Projekt Druckansicht

A Comparative approach in Drosophila larvae to identify the neuronal circuits signaling punishment and reward in associative olfactory learning

Fachliche Zuordnung Kognitive, systemische und Verhaltensneurobiologie
Förderung Förderung von 2010 bis 2016
Projektkennung Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Projektnummer 187007853
Erstellungsjahr 2017

Zusammenfassung der Projektergebnisse

The aim of my Emmy-Noether application was to establish the Drosophila larvae as a model organism to analyse the behavioural, neuronal and molecular basis of learning and memory. Learning and memory is not only found in higher vertebrates. Also simple animals - as the larvae of Drosophila - can be used to study how associations are formed in the brain and persist over time. In the last decade work of several labs showed that Drosophila larvae are able to evaluate odors based on prior experience. Drosophila larvae are able to avoid an odor that was paired with a punishing stimulus (e.g. electric shock or high salt concentration). In addition, they are also able to prefer odors that were beforehand with a rewarding stimulus (sugar, moderate heat, low salt concentrations). But why is it advantageous to analyze learning and memory in Drosophila larvae? First, the simple brain of the larvae consists of only about 10000 functional neurons, which offers a realistic possibility to identify single neurons that are triggering specific aspects of different behaviors. Second, in the last decade simple behavioral experiments were designed and introduced that allow for testing the preference of the animals towards odors, tastants, light, temperature and mechanosensory stimuli. Meanwhile, this also includes the formation of associations of most of these stimuli. Third, based on the recent emphasis on genetic tool making in the last years for Drosophila several thousand Gal4 lines and related variations were created that in principle already nowadays allow for the genetic manipulation of every single neuron in the larval brain at a specific time point in nearly every possible way. Fourth, there is a significant effort made by the larval research community to reconstruct the every single synapse of every single neurons of the larval brain. These advantages might bring a full-brain, single-cell, and single-synapse understanding for different types of behavior into reach for the larva. The aim of this Emmy-Noether application was to establish three technical milestones: 1. Establishment of a database that lists and organizes the expression patterns of different Gal4 driver lines. 2. Introducing Calcium imaging to the larval field to record physiological responses of different types of larval neurons. 3. Automating larval learning experiments to allow screening experiments of several hundred transgenic animal. In addition five different questions were postulated that can be addressed with the new set of technical achievements: Aim1: Do larvae associate odors with "good" and "bad" stimuli on the behavioral level? Aim2: How are the neuronal networks organized that signal "good" and "bad" in the larval brain to establish different types of appetitive and aversive memories? Aim3: Where are the memory centers located in the larval brain that are able to form associations between different sensory stimuli? Aim4: Do larval memories persist over metamorphosis? Aim5: How is lithium chloride able to increase the memory of Drosophila larvae?

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