Theoretical exploration of the relativistic Jahn-Teller effect
Final Report Abstract
This theoretical project aimed at the demonstration of the existence of novel Jahn-Teller forces in molecules, atomic clusters and coordination complexes which arise from the spinorbit operator and are, therefore, of relativistic origin. Relativistically generalized Jahn-Teller and pseudo-Jahn-Teller Hamiltonians were derived for trigonal, tetragonal, tetrahedral and cubic systems using group-theoretical methods. In addition to a perturbative description of spin-orbit coupling, which is appropriate for systems containing moderately heavy elements, a more general theory of the relativistic Jahn-Teller effect has been derived which is based on a variational treatment of relativistic effects in electronic-structure theory and is applicable for systems with arbitrarily heavy elements. The theory has furthermore been extended to allow the construction of relativistic Jahn-Teller Hamiltonians up to arbitrarily high orders in nuclear displacements from the reference geometry. Numerical values of spin-orbit induced Jahn-Teller coupling constants were determined with ab initio electronic-structure calculations for selected systems, including tetrahedral clusters of the fifth main group and transition-metal trifluorides. Electronic and vibrational spectra of Jahn-Teller systems were computed with diagonalization methods or with time-dependent quantum wave-packet dynamics methods. Observable spectroscopic signatures of spin-orbit induced Jahn-Teller coupling could be demonstrated for some of these systems.
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S. Bhattacharyya, D. Opalka, L. V. Poluyanov and W. Domcke
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