Projekt Druckansicht

Transport of suprathermal and energetic ions in the heliosphere and their injection and acceleration at shocks driven by coronal mass ejections

Antragstellerin Dr. Karin Bamert
Fachliche Zuordnung Optik, Quantenoptik und Physik der Atome, Moleküle und Plasmen
Förderung Förderung von 2006 bis 2010
Projektkennung Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Projektnummer 21152232
Energetic particles in the heliosphere are affected by many transport and acceleration processes. The intensity of Galactic cosmic rays and other energetic particles is modulated by the large-scale structure of the heliosphere. On the other hand, microscopic processes in corotating interaction regions, at coronal mass ejections (CMEs), and in other solar events and in the solar wind in general influence the flux and the spectra of energetic particles. Spatial and energy diffusion are determined by Alfénic, magnetosonic or ion-acoustic turbulence. We will focus on three types of energetic particles associated with coronal mass ejections: 1) solar wind ions accelerated at CME-driven shocks, 2) ions previously accelerated in impulsive flares, e.g., 3He and 3) interstellar or inner-source pick-up ions. For a better understanding of the transport and acceleration of ions in the inner heliosphere, where CME-driven shocks are thought to be quite strong, we will analyze the behavior of the three populations in the vicinity of currently accessible CME-driven shocks near Earth¿s orbit. We plan to cover the suprathermal and energetic ion energy range to investigate the influence of different shock configurations on the injection and acceleration of particles of different origin. In particular, we will investigate the different mechanisms of turbulence generation and the different types of wave-particle interactions near CME-driven shocks.
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