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Structural thermodynamics of complex carbohydat recognition by proteins

Subject Area Biochemistry
Term from 2009 to 2019
Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 153396481
Final Report Year 2018

Final Report Abstract

Aim of the project was to explore origins of affinity, specificity and energetics of protein-carbohydrate interactions on large protein interfaces. During the first funding period, we could establish a set of highly stable model proteins from bacteriophages that recognize oligosaccharides from the Gram-negative bacterial cell surface. We defined the origin of high-affinity hot spots on a glycan-binding protein interface and the impact of glycan dynamics on ligand affinity in the presence of structural water molecules in the binding site. This work has set up the basis for further studies in the second funding period that focused on the interdisciplinary analysis of our model systems with computational, NMR-, X-ray crystallography and calorimetry studies. Here, emphasis lay on the description of ligand dynamics in solution in the presence of low-affinity binding sites. With a high-affinity model system we were able to quantify the energetics of desolvation both with computational and experimental methods. This is an exceptional result for oligosaccharide-protein complexes where the field still lacks data on contributions of single water molecules to overall affinity of complex formation. Our model systems have focused on neutral, i.e. uncharged oligosaccharide ligands. In the second funding period we therefore aimed at defining protein interfaces with anionic oligosaccharides. Anionic glycans are widespread in protective extracellular matrices of microorganisms. They are an important research target because development of new antibiotic strategies implies a thorough understanding of all protein interaction sites with these ligands during synthesis, transport and interactions with the immune system or in biofilms. We have engineered fragments of polysialic acid binding proteins with different binding site architectures. However, preparation and handling of polysialic acid fragments was more time consuming than expected and so far, interaction data is not yet available. Instead we have isolated a biofilm modifying enzyme from the plant pathogen Pantoea stewartii. We tested interactions with anionic purified exopolysaccharide preparations and found strong impact on microviscosity, stressing that biofilm producing bacteria as well as bacteriophages possess proteins that shape the biophysical properties of polyanionic extracellular matrices in a defined manner.



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