Projekt Druckansicht

Karyotype and genome evolution in Brassicaceae Lineage III. Comparative karyotypic studies through multicolour chromosome painting

Antragstellerin Dr. Neela Enke
Fachliche Zuordnung Evolution und Systematik der Pflanzen und Pilze
Förderung Förderung von 2011 bis 2012
Projektkennung Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Projektnummer 206428017
Comparative chromosome painting (CCP) enables the identification of large homeologous chromosome regions shared among closely related taxa. In plants, the technique so far is only feasible in crucifers (Brassicaceae). The proposed project will elucidate chromosome rearrangements in the Brassicaceae Lineage III and aims to identify the ancestral karyotype for that lineage. This will be achieved through identifying the position of the ancestral genomic blocks (defined in previous studies) on the chromosomes of representatives of all seven tribes within Lineage III. CCP will also be applied to unveil the extent of infrageneric and intraspecific karyotypic variation within a confined species group within lineage III. The results will be analysed in relation to the Ancestral Crucifer Karyotype (ACK) as well as existing results of Brassicaceae Lineages I and II and also put into a phylogenetic framework. This will expand our knowledge on the extent of cross-species chromosomal colinearity, scenarios and rates of karyotypic alterations within Brassicaceae and the plant kingdom.
DFG-Verfahren Forschungsstipendien
Internationaler Bezug Tschechische Republik


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