Projekt Druckansicht

Die präiktale Phase von epileptischen Anfällen - Untersuchung mit neuen Ansätzen der multivariaten Zeitreihenanalyse

Fachliche Zuordnung Statistische Physik, Nichtlineare Dynamik, Komplexe Systeme, Weiche und fluide Materie, Biologische Physik
Förderung Förderung von 2005 bis 2008
Projektkennung Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Projektnummer 16645421
The purpose of the present document is twofold: First, an interim report is given about the work done in Cuernavaca (Mexico) in connection with the DFG research grant “Die präiktale Phase von epileptischen Anfällen - Untersuchung mit neuen Ansätzen der multivariaten Zeitreihenanalyse” (RU 1401/1-1). Measures taken from Random Matrix Theory (RMT) were adapted in order to be applied to multivariate time series analysis of the electroencephalogram (EEG). The novel tools turned out powerful and valuable for separation of random from non-random correlations. Even weak genuine correlations in the EEG can be detected reliably.As during the investigation many new and urgent questions came up it is suggested to extend the grant for another 3 months in order to be able to complete the investigation. The development of the concept of the Cluster Participation Vectors (CPV), which can be used for detection of clusters among the EEG channels, shall be finished. Furthermore it is planned to study in detail the behavior of the measure of the individually unfolded nearest neighbor spacing distribution of the eigenvalues of the equal-time correlation matrix in the presence of EEG non-stationarity.
DFG-Verfahren Forschungsstipendien
Internationaler Bezug Mexiko


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