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"Let there be one koiranos, one basileus." Terminology of ruling and rule from Mycenaean times to the age of the early tyrants

Subject Area Ancient History
Term from 2012 to 2017
Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 214855461
Up to now research tried various methodological approaches to resolve the problem which form(s) of authority were known during the period of the so-called "Dark Ages" (without written sources). These ages cover the time from the destruction of the Mycenaean "palaces" to the rise of the early tyrants. Thus, it was attempted to explore the "historical core" of the mythical tradition. These reflections were complemented and partly supplemented by the sociological and political interpretation of archeological features. Further theories were supplied by analogies with features of other early societies or consequential general models of social and political development. The project at hand chooses different approaches. Starting point will be the evidence that several terms for political and social roles of rulership are used in early sources. In later traditions as well as in modern scholarship, these terms were often regarded as synonyms. In contrast, this project will illustrate that at least some (and which) terms can be recognized as specific aspects or forms of rule. Additionally, recent results in research offer new perspectives on the peculiarity of the Mycenaean political order (which presumably was no monarchic order) and the role of "basileis". General results on the idiosyncrasy of early Greek forms of rule and detailed insights in respective developments of an essential epoch in Greek history can be expected.
DFG Programme Research Grants

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