Projekt Druckansicht

4th International PhD School Plant Development

Fachliche Zuordnung Zell- und Entwicklungsbiologie der Pflanzen
Förderung Förderung von 2011 bis 2013
Projektkennung Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Projektnummer 214375013
With the growing complexity of biological research projects In the last decades it has become increasingly important for scientist to communicate and collaborate across geographical and subject boundaries. Thus, young scientist not only need to be trained early in their career to present data at international meetings and discuss it with peers and leaders in the field, but also to organize and chair sessions, as well as to network and identify potential collaboration partners. The PhD School on Plant Development has been set up four years ago to train young scientists in these skills and give them a platform for communication and collaboration. Plant developmental biology is an exciting and fast moving field, which has seen many breakthroughs over the last decades, but apart from this PhD School does not have a signature meeting aimed at international graduate students and young postdocs. Thus, the PhD School on Plant Development plays an important role w/ithin the community of plant scientists and in addition has served to increase the visibility and attractiveness of Germany for young researchers. As the new organization team we are happy and proud to lead this exciting meeting into its fourth year and to invite to the fourth International PhD School on PLANT DEVELOPMENT that will cover many aspects of plant development raging from stem cell control to variations of the developmental program in response to the environment. The meeting is open to anyone who is interested, but mainly invites PhD students and young researchers in the first two years after their PhD. Attendance is restricted to 100 participants. The Organizers reserve the right to select participants based on the submitted abstracts if the meeting is over-subscribed. The International PhD School consists of ten successive sessions that are each introduced by an internationally renowned keynote speaker. The topics of the sessions include all fields of plant development such as stem cells and meristem function, vegetative development, hormone signaling, flowering, gametophyte and germ line formation, seed and fruit development, cell-cycle regulation as well as aspects such as genomic imprinting, evolution, systems biology and mathematical modelling. It is expected that three PhD students/young scientists represent their research data in each of the sessions that shall be chaired by other PhD students/young scientists. It will be at their responsibility to initiate fruitful discussions and guide constructive conversations. Two poster sessions will provide extra time and informal opportunities for discussions.
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