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Cosmological magnetic field generation by the Weibel instability

Subject Area Astrophysics and Astronomy
Term from 2006 to 2009
Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 13800257
Final Report Year 2009

No abstract available


  • 2006, Dissertation, Instabilitäten und Teilchentransport in stossfreien, astrophysikalischen Plasmen
    Robert Tautz
  • Counterstreaming magnetized plasmas. II. Perpendicular wave propagation; 2006, Phys. Plasmas 13, 062901
    Tautz, R. C ; Schlickeiser, R.
  • Coupling, degeneracy breaking and isolation of Weibel modes in relativistic plasmas: I. General theory; 2006, J. Phys. A. 391, 3831
    Tautz, R. C , Lerche, I., Schlickeiser, R., Schaefer-Rolffs, U.
  • Coupling, degeneracy breaking and isolation of Weibel modes in relativistic plasmas: II. Specific examples; 2006, J. Phys. A. 391, 4833
    Tautz, R. C , Lerche, I.
  • On the Physical Realization of Two-dimensional Turbulence Fields in Magnetized Interplanetary Plasmas; 2006, ApJ 651, 584
    Stockem, A., Lerche, I., Schlickeiser, R.
  • Plasma Instabilities in Gamma-Ray Bursts: Neutral Points and the Effect of Mode Couphng; 2006, ApJ 653, 447
    Tautz, R. C , Lerche, I.
  • Self-consistent nonlinear transverse waves in relativistic plasmas; 2006, Phys. Plasmas 13, 062303
    Schaefer-Rolffs, U., Lerche, I.
  • The relativistic kinetic Weibel instability: General arguments and specific illustrations; 2006, Phys. Plasmas 13, 012107
    Schaefer-Rolffs, U., Lerche, I., Schlickeiser, R.
  • Unstable longitudinal plasma oscillations in a magnetic field: Nonrelativistic and relativistic considerations; 2006, Phys. Plasmas 13, 052112
    Tautz, R. C , Lerche, I., Schlickeiser, R.
  • A Note on Summation of Kapteyn Series in Astrophysical Problems; 2007, ApJ 665, 1288
    Lerche, I., Tautz, R. C.
  • Evidence for monochromatic unstable Weibel modes in asymmetric counterstreaming pair plasmas, 2007, Astroph. Space Sci. 310, 159
    Tautz, R. C, Sakai, J.-L., Lerche, I.
  • Field line wandering and perpendicular scattering of charged particles in Alfvenic slab turbulence; 2007, AA 475, 415
    Shalchi, A., Tautz, R. C, Schlickeiser, R.
  • Isolated unstable Weibel modes in unmagnetized plasmas with tunable asymmetry; 2007, J. Phys. A 40, 677
    Tautz, R. C , Lerche, I.
  • Magnetic field amplification in anisotropic counterstreaming pair plasmas; 2007, Phys. Plasmas 14, 012104
    Tautz, R. C , Sakai, J.-I.
  • Nonresonant kinetic instabilities ofa relativistic plasma in a uniform magnetic field: Longitudinal and transverse mode coupling effects; 2007, J. Math Phys. 48, 013302
    Tautz, R. C, Schlickeiser, R., Lerche, I.
  • Spontaneous emission of Weibel fiuctuations by anisotropic distributions; 2007, Phys. Plasmas 14, 102102
    Tautz, R. C; Schlickeiser, R.
  • Weakly propagating unstable modes in unmagnetized plasmas; 2007, Phys. Plasmas 14, 072102
    Tautz, R. C , Lerche, I.
  • 2008, Dissertation, Lineare und nichtlineare Moden in stoßfreien unmagnetisierten Plasmen
    Urs Schaefer-Rolffs
  • Comment on "A new derivation of the plasma susceptibility tensor for a hot magnetized plasma without infinite sums of products of Bessel functions" [Phys. Plasmas 14, 092103 (2007)]; 2008, Phys. Plasmas 15, 024701
    Lerche, I., Schlickeiser, R., Tautz, R. C.
  • Kapteyn series arising in radiation problems; 2008, J. Phys. A 41, 035202
    Lerche, I., Tautz, R. C.
  • On particle transport in Weibel generated magnetic fiuctuations; 2008, Phys. Plasmas 15, 052304
    Tautz, R. C., Shalchi, A.
  • On the effect of baryon loading in magnetized counterstreaming plasmas. I. Analytical investigation; 2008, J. Plasma Phys. 74, 79
    Tautz, R. C , Sakai, J.-I.
  • On the effect of baryon loading in magnetized counterstreaming plasmas. II. Particle-in-cell simulations; 2008, J. Plasma Phys. 74, 815
    Tautz, R. C , Sakai, J.-I.
  • Scattering Length of Thermal and Relativistic Charged Particles in Aperiodic Magnetic Fluctuations, 2008, ApJ 680, 816
    Stockem, A., Schlickeiser, R.
  • Semi-Quasi-Linear Description of Cosmic-Ray Perpendicular Transport; 2008, ApJ 672, 642
    Shalchi, A., Tautz, R. C., Schlickeiser, R.
  • The relativistic kinetic Weibel instability: Comparison of different distribution functions; 2008, Phys. Plasmas 15, 062105
    Schaefer-Rolffs, U., Tautz, R. C.
  • 2009, Dissertation, Plasmainstabilitäten in anisotropen Gegenstromverteilungen
    Anne Stockem
  • Cosmological Effects of Weibel- Type Instabilities; 2009, ApJ 693, 1133
    Lazar, M., Schlickeiser, R., Wielebinski, R., Poedts, S.

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