2013). Transient receptor potential channels function as a coincidence signal detector mediating phosphatidylserine exposure. Sci Signal. 6(281):ra50
Harper MT, Londoño JE, Quick K, Londoño JC, Flockerzi V, Philipp SE, Birnbaumer L, Freichel M, Poole AW
Functional investigation on the Saccharomyces cerevisiae cation channel Yvc1. (2013) Medizinische Fakultät, Dissertation Universität des Saarlandes
Amini, Mahnaz
Functions of Syntaxin 8 in human cytotoxic T lymphocytes. (2013) Medizinische Fakultät, Dissertation Universität des Saarlandes
Bhat S
Identification and characterization of TRPM3 and TRP1 ion channels in epithelial cells. (2013) Medizinische Fakultät, Dissertation Universität des Saarlandes
Dembla S
Syntaxin 11 serves as a t-SNARE for the final fusion step of lytic granules in human cytotoxic T lymphocytes. (2013) Medizinische Fakultät, Dissertation Universität des Saarlandes
Mahantappa H
(2014) Measuring Endogenous ICRAC and ORAI Currents with the Patch-Clamp Technique. Cold Spring Harbor Protocols. pp. 283-290
Alansary D, Kilch T, Holzmann C, Peinelt C, Hoth M, and Lis A
(2014). A simple, economic, time-resolved killing assay. Eur J Immunol 44, 1870-2
Kummerow C, Schwarz EC, Bufe B, Zufall F, Hoth M, Qu B
(2014). A wide range of pheromone-stimulated sexual and reproductive behaviors in female mice depend on G protein G (alpha) o. BMC Biology. 12:31
Oboti L, Pérez-Gómez A, Keller M, Jacobi E, Birnbaumer L, Leinders-Zufall T, Zufall F and Chamero P
(2014). Absence of BiP co-chaperone DNAJC3 causes diabetes mellitus and multisystemic neurodegeneration. Am J Hum Genet 95 689-697
Synofzik M, Haack TB, Kopajtich R, Gorza M, Rapaport D, Greiner M, Schonfeld C, Freiberg C, Schorr S, Holl RW, Gonzalez MA, Fritsche A, Fallier-Becker P, Zimmermann R, Strom TM, Meitinger T, Zuchner S, Schule R, Schols L, Prokisch H
(2014). Alanine-(87)-threonine polymorphism impairs signaling and internalization of the human P2Y11 receptor, when co-expressed with the P2Y1 receptor. J Neurochem. (4):602-13
Haas M, Shaaban A, Reiser G
(2014). ArfGAP3 is a component of the photoreceptor synaptic ribbon complex and forms a NAD(H)-regulated, redox-sensitive complex with RIBEYE that is important for endocytosis. The Journal of Neuroscience, 34(15):5245-5260
Dembla M, Wahl S, Katiyar R and Schmitz F
(2014). Complexin synchronizes primed vescicle exocytosis and regulates fusion por dyanmis. J Cell Biol. 204(7):1123-40
Dhara M, Yarzagaray A, Schwarz Y, Dutta S, Grabner C, Moghadam PK, Bost A, Schirra C, Rettig J, Reim K, Brose N, Mohrmann R, Bruns D
(2014). Complexin synchronizes primed vescicle exocytosis and regulates fusion por dyanmis. J Cell Biol. 204(7):1123-40
Dhara M, Yarzagaray A, Schwarz Y, Dutta S, Grabner C, Moghadam PK, Bost A, Schirra C, Rettig J, Reim K, Brose N, Mohrmann R, Bruns D
(2014). Complexin synchronizes primed vesicle exocytosis and regulates fusion pore dynamics. J. Cell Biol. 204, 1123-1140
Dhara M, Yarzagaray A, Schwarz Y, Dutta S, Grabner C, Moghadam PK, Bost A, Schirra C, Rettig J, Reim K, Brose N, Mohrmann R, Bruns D
(2014). Complexin synchronizes primed vesicle exocytosis and regulates fusion pore dynamics. The Journal of cell biology 204:1123-1140
Dhara M, Yarzagaray A, Schwarz Y, Dutta S, Grabner C, Moghadam PK, Bost A, Schirra C, Rettig J, Reim K, Brose N, Mohrmann R, Bruns D
(2014). Differential synaptic distribution of the scaffold proteins Cask and Caskin1 in the bovine retina. Mol Cell Neurosci. Sep;62: 19-29
Anjum R, Ayoubian H, Schmitz F
(2014). Differential targeting of cPKC and nPKC decodes and regulates Ca2+ and lipid signalling. Biochem. Soc. Trans. 42, 1538–1542
Hui X, Kaestner L & Lipp P
(2014). Human T cells monitored by impedance spectrometry using field-effect transistor arrays: A novel tool for single-cell adhesion and migration studies. Biosensors & Bioelectronics 67:170- 6
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