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Light-matter ineraction in optically doped nanowire LEDs and nano lasers

Subject Area Experimental Condensed Matter Physics
Term from 2012 to 2019
Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 186128001
Lasing action in semiconductor nanowires has been proven and realized by optical pumping, but above rather high threshold values. A lower threshold could be realized e.g. by doping with optically active impurities. Therefore, the main goal of this project will be the profound investigation of the dynamics of the intra-shell luminescence as well as the interaction of luminescence-centers with the cavity of nanowire LED and laser structures. The doping approach by suitable rare-earth elements or transition metals will be in general performed via ion implantation, and all material classes as well as LED structures offered by the FOR will be used as hosts. A comparison with theory will give detailed insight to the states as well as to the interaction with the nanowire matrix. A second important goal of this project will be the evaluation of the electro-luminescence response of special LED heterostructures, which are contacted in “sandwich” geometry rather than at the opposite ends of the nanowires. Experiments will be performed as a function of several parameters and its interaction with the environment studied in detail. The optimization of both issues (doping, sandwich geometry) directly target on the ultimate goal of an electrically pumped nanowire laser.
DFG Programme Research Units

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