Granitoid-Grünstein Beziehungen im östlichen Kaapvaal Kraton und Implikationen für die frühe Krustenevolution
Zusammenfassung der Projektergebnisse
Key findings from this proposal were that the Eoarchean tonalites-trondhjemites-granodiorites (TTGs) from the Itsaq Gneiss Complex were generated from melting of typical Eoarchean tholeiitic metabasalts that occur within the Isua Supracrustal Belt. For the first time, a combined thermodynamic-geochemical modelling approach was used to place constraints on the precursor rocks of TTGs. Isotopic and geochemical analyses revealed that the oldest granitoids of the Ancient Gneiss Complex of Swaziland were not juvenile contributions to the early continental crust. They rather formed by melting of older crustal sources, likely by interaction with mantlederived basaltic material. A second generation of TTGs within the Ancient Gneiss Complex likely formed by magma-mixing processes of underplated basaltic magma and melts of older felsic crust, followed by fractional crystallization. This suite of rocks were previously thought to represent typical TTGs. Contrasting to TTGs, which follow a trondhjemitic melting trend, this suite of rocks follow a calc-alkaline differentiation trend. By studying felsic volcanic, ultramafic and mafic rocks within the Sandspruit and Theespruit Formations of the Barberton Greenstone belt, it was found that both formations are indistinguishable in age and chemical composition and should be treated as one coherent unit. Geochemical modeling showed that parts of the amphibolites were crustally contaminated with older crust. This is also suggested by heterogeneous Hf isotope compositions of zircons from interlayered felsic volcanic rocks from both formations. The first coherent dataset for µ142Nd values for different rocks types, covering ages from 3.64 to 3.20 Ga, was produced during the course of this project. The results reveal that samples, independent of rock type and age, preserve either a modern-like µ142Nd compositions or represent slightly enriched values of ca. -6. This indicates that an enriched µ142Nd signature was reworked, inherited from a mantle source that experienced an early differentiation event within the first 500 Ma of Earth’s history, or that an enriched signal from a Hadean protocrust was reworked throughout the Archean in the eastern Kaapvaal craton. By analyzing the Hf isotopic and trace element composition of the ultra-depleted 3.33 Ga Commondale komatiites the most depleted mantle sources for Paleoarchean rocks worldwide were found. Interestingly, the Hf-Nd-Os isotope systems revealed coherent ages but documented decoupled isotope compositions. It was shown by isotope and trace element modeling that the decoupling either originated from a subduction-derived fluid overprint of strongly depleted mantle sources or by inheritance of an isotopic signature from delaminated garnet-pyroxenite restites in the mantle source. Based on analyses of amphibolites of the Pongola Supergroup found in the Kubuta region, a refined model for the formation of the Pongola volcanic suite was proposed. All magmas experienced crustal contamination by AFC processes involving >3.5 Ga crust of the Ancient Gneiss Complex and were initially derived from komatiitic melts that were likely generated in a mantle plume. Based on the major and trace element compositions of the Kubuta Pongola volcanics were identified as the most mafic compositions yet published from the supergroup. As indicated using the Nb/Yb vs. Th/Yb diagram and trace element modelling a progressing source depletion was obtained and a refined model for the Pongola volcanism was proposed in the PhD thesis.
Projektbezogene Publikationen (Auswahl)
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