Projekt Druckansicht

Synthese und Charakterisierung von Oligoacenen für elektronische Anwendungen

Fachliche Zuordnung Organische Molekülchemie - Synthese, Charakterisierung
Förderung Förderung von 2011 bis 2015
Projektkennung Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Projektnummer 184280661
Well-defined linear π-conjugated aromatic molecules play an important role in different fields ranging from supramolecular chemistry to electronics. Mainly, because of their precise chemical structure and conjugation, which gives rise to well-defined functional properties (low bandgap, high charge carrier mobility) and facilitate control over supramolecular organization. Polyaromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) have emerged among the most promising candidates as organic semiconductors for the preparation of electronic devices. However there are multiple drawbacks in the preparation and manipulation of PAHs, due to their lack of stability and solubility. A good strategy to overcome this problem includes the lateral extension of the conjugation, which enhances the stability of PAHs. Such strategy together with the exchange of carbon atoms for heteroatoms and the introduction of large solubilising groups will be applied in order to prepare heteroacenes with enhanced stability and solubility.
DFG-Verfahren Sachbeihilfen
Internationaler Bezug Spanien


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