Projekt Druckansicht

Signalling-Pathways Regulating the Dynamic Localization of Z-disc-Associated Proteins

Fachliche Zuordnung Zellbiologie
Förderung Förderung von 2010 bis 2018
Projektkennung Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Projektnummer 148688621
Erstellungsjahr 2019

Zusammenfassung der Projektergebnisse

The Z-disc is a major structural part of the myofibril which has to withstand enormous mechanical strain. It is composed of a limited number of structural proteins but a plethora of polypeptides are associated with the Z-disc, at least transiently. This dynamic nature is important to allow for continuous replacement of damaged components and to keep up adaptability to varying physiological needs. The main aim of our project was to decipher how this dynamic behaviour of Z-disc components is regulated, and in particular, which signalling pathways influence protein interactions and protein turnover. Extensive biochemical studies allowed us to establish the most comprehensive map of proteinprotein interactions at the Z-disc known to date. To understand how these interactions are regulated, we established in close collaboration with P4 a map of protein phosphorylations elicited by contractile activity. This data provided a basis for detailed analyses of protein interaction dynamics, which we investigated at the sub-cellular level using BiFC and FRAP. We focused our investigations on the large actin-binding protein filamin C (FLNc) and its ligands and found that they are particularly dynamic Z-disc-associated proteins and that phosphorylation fine-tunes this dynamic behavior. The main function of these proteins seems to sense mechanically damaged areas in myofibrils and to initiate subsequent repair. In this context we found, in close collaboration with P10, that the homeostasis of FLNc is controlled by interactions with HSPB8, BAG3 (linking to chaperoneassisted selective autophagy and transcription regulation) and myopodin/Synpo2 (linking to vesicle formation and autophagy machinery). Mutations in the genes encoding various Z-disc proteins, in particular FLNc and its interaction partners, cause severe muscular diseases. We generated a knock-in mouse model mimicking the most prevalent human disease-causing FLNC mutation (p.W2710X) and found amplified lesion pathology as the major pathomechanism. In addition, we were also very successful in generating and analyzing mouse lines expressing BAG3-EGFP or the human pathogenic mutant BAG3P209L-EGFP in a muscle-specific and/or cardiac-specific manner. Cardiomyocytes expressing the pathogenic BAG3 mutant protein exhibit a phenotype mimicking the human pathology. These combined findings impressively illustrate the enormous importance of Z-disc protein-associated homeostasis mechanisms for muscle function and explain the dramatic impact of mutations affecting components of this machinery in protein aggregate myopathies.

Projektbezogene Publikationen (Auswahl)

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  • Mutations in the N-terminal actin-binding domain of filamin C cause a distal myopathy. Am J Hum Genet 2011; 88:729-740
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  • Pathophysiology of protein aggregation and extended phenotyping in filaminopathy. Brain 2012; 135:2642-2660
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  • A combined laser microdissection and mass spectrometry approach reveals new disease relevant proteins accumulating in aggregates of filaminopathy patients. Mol Cell Proteomics 2013; 12:215-227
    Kley RA, Maerkens A, Leber Y, Theis V, Schreiner A, van der Ven PFM, Uszkoreit J, Stephan C, Eulitz S, Euler N, Kirschner J, Müller K, Meyer HE, Tegenthoff M, Fürst DO, Vorgerd M, Müller T, Marcus K
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    Ulbricht A, Eppler FJ, Tapia VE, van der Ven PF, Hampe N, Hersch N, Vakeel P, Stadel D, Haas A, Saftig P, Behrends C, Fürst DO, Volkmer R, Hoffmann B, Kolanus W, Höhfeld J
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  • Differential proteomic analysis of abnormal intramyoplasmic aggregates in desminopathy. J Proteomics 2013; 90:14-27
    Maerkens A, Kley RA, Olivé M, Theis V, van der Ven PFM, Reimann J, Milting H, Schreiner A, Uszkoreit J, Eisenacher M, Barkovits K, Güttsches AK, Tonillo J, Kuhlmann K, Meyer HE, Schröder R, Tegenthoff M, Fürst DO, Müller T, Goldfarb LG, Vorgerd M, Marcus K
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  • Myopodin is an F-actin bundling protein with multiple independent actin-binding regions. J Muscle Res Cell Motil 2013; 34:61-69
    Linnemann A, Vakeel P, Bezerra E, Orfanos Z, Djinović-Carugo K, van der Ven PFM, Kirfel G, Fürst DO
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  • HSP70 Binding Protein HSPBP1 Regulates Chaperone Expression at a Posttranslational Level and is Essential for Spermatogenesis. Mol Biol Cell 2014; 25:2260-2271
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  • Myofibrillar instability exacerbated by acute exercise in filaminopathy. Hum Mol Genet 2015; 24: 7207-7220
    Chevessier F, Schuld J, Orfanos Z, Plank AC, Wolf L, Maerkens A, Unger A, Schlötzer-Schrehardt U, Kley RA, Von Hörsten S, Marcus K, Linke WA, Vorgerd M, van der Ven PFM, Fürst DO, Schröder R
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  • Breaking sarcomeres by in vitro exercise. Sci Rep 2016; 6:19614
    Orfanos Z, Gödderz MP, Soroka E, Gödderz T, Rumyantseva A, van der Ven PFM, Hawke TJ, Fürst DO
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  • Filamin C is a highly dynamic protein associated with fast repair of myofibrillar microdamage. Hum Mol Genet 2016; 25:2776-2788
    Leber Y, Ruparelia AA, Kirfel G, van der Ven PFM, Hoffmann B, Merkel R, Bryson-Richardson RJ, Fürst DO
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  • The cochaperone BAG3 coordinates protein synthesis and autophagy under mechanical strain through spatial regulation of mTORC1. BBA – Mol Cell Res 2017; 1864:62-75
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  • The novel cardiac z-disc protein CEFIP regulates cardiomyocyte hypertrophy by modulating calcineurin signaling. J Biol Chem 2017; 292: 15180-15191
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