Projekt Druckansicht

Modelle für die selektive Quantendynamik von durch Attosekunden-Laserpulse getriebenen Elektronen

Antragsteller Professor Dr. Jörn Manz
Fachliche Zuordnung Theoretische Chemie: Elektronenstruktur, Dynamik, Simulation
Förderung Förderung von 2005 bis 2008
Projektkennung Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Projektnummer 16911360
Erstellungsjahr 2008

Zusammenfassung der Projektergebnisse

Keine Zusammenfassung vorhanden

Projektbezogene Publikationen (Auswahl)

  • Anregung periodischer Elektronen-Kreisbewegung durch circular polarisierte Laserpulse: quantenmechanische Modell-Simulationen für Mgporphyrin, Angew. Chem. 118, 3028-3031 (2006)
    I. Barth, J. Manz
  • Chemie in Zeitlupe: Computersimulationen zur Femto- und Attosekundenchemie, Tag der offenen Tür, FU Berlin, Germany, 23.09.2006
    J. Manz
  • Control of electronic ring currents and electron circulations by circularly polarized few cycle laser pulses, CCP6 Workshop on Coherent Control of Molecules, Birmingham, UK (G. Worth), 03.07.2006
    J. Manz
  • Correlated electrons driven by attosecond laser pulses and a little extra: chemical bonding without a minimum of the potential energy surface, ICQC Satellite Conference "Chemical Accuracy and Beyond", Tokyo University, Japan (T. Nakajima), 17.05.2006
    J. Manz
  • Design of Circularly Polarized Laser Pulses for Periodic Electron Circulation in Mg-Porphyrin, in: A. W. Castleman, Jr., M. L. Kimble (eds.), Femtochemistry VII: Fundamental Ultrafast Processes in Chemistry, Physics, and Biology (Elsevier, Amsterdam, 2006), pp. 441-454
    I. Barth, J. Manz
  • Electron circulation, ring currents, and induced magnetic fields excited by circularly polarized laser pulses: Quantum simulations for atoms and molecules, Forschungsseminar "Ultra", Universität Kassel, Germany (T. Baumert), 18.12.2006
    I. Barth, J. Manz
  • Electron circulation, ring currents, and induced magnetic fields in atoms and molecules driven by circularly polarized laser pulses, International workshop on Atomic Physics, MPI Dresden, Germany (J.-M. Rost), 01.12.2006
    I. Barth, J. Manz
  • Electronic ring currents and electron circulations driven by circularly polarized few cycle laser pulses, Tag der Chemie, TU Berlin, Germany, 28.06.2006
    I. Barth
  • Electronic Wave Packet Dynamics Driven by Few Cycle Laser Pulses: From Selective Excitation of Electronic Ring Currents to lonization, Akademisches Wochenende, Kolberg, Germany, 16.06.2006
    J. Manz
  • Laser Control of Nuclear and Electron Dynamics: Bond Selective Photodissociation and Electron Circulation, in: B. Lasorne, G. A. Worth (eds.), Coherent Control of Molecules (CCP6, Daresbury, 2006), pp. 18-27
    I. Barth, L. Gonzalez, C. Lasser, J. Manz, T. Rozgonyi
  • Periodic Electron Circulation Induced by Circularly Polarized Laser Pulses: Quantum Model Simulations for Mg-porphyrin, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 45, 2962-2965 (2006)
    I. Barth, J. Manz, Periodic
  • Quantum Simulations of Effects of Few Cycle as to Near fs Laser Pulses on Valence Electrons: Ring Currents, Electron Circulation, and lonization, Attosecond Science Workshop, KITP Santa Barbara, USA (A. D. Bandrauk), 28.08.2006
    I. Barth, J. Manz
  • Unidirectional Electronic Ring Current Driven by a Few Cycle Circularly Polarized Laser Pulse: Quantum Model Simulations for Mg-Porphyrin, J. Am. Chem, Soc. 128, 7043-7049 (2006)
    I. Barth, J. Manz, Y. Shigeta, K. Yagi
  • Chemie in Zeitlupe: Quantendynamik Computersimulationen von der Femtosekundenchemie zur Attosekundenchemie, Lange Nacht der Wissenschaften 2007, FU Berlin, Germany, 09.06.2007
    J. Manz
  • Electric ring currents in atomic Orbitals and magnetic fields induced by ultrashort intense circularly polarized pi laser pulses, Phys. Rev. A 75, 012510 (2007)
    I. Barth, J. Manz
  • Quantum control of electric ring currents by circularly polarized laser pulses, DPG Tagung, Symposium "Quantum control of functional molecules", Universität Düsseldorf, Germany (E. Riedle), 21.03.2007
    I. Barth, J. Manz
  • Quantum control of electric ring currents in molecular excited states, International Symposium "Molecular Response to electronic excitation", Bad Munstereifel, Germany (C. M. Marian), 17.04.2007
    I. Barth, J. Manz
  • Quantum Control of Electric Ring Currents in Molecules, Weizmann Institute, Rehovoth, Israel (D. J. Tannor), 31.01.2007
    J. Manz
  • Quantum control of electron circulation, ring currents, and induced magnetic fields, James Franck Symposium on Spectroscopy and Quantum Control of Molecular Systems, Schloss Hohenkammer, Germany (Z. Rosenwaks, G. Gerber, K. L. Kompa), 08.10.2007
    I. Barth, J. Manz
  • Quantum dynamics simulations for laser pulse control of photochemical processes, XXIII. International Conference on Photochemistry 2007, Köln, Germany J(A. G. Griesbeck), 31.07.2007
    J. Manz
  • Quantum simulations of laser driven electron circulation and ring currents in molecules and atoms, Theory Seminar, FHI Berlin, Germany (B. Friedrich), 22.02.2007
    I. Barth, J. Manz
  • Quantum dynamics simulations for laser pulse control of photochemical processes, Special seminar, Indian Institute of Science Education and Research (USER), Chandighar, India (N. Sathyamurthy), 07.04.2008
    J. Manz
  • Quantum dynamics simulations for laser pulse control of photochemical processes, Special seminar, National Chemical Laboratory, Pune, India (S. Pal), 02.04.2008
    J. Manz
  • Quantum dynamics simulations for laser pulse control of photochemical processes, Special seminar, University of Hyderabad, India (S. Mahapatra), 04.04.2008
    J. Manz
  • Quantum simulations of toroidal electric ring currents and magnetic fields in linear molecules induced by circularly polarized laser pulses, Chem. Phys. 347, 263-271 (2008)
    I. Barth, J. Manz, L. Serrano-Andres
  • Time-dependent extension of Koopmans' picture for ionisation by a laser pulse: application to H2(B1Z1^)t Mol. Phys. 106, 467-483 (2008)
    I. Barth, J. Manz, G. K. Paramonov
  • Wavepacket dynamics driven by laser pulses: (i) A time-dependent extension of Koopman 's picture, (ii) Extension from electron circulation to nuclear pseudorotation driven by circularly polarized laser pulses, Special seminar, Hebrew University, Jerusalem, Israel (M. Baer), 18.02.2008
    J. Manz


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