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Scientific Fundamentals for the Realization and Measurement of Small Torques - Development of a Torque Standard Machine for Small Torques with Reduced Uncertainty - DEBRATOR 2

Subject Area Production Systems, Operations Management, Quality Management and Factory Planning
Term from 2012 to 2017
Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 223507020
Final Report Year 2016

Final Report Abstract

The main objective of the project was the development of an enhanced standard for the realization of small torques in the national metrology institutes worldwide as the current state of the art no longer fulfills the growing demands in science and industry. Besides the metrological importance, this field has a great impact on scientific activities in micromechanics, biology and entomology as well as in many industrial applications like automotive, green energy and scientific devices. In order to achieve this challenging objective, a new method and a demonstrator for a new Torque Standard Machine (TSM) for the realization of small torques with reduced relative uncertainty of measurement was conceived. During the concept phase of the project, new solutions were elaborated in close collaboration of researchers from both countries. The derived solutions were systematically evaluated and the most promising principle that occurred in the process was selected. The new TSM was designed and built up as a demonstrator based a modified form of the Jockey-Weight principle, which is still in a joint patent application process of the institutions INMETRO (Brazilian National Institute of Metrology), UFBA and TU Ilmenau. In preliminary works, the critical uncertainty influences have been detected and measures to reduce these influences have been developed. These measure have been implemented in the design of a demonstrator that has been built and put in operation. One of these measures was the application of a high precision bearing which constitutes the first milestone. The second milestone was the verification of a new method for the torque generation and measurement to reduce the uncertainty influence of the effective lever length significantly on one hand but also opens up the opportunity to represent and measure any user defined torque without stepping but also in a semi dynamic mode. The third milestone was the verification of the realization of small torques from 1 mNm to 1 Nm with a relative expanded uncertainty of measurement Ur = 1∙10^-5 (k=2). The documentation of the results as recommendations and guidelines for the development and the operation of small torque standard machines represents the last milestone. Since the funding for the German side of the project was reduced (half time scientific assistant instead of fulltime, no funding for student assistant) the proposed work packages had to be redefined. Main results are a new principle for the representation and measurement of small torques with outstanding precision, the design and set-up of a new primary torque standard demonstrator as well as the experimental use to gain deeper understanding and further enhancement of the set-up. Further research will be done in ongoing projects.


  • A new approach to test torque transducers under dynamic reference regimes, In: Measurement, Journal of the International Measurement Confederation (IMEKO), Elsevier Vol.58; p.p. 354-362, 2014
    Rafael S. Oliveira; Simon Winter; Herman A. Lepikson; Thomas Fröhlich; René Theska
  • Characterization of the elasto-kinematic behavior of generalized cross-spring bearings, 58th Ilmenau Scientific Colloquium, September 2014, Ilmenau
    Luis Antonio Gonçalves; Antonio Carlos Peixoto Bitencourt; René Theska; Herman Augusto Lepikson
  • Estimativa do torque inercial em eixos girantes - uma abordagem metrológica ao processamento de sinais, Congress: 3rd International Congress on Mechanical Metrology (III CIMMEC), October 2014, Gramado, Brazil
    Rafael Oliveira; Rafael Claudino; Leonardo Gusmão; Ricardo Kalid; Herman Lepikson; Thomas Fröhlich
  • New proposals for the dynamic tests of torque transducers. 58th Ilmenau Scientific Colloquium, September 2014, Ilmenau
    Rafael S. Oliveira; Simon Winter; Herman A. Lepikson; Thomas Fröhlich; René Theska; Antonio C. P. Bitencourt; Renato R. Machado
  • A new proposal for the dynamic test of torque transducers, IMEKO 2015, Praha
    Rafael S. Oliveira; Thomas Fröhlich; Herman A. Lepikson; René Theska; Wagner A. Duboc
  • Nonlinear Modelling of Cross-Spring Pivots Applied in Primary Torque Standard Machines. International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Automation (IJ EMA)Vol. 2, No. 6, 2015; Print ISSN: 2333-9179, Online ISSN: 2333-9187
    Antonio Carlos Peixoto Bitencourt, Luis Antonio Gonçalves Junior, AlexanderWagner, René Theska, Herman A. Lepikson and Walter L. Weingaertner
  • Uncertainty of measurement for the inertial torque estimation in angular acceleration ramps of rotating shafts, Congress: Euspen’s 15th International Conference & Exhibition, June 2015, Leuven, Belgium
    Rafael S. Oliveira; Thomas Fröhlich; Herman A. Lepikson; Simon Winter; René Theska

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