Interfering with protein-protein interactions in the spliceosme

Antragsteller Professor Dr. Reinhard Lührmann; Professor Dr. Markus C. Wahl
Fachliche Zuordnung Pharmakologie
Förderung Förderung von 2010 bis 2015
Projektkennung Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Projektnummer 29078704


Erstellungsjahr 2014

Zusammenfassung der Projektergebnisse

Pre-mRNA splicing is carried out by the spliceosome, which is assembled anew on each pre-mRNA intron by the stepwise interaction of snRNPs and non-snRNP splicing factors. During assembly, maturation and catalysis, the spliceosome‟s RNA-RNA, RNA-protein and protein-protein interaction networks are repeatedly remodeled. To stall the spliceosome at particular, perhaps novel, assembly stages, we had proposed to characterize spliceosomal protein-protein complexes and to develop small molecule modulators of these interactions. We determined a structure of the complex between the yeast (y) Aar2 protein and the RNaseH-like and Jab1/MPN-like domains of the yPrp8 protein and screened for modulators of this interaction using an in silico approach. We identified a number of spliceosomal proteins interacting at the N-terminal domain of the human (h) Prp38 protein, determined the structure of this domain, mapped interaction sites using a surface-scanning mutagenesis approach and initiated a fragment-based search for small molecule modulators of these interactions. Using a time-resolved FRET-based high-throughput assay, we identified small molecules that interfere with the interaction of the yBrr2 helicase and a C-terminal fragment of yPrp8, validated the modulators using ALPHA Screen technology and characterized the activities of the substances by surface plasmon resonance, RNA unwinding and in vitro splicing assays. Finally, we developed a stage-specific highthroughput in vitro splicing assay that allowed us to identify a group of psoromic acid derivatives and of zinc chelating small molecules as novel families of pre-mRNA splicing inhibitors. The results provide a number of novel leads which now can be optimized to develop efficient spliceosome inhibitors.

Projektbezogene Publikationen (Auswahl)

DFG-Verfahren Forschungsgruppen
Teilprojekt zu FOR 806:  Interfering with intracellular protein-protein interactions - probing protein functions with small molecules