Das Porcupine-Becken als natürliches Labor zur Untersuchung der Symmetrie und der Entwicklung der Extensionstektonik bis hin zum kontinentalen Aufbrechen: Weitwinkelseismik und Krustenstruktur (M61/2)
Professor Dr. Ernst R. Flüh
Fachliche Zuordnung
Atmosphären-, Meeres- und Klimaforschung
Förderung von 2005 bis 2010
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Projektnummer 13676145
Zusammenfassung der Projektergebnisse
Keine Zusammenfassung vorhanden
Projektbezogene Publikationen (Auswahl)
Continental breakup: evidence from west of Ireland, West Iberia and the Alps, Kolloqium February 2005: Irish Geoscience Research Meeting
T. J. Reston
Formation of non-volcanic rifted margins by the progressive extension of the continental lithosphere; Seminar in Cambridge, March 2005
T. J. Reston
2006: Overview of non-volcanic rifted margins; IODP meeting on Rifted margins in Pontresina, Switzerland
Reston, T.J.
2006: Seismic investigations of the structure of the Porcupine Basin, west of Ireland. 66. DGG Jahrestagung, Bremen, 06.-09.03.2006
Reston, T.J., Flüh, E.R., Gaw, V. and Wagner, G.
2007: Seismic investigations of the structure of the Porcupine Basin, west of Ireland. EGU General Assembly, Wien, Österreich, 15.-20.04.2007
Reston, T.J., Flüh, E.R., Gaw, V. and Wagner, G.
2007: Traveltime modelling results of seismic wide-angle data collected during RV "Meteor" cruise M61-2 Porcupine Basin, west of Ireland. EGU General Assembly, Wien, Österreich, 15.-20.04.2007
Wagner, G., Reston, T.J., Flüh, E.R. and Klaeschen, D.
2007: Wide-angle seismic investigations of the structure of the Porcupine Basin, west of Ireland. DGG 67. Jahrestagung, Aachen, 26.-29.03.2007
Wagner, G., Reston, T.J., Flüh, E.R. and Klaeschen, D.
(2009), First results from an onshore/offshore wide-angle seismic experiment in SW Ireland., Irish Geological Research Meeting, Dublin, 19-22 February
Hauser F., B.M. O'Reilly, and P.W. Roadman
(2009), Mantle exhumation and serpentinisation in the Porcupine Basin: seismic evidence., Atlantic Ireland 2009 Conference: A Research Conference Sponsored by PIP-ISPSG, Dublin, 19-20 October. Abstract Volume, p. 38
O'Reilly B.M., F. Hauser, P.W. Readman, and P.M. Shannon
2009. The structure, evolution and symmetry of the magma-poor rifted margins of the North and Central Atlantic: a Synthesis. Tectonophysics, 468, 6-27
Reston, TJ