Projekt Druckansicht

Transformation of European Universities

Antragsteller Professor Dr. Georg Krücken, seit 10/2011
Fachliche Zuordnung Bildungssysteme und Bildungsinstitutionen
Förderung Förderung von 2009 bis 2013
Projektkennung Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Projektnummer 134983056
TRUE addresses the Governance and Steering topic in the EUROHESC call for proposals. The aim of the research is to clarify how steering and governance have affected organisational characteristics of higher education institutions (HEis) and how this has affected the differentiation of the European higher education (HE) landscape. The transformation will be analysed by means of three perspectives: 1) universalism assumes that universities are specific organisations; 2) instrumentalism assumes that universities are just like any kind of Organisation; and 3) institutionalism assuming that the crucial question is the fit between the norms and values of universities and reformers. The TRUE project will bring together researchers from eight different countries, making it a truly European project. The CRP focuses on three interrelated themes: governance and steering, organisational change and the higher education landscape. The IPs and APs have divided the subthemes between them in order to study the subthemes comparatively in a systematic way. The CRP has accordingly adopted a procedure for a common eight country database based on five data collection strategies: a) National cases studies based on a common design, realised by national teams. b) Case studies of three individual HEis in each country (24 overall). c) Joint survey of all HEis in the involved countries, developed collectively and delivered nationally. d) In-depth comparative analyses of national policies and Instruments: e) Collection of common data for a basic characterization of HEis. The main CRP deliverables will be a series of four books providing comparative analyses on each of the three sub themes: 1) policy, governance and steering, 2) organisational change, 3} the higher education landscape, and 4) a comparative book on the TRUE main topic, the transformation of universities in Europe, where the three subthemes are brought together.
DFG-Verfahren Sachbeihilfen
Internationaler Bezug Großbritannien, Niederlande, Norwegen, Portugal, Schweiz
Ehemalige Antragstellerin Privatdozentin Dr. Barbara Kehm, bis 10/2011


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