Projekt Druckansicht

Complex Metallic Alloys: Materials Production and Crystal Growth

Antragsteller Dr. Michael Feuerbacher
Fachliche Zuordnung Experimentelle Physik der kondensierten Materie
Förderung Förderung von 2006 bis 2014
Projektkennung Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Projektnummer 17507971
This proposal is part of the Paketantrag “Physical Properties of Complex Metallic Alloys (PPCMA)”. The Paketantrag addresses Complex Metallic Alloys (CMAs) as a novel field in materials science with the primary goal to determine and understand the physical properties of a wide range of CMA phases. The Paketantrag scientifically complements the European Network of Excellence “Complex metallic alloys”. In the framework of the present proposal we will continue developing a well-defined high-quality materials basis for experimental investigation. We will develop growth routes for the production of single crystals of highest structural quality of a size large enough for the application of most experimental methods in order to investigate the intrinsic physical materials properties, and we will produce materials in singlephased, polycrystalline form. The materials to be grown are selected such that a maximum knowledge gain can be expected. On the one hand we take care to provide a wide spectrum of CMA materials, covering different structure types, degrees of complexity, and element content, and on the other hand, we take care to include materials with specific relationships, e.g. isostructural phases in different alloy systems, or varying structure type at identical local order, which allow for insightful comparative studies. The materials produced will, after basic characterization, be provided for investigation to the other partners in the Paketantrag and, if required, to further collaborating partners in the European Network of Excellence “Complex metallic alloys”.
DFG-Verfahren Sachbeihilfen
Beteiligte Person Professor Dr. Knut W. Urban


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