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Optimization of Motion Planning and Navigation for Aerial Vehicles with Differential Constraints through Analysis and Control of its Observability

Subject Area Automation, Mechatronics, Control Systems, Intelligent Technical Systems, Robotics
Term from 2012 to 2020
Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 211396496
Image-based navigation systems with mono-cameras that are operated in unknown environments have to cope with a fundamental scaling problem. This means, it is not possible to distinguish between far distant and fast moving objects and close objects that are moving slowly. In some situations, additional inertial sensing allows to solve this ambiguity. The determination of the associated conditions for such an ambiguity resolution was one major objective of the first project phase. These conditions were considered in the motion planning, which allowed a solution of the scaling problem and thus, a systematic improvement of the navigation performance. In order to determine the position in addition to the scaling problem, a re-visiting capability of the aerial vehicle is required. Methods that allow such re-visits are available in literature, however, these are mainly based on heuristics. A theoretical treatment that provides a systematic procedure for re-visiting loops (i.e. when and to which extent they are required) is missing. This proposal aims at closing this gap. To this end, a generalized metric for the achievable navigation estimation performance shall be derived. On this basis, a theoretical approach shall be developed for the integrated motion planning and navigation, including positions, taking into account the differential constraints of a fixed wing aerial vehicle.
DFG Programme Research Grants

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