Ambiguity in Games: The Role of Uncertainty in Strategic Interactions
Final Report Abstract
The project looks at the issue of ambiguity, or non probabilistic uncertainty, in an interaction setting. It develops foundational aspects in decision theory and game theory, dealing in particular with the notion of dynamic consistency (of single decisions and of Ellsberg equilibria). It also provides applications of ambiguity to some particular strategic settings: certification of information, ambiguous communication and persuasion, contractual arrangements under moral hazard. Finally, issues of aggregation of ambiguous beliefs have also been given some answers. This project enhanced the Franco-German scientific collaboration in multiple ways: joint work, joint organization of conferences in Bielefeld and in Paris. At the end of the project, we decided to continue our collaboration; in the meantime, we have successfully formed a new group that also includes Queen Mary University, London, and Kyoto University, Kyoto. The new project “Ambiguity in Dynamic Environments” is also being funded by the Open Research Area in the Social Sciences.
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