Projekt Druckansicht

Magneto-elastic coupling of surface acoustical waves with confined spin waves

Antragsteller Professor Dr. Sergej O. Demokritov, Ph.D., seit 1/2013
Fachliche Zuordnung Experimentelle Physik der kondensierten Materie
Förderung Förderung von 2010 bis 2015
Projektkennung Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Projektnummer 163904360
Erstellungsjahr 2015

Zusammenfassung der Projektergebnisse

The aim of this project is to study interactions between magnetic and mechanic degrees of freedom resulting in the coupling between high-frequency mechanical and magnetic oscillations and waves. During the project implementation different aspects of this coupling have been addressed. In particular, we studied the excitation of waves of magnetization by using elastic waves and the transfer of the angular momentum between the substrate and the spin system of ferromagnetic films. The first interaction allows one to control magnetization in thin magnetic films and nano-patterns by mechanical oscillations, which is for large importance for the development of novel magnetic memory, where the magnetization switching process necessary to write information is facilitated by utilizing non-magnetic effects. The second interaction opens possibilities for the reversal of the dynamic relaxation in magnetic systems, which represents the flow of the angular momentum from the spin system to the sample lattice. The results of the project show that, under certain circumstances, the substrate can serve not only as the drain but also a source of the angular momentum. This reversal can be used for amplification of spin currents, which is of large importance for novel spintronic devices operating with pure spin currents not tied to the transfer of electrical charge.

Projektbezogene Publikationen (Auswahl)

  • “Controlled enhancement of spin-current emission by three-magnon splitting,” Nature Mater. 10, 660 (2011)
    H. Kurebayashi, O. Dzyapko, V. E. Demidov, D. Fang, A. J. Ferguson, and S. O. Demokritov
  • “Spin pumping by parametrically excited short-wavelength spin waves,” Appl. Phys. Lett. 99, 162502 (2011)
    H. Kurebayashi, O. Dzyapko, V. E. Demidov, D. Fang, A. J. Ferguson, and S. O. Demokritov
  • “Effect of the magnetic film thickness on the enhancement of the spin current by multi-magnon processes,” Appl. Phys. Lett. 102, 252409 (2013)
    O. Dzyapko, H. Kurebayashi, V. E. Demidov, M. Evelt, A. J. Ferguson, and S. O. Demokritov
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