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The History of the German Sociological Association as an Organizational History: From the early Discourse Networks of Social Scientists to German Reunification in 1989/90

Subject Area Sociological Theory
Term from 2012 to 2018
Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 224265735
The project investigates the role that the DGS has played from when it was first set up in 1909 until 1989/90 in establishing a form of social knowledge that pursues objective, value-free insights over practical, ethical ones; moreover, it explores the structures that lay behind These developments. The researchers started from the hypothesis that a scholarly organization is a form that reacts to the problem of connectivity with this kind of theoretical, value-free scholarly social knowledge. The latter must assert its relevance not only for thecommitted knowledge of intellectuals, the Church, or mass media, but also for the practical knowledge of politics and the economy. The core questions of this project are: What is the relationship between the structure of the DGS-network and the structure of sociologicalknowledge and the role of DGS had played as an organization in this relationship? How did the constellation of network organization and knowledge has changed between 1909 and 1989/90? Against the background of these questions here means are applied which serve to finance Investigation, evaluation and analysis of works collectedsource materials and a online DGS-personal database.
DFG Programme Research Grants
International Connection Austria
Co-Investigator Dr. Jochen Dreher

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